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Okay, can we please stop the war stuff right here? The whole discussion ending up heading to a topic about war is the last thing I want, I was just trying to point out

@firs: thanks for explaining the term. To non-native speakers like, me it really sounded like let's go to war.

@yrth: I believe a player as himself and as a king should be distinguishable, though I do understand it is hard to do. Actually I was reassured that it can be done because you have tried to distinguish what you say as a player and as a king (with the use of the king seal on your post or not). I may be wrong, but I do feel that Kings were made so the Lands has a representation when making decisions, but not all actions of the player is necessarily a reflection of the Land (that is, when the person is acting as himself, not the king).

But anyways, yrth has stated that he isn't saying that there will be war, so I guess I've received my answer. Can we move on to other discussions please?

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when it comes from the likes of you, I find it funny, Yrth, so please don't refrain yourself :))
Being an Irish who can't maintain grammar of the posts in his own language, really adds to your credibility by the way.

I didn't put words in your mouth (that 'evil' thing I said is just signifier on what ambient your words can make, not the actual quote, I can't believe I have to explain this to you...)

It doesn't have anything to do with Marind Bell. In difference to what you were saying there, that wasn't a Marind Bell training ground. There were lots of non-MB players (actually, the only MB player that was present there was me as far as I know, and I didn't even want to get to the Drachorn Cave, like Ravenstrider, I wasn't asked to be ported there), there were people from Necrovion to Necrovion rebels present :))

Also, you confirming few things that I said, I can take out of (your probable) context, but I don't do such low-acts like some others. It's really tiring when I have to explain every quote you supposedly misunderstood.

You REALLY want me to explain to you how can you profit if you have a puppet (in extremes) king in another land? Are you that... hmmm... hmmm :P

to respond to Firsanthalas (it's really trivial, but just for the sake of responding to the statistic on Yrth voting)

[quote Announcements]
"Against" means votes that did not agree with Yrthilian being a King "In Favor" means votes that agreed with Yrthilian remaining a King

Simple count of the number of votes:
Against: 49
In Favor: 46

Edited by Rhaegar Targaryen
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If Rhaegar, Yrthilian and Firsanthalas want this particular subject go on, open a new topic, will you boys?

Our current topic is about the new GGG ground that some want created. You have to say anything else for that matter? If yes, do so.

I was not aware if Yrthilian was notified about the Lair being used as a training ground. I surely hope not, for the best. Although there was also a topic some time ago about Lifeline being gone cause he was using the Libs to train in Golemus with the King's permission. That is another topic, I know, but I would like to point out that there have been many 'Seighearts' so far. People who seeked to make a private training ground and were expossed.

And being expossed sometimes can get punished because not all training grounds work by the rules. Anybody remembers what happened to Crazymike?

I don't have a personal grudge with Seigheart... yet. But to create a training ground is a location that was even restricted by Mur himself, was a bad choice.

[size="4"]edited for grammar check[/size]

Edited by DarkPriestess
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[quote]Being an Irish who can't maintain grammar of the posts in his own language, really adds to your credibility by the way.[/quote]
Yrth has dyslexia. (sorry to say that publicly Yrth) So thats a pretty poor thing to say. Even if you didn't know, I don't think it takes a genius to work it out with the general amount of mistakes Yrth makes. I also generally consider correcting people's grammar and/or spelling in a forum to be of extra-ordinarily poor taste.
People makes mistakes because of age, lack of tuition, non-native speaker, anger or emotional responses, lack of time and conditions like dyslexia.
I think its a bit low to start pulling people up on things like that. But that is my personal view, nothing more.

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[quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1290178399' post='72568']
when it comes from the likes of you, I find it funny, Yrth, so please don't refrain yourself :))
Being an Irish who can't maintain grammar of the posts in his own language, really adds to your credibility by the way.

I am afraid you owe me an apoligy for that.
As is WELL known i am dyslex in RL and untill now no other player tried to pull that line on me in game or on the forums.
This just shows how you really are as a person to bring in someone disablity on to the forum argument.

Now i am very disapointed in this and i have to say i am hugly offended.

