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Fang Archbane

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Everything posted by Fang Archbane

  1. [center]I recently came upon a Supercharged Heat stone o-o[/center] [center]upon use, it shall give you 30 casts of the -obvious- spell it provides o-o[/center] [center]seeing as how my max VE is 16k... it cant really be put to much good use. by me o-o[/center] [center]so ive decided to sell it D:! now then. bidding starts at 1 gold (to reduce spam) GO O:![/center]
  2. first off, assuming you know Pip at all is the first mistake... its Pip for crying out Mur o-o secondly, i get what hes saying, most people that "just want to know what happened" really "just want more ammo to shoot Pip with". so i dont disagree with him taking the fifth on this one o-o and last but not least, honestly Mag, he doesnt NEED to tell ANYONE what hes up to, if hes up to anything. he did what he did for whatever reason. hell do what he will for whatever reason. hes under no law that states he must explain himself to anyone. hell for all i know Pip could have just taken the alliance, shoved it promptly up his keister, and not answered pms or forum messages for half a year if he REALLY wanted to screw with people o_O *pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs* all im sayin is, maybe youll get to know him by NOT trying to get to know him. maybe the truth will come when you no longer seek it. as far as i cant ell, Pip is like a Philosophers Stone. just leave him be. if hes REALLY doing this out of boredom as it seems you assume, then hell, maybe he'll tell you the whole story out of boredom someday too >.>
  3. 1) i dont know whether to stab or hug you right about now, making me read all that >.> 2) meh. bring me back to your throne room. i miss home :] 3) feedback so you dont get all "this is SOOOOOOOO random fang, gtfo my interwebz noob" on me o-o i loved the event, and (even though i didnt win since im apparently stupid :3) i had fun, twas great, hope we do it again next year, and i cant wait ;33333
  4. lawlawlawlawl im a Savage Knator? i totally guessed that too 9DDDDD if anything, this Wolfen Child is indeed very Knatory :3
  5. Personally i dont know how to feel about this one o-o i mean, yes, it seems like Pip pippy pip does all this out of boredom, but who are we to judge him? i mean, im a Marind Bellian, to heart, ive been one for as long as i can remember, and i mean it, ive been here from the START O-O and yet, i dont understand Pip as much as i wish i did, so, i wont judge him ._. all i can say is "hrmm", and dwell on this subject a little more. see what becomes of it. i might support. i might not. well see ^-^
  6. how do we even vote?... and can i vote if im IN it? o,0?
  7. i totally missed sign up?!?!? NYU!!?!?!?!?!? *freaks* add me? ;~;?
  8. agreed! D:! Much love Murmur <3
  9. yes Burns, i even re downloaded and re updated everything, and ziltch :/ but ill try your linky Chewy, danke :3 Edit: OMFG Chewy that worked! Dx!?!? i love you so much ;~; you can close this now if you want Boss Wookie :3
  10. You get Water by using Buckets, Buckets from either the MDA Lands Public Bathroom or Wind Sanctuarys item area, Winds Sanctuary buckets by being a part of Marind Bell, and you cant join MB at the current date and time. sorry Underworld ;(
  11. so i recently (like 5 seconds ago) downloaded the newest firefox, since my Chrome is having troubles opening my messages window, since my Message Cloud (the add on bought from the shop) keeps making java crash. now, the problem is my Firefox (when on MD) acts like my iDevice does. as if Java doesnt exist, never has existed, and never will. i see no artwork (ie no artwork, no arrows, cant move) my crits images dont load, the map wont load, etc etc) and i keep getting Ajax Errors like MAD. as in every five seconds. literally. so i was wondering, how can i fix this? i need either a fix to my chromes mesage cloud, or a fix to Mozillas newfound ajax stupidity, because i want to play MD all at once, and not have to bounce to Mozilla to check my messages, while on Chrome to move, twould be great :/ anyone have any bright (or crazy, its all the same thing really...) ideas? -----Below this line ill post examples of the Errors as they come up----- Example 1) Error: TypeError Err description: undefined Err number: undefined Err message: sounds is null Ajax response: var chatobj = document.getElementById('livechat'); chatobj.innerHTML = "<div class='chatlistitem'><strong><a target='userdetails' href='../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=HUFzKtin2mZHgj_BCoRSbQ,,'><font color='#7E5132'></font></a>: </strong> <em style='color:#669966'>Fang Archbane collects water</em></div><div class='chatlistitem'><strong><a target='userdetails' href='../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=HUFzKtin2mZHgj_BCoRSbQ,,'><font color='#7E5132'></font></a>: </strong> <em style='color:#669966'>Fang Archbane collects water</em></div><div class='chatlistitem'><strong><a target='userdetails' href='../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=HUFzKtin2mZHgj_BCoRSbQ,,'><font color='#7E5132'></font></a>: </strong> <em style='color:#669966'>Fang Archbane collects water</em></div><div class='chatlistitem'><strong><a target='userdetails' href='../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=HUFzKtin2mZHgj_BCoRSbQ,,'><font color='#7E5132'></font></a>: </strong> <em style='color:#669966'>Fang Archbane collects water</em></div><div class='chatlistitem'><strong><a target='userdetails' href='../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=HUFzKtin2mZHgj_BCoRSbQ,,'><font color='#7E5132'></font></a>: </strong> <em style='color:#669966'>Fang Archbane collects water</em></div><div class='chatlistitem'><strong><a target='userdetails' href='../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=HUFzKtin2mZHgj_BCoRSbQ,,'><font color='#7E5132'></font></a>: </strong> <em style='color:#669966'>Fang Archbane collects water</em></div