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i think you got those numbers muddled somehow, because Yrth is still King, and those numbers would suggest otherwise, also i believe Firs was referring to when he was voted into power the joke being that Yrth got to use 500 votes towards someone, and everyone else shared 1 vote, so whoever Yrth voted for got into power

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I wouldn't mention that at all (despite noticing some issues from the firsts posts I read from him), but he insulted me (directly, rather than making fun of my post) and I retaliated. I'm sorry to hear that he has dyslexia, but I'm glad that he managed to live fine with it (he has a job, got married... congratulations).

edit: (the quote was from the coup you and Metal Bunny tried to make Grido, Yrthilian originally became king directly from Mur, from what I know. I copied the info straight from Announcement log, I'll copy the whole post in one min just for you)
Yrthilian, I didn't know you had dyslexia, and I didn't try to make fun of the illness I didn't know you had (I assumed you just didn't care to maintain what you write, I don't have experience with dyslexia at all, you're the first person that I've heard of who has it)

[b]edit for the Announcement I quoted, here's the whole text[/b]

Results for Yrthilian Kingship public voting
All the votes submited have been reviewed, marked, and counted. The final result is very very tight.


Here are the count details of the voting. A full list of the 95 arguments submited (5 votes removed for being empty) can be posted public upon request. During the rating of each vote, a reputation mark from 0 to 2 was given based on your popularity in game. This mark will be counted for future uses. Make sure you vote on future votings to keep this mark updated.

"Against" means votes that did not agree with Yrthilian being a King "In Favor" means votes that agreed with Yrthilian remaining a King

Simple count of the number of votes:
Against: 49
In Favor: 46

Vote score after marking each vote with a mark from 1 to 10 based on the arguments provided:
Against: 185
In Favor: 203

Vote FINAL score after adding player reputation and land affiliation mark to each vote:
Against: 309
In Favor: 327

Additional notes: Golemus people voted with a score (final marks calculated) of 65 against and 69 in favor, a very tight score for a King that was suppoed to be forgotten by its people. Most votes came from people that do not feel associated with a land, followed by Loreroot and Golemus. Necrovion (Tribunal not considered) had the lowest number of votes.
Here ends the first public voting held with the new voting system. Like it or not, the decision reached by the voting is FINAL.

Edited by Rhaegar Targaryen
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I am sorry i really do not know what to say
Normaly i am not so taken back by such a comment
I am sorry but i am no going to be making any more comments right now
I dont know why but i am upset by the remark and normaly i would just brush it off

@ Rhaegar
I under stand you may not have realised i have dyslexia
but i really do not know what to say now i am stumpd at the moment.
I will get over it dont worry I wont hold it agenst you
I just need to step away for a bit.

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I'll stop posting here as well...
I'm sorry that this conversation came to this, I never make fun of people's troubles, if I knew what was the situation, I wouldn't post that.

I personally don't have anything against you, and wish you all the best in RL.

I hope this haven't affected you much

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rhaegar please leave this be. its my responsibilty alone and no matter how things may seem it is another kings land and he has every right to enforce laws and rules as he sees fit.
i already informed yrth about what was going through my head at the time i made this mistake. i myself will stand right for this mistake and i kindly ask that nobody reflects it on Marind Bell. it was a decision i myself took and i hope people will allow me to stand straight for it and not involve my citizen. i wont state my reasons openly here but give them to those involved.

but something u guys should know:
° the drachorn recruitment place in the drach lair is disabled.
° the training group was planned for a long time but the location was only picked right before i teleported people there and left myself back to marind bell. i didnt even know RJ was involved until he asked me if i can help him in inviting people inside. in other words the training group originally was never intended to be in golemus. so please leave the fact that it was a training group out of the discussion because it has nothing to do with the problematic situation.

i will discuss everything else with the king of golemus and the leaders. i wish to take the responsiblity for this myself, marind bell or my citizen need not suffer for my mistake.

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I don't see anything wrong with a training method as long as it is used in public. That said, there's really no excuse for complaining about rituals being broken in the case of a non-xp-gaining/non-damaging training exercise, especially at MP5, where everyone should have at least one tree and know to set multiple rituals in case of accidents and interlopers.

In MagicDuel, I think every player has a responsibility to know this is a game at least partly about dueling. If you don't want to duel, as some do not, there are steps you can take to stay out of that part of the game. As someone pointed out, the world is a dangerous place. Nobody should be surprised if people show up and attack without warning or even courtesy.

As far as courtesy goes, it is far too often unobserved or even tried. If you are trying a training exercise of a certain kind and someone wanders in with a different view, you should at least try going the civil route to see if you can work things out.

What seems to be at issue here in both cases (Marind's Balcony and the Drachorn Lair) is that a location is being used that is restricted or otherwise difficult to reach. That's not acceptable. Training in the MDA basement was a good idea - it's at least out of the way. If your complaint is that dst ruined things for everyone, my response is that dst and players who agree with her are part of the hazards of the world. If your training method is really fine and above-board, why not use it at the GoE? Because people will hit you every ten/twenty minutes? Please. Not enough MP5s hang around in public, and those who do get battered more or less constantly. You don't see us all complaining... I grumble a bit, but when one of those same people hitting me every regen cycle is Seigheart, I have trouble finding sympathy for his training group being vulnerable to brigandry.

Using non-damaging rituals to gain wins is a bit weaselly, using something I consider verging on using a bug exploit, and I say this as someone who has used and benefited from it a fair amount. When someone responds to weaselly behavior by being trollish, who is calling the kettle black? You can justify your behavior any way you like, but in the final analysis we are all using our combat knowledge to try to get ahead or otherwise enforce our will. If your complaint is that someone bounced your group using sendtogazebo, your response is to move to [i]the Drachorn Lair?[/i] That's a hugely disproportionate overreaction. If you use the method, be prepared to assume the risk.

Burns, Peace, and others have proven that GGG-type rituals and groups are not necessary to be competitive in MagicDuel. I might accept the argument that such groups help the poor neophyte MP5s survive in a hostile world, but some of the people in this particular group have maxed angiens. In general I accept the maxim "that which does not kill us makes us stronger", and overall I think much more can be learned from Burns' Fight Club than from any amount of non-damaging ritual training.

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[quote name='Tarquinus' timestamp='1290193950' post='72601']
I grumble a bit, but when one of those same people hitting me every regen cycle is Seigheart, I have trouble finding sympathy for his training group being vulnerable to brigandry.[/quote]

Excuse me? Up intil earlier this week, I have not been able to attack anyone without being wiped out period. Let alone battle experienced players. And the fact that you claim that I "hit you every regen cycle" is ludacris, and an outright lie. I have seen you once in the past 2 months, and attacking Keith Moon has only begun recently, as in the past week.

As for moving to the Drachorn Layer, I knew that it was closed off, but like other hidden places, I figured that if RJ had access to it, according to the general rule(If there is a way to do something, it's allowed unless its a bug, then you're allowed to abuse it until its fixed), we were allowed to enter it. It's not like you can recruit from the Layer anymore, so what is the big deal?

If it was really offlimits, Mur would have removed RJ's access ability. Not just close it off to the general public.

So please, if someone can explain to me why this is such a big deal, I would gladly listen.

As for Yrth's response to this action. You act like we intentionally kept you out of the dark. But as dst so kindly, once again I might add, used her acousitc remains, you will see that it was not the original plan, but a way to keep people from breaking our training session. If a hunter keeps attacking a herd of deer, don't the deer have a right to flee to the feild out of the hunter's grasp? I believe they do.

I have no problem taking what ever punishment is due for this action. If Mur decides to jail me, jail me. I will serve my sentence without a complaint.

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:)) Seigheart, you're everything else but a deer. May I nominate him for the funniest post on the forum? :))

Anyway, I want to add something since some of you use it as an excuse: "recruiting is not possible anymore". That is 98% true. But there is a 2% un-true. I will give you the explanation for just 1% of the 2: Manda. He was not supposed to be able to get in there and recruit. But he did it. As for the other 1%, Grido said it the best:"where is a will there is a way". And he knows what he's talking about.

Drachorn Layer was closed and restricted with a reason. So stop with the ignorance and for once just admit you were wrong.
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[quote name='Vicarious' timestamp='1290196066' post='72604']

As for moving to the Drachorn Layer, I knew that it was closed off, but like other hidden places, I figured that if RJ had access to it, according to the general rule(If there is a way to do something, it's allowed unless its a bug, then you're allowed to abuse it until its fixed), we were allowed to enter it. It's not like you can recruit from the Layer anymore, so what is the big deal?

I belive this was already said but just in case:


Please read this, the source is from the 32th post of the topic: "I Am Banned!", started by Manda:

[url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7660-i-am-banned/page__st__20"]"drach cave is closed explicitly, regardless if you have access to it or not. "[/url]

*reason of edit* clarifying

Edited by Sephirah Caelum
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[quote name='Vicarious' timestamp='1290196066' post='72604']
Excuse me? Up intil earlier this week, I have not been able to attack anyone without being wiped out period. Let alone battle experienced players. And the fact that you claim that I "hit you every regen cycle" is ludacris, and an outright lie. I have seen you once in the past 2 months, and attacking Keith Moon has only begun recently, as in the past week.[/quote]
And you hit him every. single. cycle. Sometimes you even won. It's annoying, but it's part of the game. Quit whining.

[quote]As for moving to the Drachorn Layer, I knew that it was closed off, but like other hidden places, I figured that if RJ had access to it, according to the general rule(If there is a way to do something, it's allowed unless its a bug, then you're allowed to abuse it until its fixed), we were allowed to enter it. It's not like you can recruit from the Layer anymore, so what is the big deal?[/quote]
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are pretending to be incredibly dense. The big deal is that the vast majority of players in the game can't get there. If Marind's Balcony was a problematic spot for your group because of the access codes, how much worse is the Drachorn Lair?

The simple fact is that your group has tried to preserve itself and protect its activities by removing itself from the mainstream of the game. That's not cool. Don't do it. If you can't defend yourself through means available to regular players, you're too weak to survive.

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here is my last two cents on this whole thing.

i was asked by I AM RJ if i wanted in on a GGG style thing, i had told him i really don't know what it is but sure i will get together with some other MP5's and fight. then a day passes and i was idling in paper cabin when i come back into the game i was in the drachon lair, first thing i did was think holy crap how did i get here and what is going on (not to mention i know maranda was banned for being there scared the hell out of me). i wasn't asked if i wanted to join them there, i wasn't asked anything, i was just was placed there.

so then me and RJ talked over what would happen, since battle system is messed up you can't set the usual non damaging crits at least i don't think you can. but here is where things got weird, grido must of told someone we couldn't be there, i had wondered this but was told that no eggs are here now, so i figured all was fine. so in the end i leave that dam cave only to be stranded on GG (for a freaking day i shall add), i don't know that land only been there 2 times both with torches just for the hell of it.

bottom line is i don't like this style of combat, but i sure don't like how dst came out on it, i am a hater of that dam SG very much i have been since it was made. in fact here is my public logs.

SubZeroo He is a dojo violator and doesen\\\\\\\'t listen to LHO\\\\\\\'s ohh
Tarquinus dojo violator
Gikanzin Dojo violator on 16th December,2008 10:29:25

so yes i will argue that this is more or less an attack on someone dst don't like, then someone trying to make rules in a game that is supposed to have no combat rules ! all spots other then sanctuaries should be free game that's the way i see it !

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[quote name='Vicarious' timestamp='1290196066' post='72604']
Excuse me? Up intil earlier this week, I have not been able to attack anyone without being wiped out period. Let alone battle experienced players. And the fact that you claim that I "hit you every regen cycle" is ludacris, and an outright lie. I have seen you once in the past 2 months, and attacking Keith Moon has only begun recently, as in the past week.
There are at least a few people with non damaging rits on at any given time. If you actually TRIED to attack people instead of relying on GGG because you're too scared to attack people, then it's not anyone's fault but your own.

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As far as the drac cave goes, I wasn't warned about it until after the fact. As it does state in the GAME. You are free to do anything in the game that is tehnicaly allowed. I was and have been in and out of the drachorn cave a long time. I brought it up before i went inactive last year after I dropped rpc that i still had access. Never got a repsonse on that so i figured it was allowed. So from the time I went inactive to the time I came back i'm supposed to sift through 1300+ announcements and over 30,000 posts on the forum to see one little oneliner post saying the cave has been restricted? If the cave was restricted why wasn't my access taken away, its not like i was debugging the system or whatever. As most people know i have very little knowledge about how to abuse the game lol. And as dst pointed out i was warned in the paper cabin. Lifeline was already offline by that point. I did say in the cave that there was question as to whether the cave is an allowed area or not and everyone should leave prolly. Lifeline got on in the morning(mytime) and sent me a pm saying he teleported everyone on the list out and to the capital. Everyone that was taken there didn't know beforehand they were going there.

And btw i dont like nor hate the ggg, i've been known to have gone there and screw people up once in a while, but to go there right when it starts just to harass players is too much. And harassing the same player over and over gets annoying after a while.

Oh and you cant count warning someone several times before doing it if the person was warned after the fact!... that goes out to several people saying i was warned by several people beforehand.

Edited by smartalekrj
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[quote name='smartalekrj' timestamp='1290237054' post='72629']
As it does state in the GAME. You are free to do anything in the game that is tehnicaly allowed.
You're technically allowed to swear all the time, abuse alts, abuse silence spell, abuse bugs, give out free WP, etc. You are free to do these things; but you will be punished nonetheless. Besides, if you really believed that you could do anything technically allowed and get away fine and dandy, you wouldn't be yelling about dst's "godmodding".

As another point, how are people supposed to warn you beforehand if they don't know what you're going to do? Do you expect people to read your mind? I'll put it this way; how often did you take people to the drach lair to train while you were RPC? Not very often, I'll bet. Don't assume the rules are different.

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[quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1290239051' post='72631']
You're technically allowed to swear all the time, abuse alts, abuse silence spell, abuse bugs, give out free WP, etc. You are free to do these things; but you will be punished nonetheless. Besides, if you really believed that you could do anything technically allowed and get away fine and dandy, you wouldn't be yelling about dst's "godmodding".

As another point, how are people supposed to warn you beforehand if they don't know what you're going to do? Do you expect people to read your mind? I'll put it this way; how often did you take people to the drach lair to train while you were RPC? Not very often, I'll bet. Don't assume the rules are different.

Who said anything about the rules not changing? They always change to benefit whoever mur likes at the moment. And you are taking things out of context. Here let me call a few of those CAN DO's you just posted out:

Chat flood, Spam links in chat or repeated spam in PM
Abusing bugs without reporting them
You are allowed to talk about other games but obsesivly advertising something or flooding the chat with link to a site will get you banned without warning
Spoiling quests or posting puzzle solutions / walkthrous on the forum is not allowed. You can help individual players but don't hand them the solution, just give them all the clues they need and let them figure it out..you can even give them more cluse than they need , just do not make it a boring click to advance type of game by spoiling it. Posting story spoilers / story structure / walkthrous on the forum or anywhere else will get you a warning, refusing to delete them will have your account permanently closed.
Exchanging WishPoints between you. WP should be rewarded only for good reasons.
Impersonating an other player pretending you are him or using very similar playername to do that
Using playernames like "MagicDuel" or a creature name or combinations that could cause confusion
Any attempt to cheat the system by directly altering page variables and such gets you permanent ip ban as well. Proxy use might not always help you.
Any repeated complain from multiple unique users will get some kind of unwanted action on you, try not to offend people, or to cause a mess in general
Keeping multiple browsers with multiple game accounts open at the same time will trigger a firewall rule that will get you banned from accessing the site, you better don't try that. You should be especialy carefull if you are in a network that exits on same IP with many others.
Repeated harrassment without reason of other players will not be tolerated. If you have a reason for that, that reason should be discussed with a moderator and if that moderator is unable to solve the issue then put up for voting on the forum. By harrasment we understand constant verbal abuse and moking. Repeated attacks or other ways are not considered punishable harrasment but can be brought up for judging if you think they should.
You are not allowed to insult someone in his public logs, if you want to share a negative remark about that player you have to explain it in decent terms.
Using personal informations about a players "real life" to offend/affect/destroy his MD Character will be investigated based on complains and will be punished according to the damage caused to that character. If you have something _personal_ about someone use ways outside MD to settle the conflict. In MD you are facing the character that person created and not the person itself. Players are asked not to provoke anyone to break these rules, please keep your sexual orientations personal as they should be.
Scriptable items should be scripted according to their name and description. You should not script items in a way that has nothing to do with their name like for example making a ctc verification item out of a sword or a healing item (probably possible with the new features i am planning) out of a chest. Players that use their editing abilities in such a way will lose their editing ability together with the wp spent for it. Players that persist in using scriptable items in a wrong way can get baned .

Pretty sure a few of them are in that cannot do list. As far as dst's godmodding how come the only time i see that stupid spell she has being used is when she is being made fun of? Coincidence? I think not. And when I was an RPC I couldve taken a bunch of people in there, but then they wouldve taken a bunch of dracs. Now someone going in there and getting dracs out of it would be abusive. But thats not the case cause dracs cant be bought anymore. Well unless you could somehow find a way to bug the system into getting one which i believe is in the list of CANNOT DO's.

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[quote name='smartalekrj' timestamp='1290239737' post='72632']
Pretty sure a few of them are in that cannot do list. As far as dst's godmodding how come the only time i see that stupid spell she has being used is when she is being made fun of? Coincidence? I think not.
First of all, the only thing you did was paste the rule list and say "You can't actually do some of these things." Your point? Secondly, she was given the chatlog spell and she uses it as she sees fit. If that is a problem, Mur would take notice, don't you think? Or wait, you think Mur is super-biased toward whoever kisses his ***. Does that matter? Mur is as human as the rest of us. Even so, he's much more fair than most of us.

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Well the point was those rules are clearly stated, whereas the one that was made up was in a post i never read. Therefore was unaware of it not being allowed. I dont like argueing with brick walls. So either learn to make sense, or learn to understand what you read. Your choice. You are clearly just looking for a reason to argue. Whether you make sense or not... And that is shown several times throughout this topic.

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  • Root Admin

If you continue to argue about things not related to the GGG and start insulting people then i will start banning you for short periods of time.

You have been warned, post about the topic and nicely and no harm shall come to you.

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[quote name='smartalekrj' timestamp='1290242741' post='72635']
Well the point was those rules are clearly stated, whereas the one that was made up was in a post i never read. Therefore was unaware of it not being allowed. I dont like argueing with brick walls. So either learn to make sense, or learn to understand what you read. Your choice. You are clearly just looking for a reason to argue. Whether you make sense or not... And that is shown several times throughout this topic.

So you go away for some time come back and expect you can just carry on from when you left off.
As a vet and a suppose to be good player you are smart enough to ask the people your know if this
would be an issue. Hell you even suggest that i have no access and cant do anything about it.

It is more argorant to think you know better and not check first. You know the people that would know
if the cave was open to that sort of use but decided you know better and went agenst the rule anyways
Ignorance in this case is not bliss. All it take is asking and you didnt bother.

No point in moaning saying well my access was not removed so i assumed it was ok. you went in to the cave and
noticed no more drac recrutment that had to be your first clue as to a change in the system. Just because your
access was not removed does not meen you can do it.

Now back to the GGG, I have no care for if it is made or not, As by now you all know the issues players have with the
GGG. it is the rules of not beeing allowed to attack and then ecery one come along and sits there and then we loose all the
mp5/4/3 to the location and have a bunch of rules one must follow. It is easy to make a GGG even if DST find it.

Oh look we have been found move to another location big woop. GGG does not need to be static in anyway other then the people going idel
they get logged out after 6 hours anyways so moving and resetting up is not really an issue. If you people were really smart you would
be well able to set up something properly. So the point here is no point in moaning about just take the hit and move.

I do however like the FC more so as it is reall fight, proper ones that player looking at their combat look learn from
and adapt. That is the real point of the foghting system. To learn and adapt.

Edited by Yrthilian
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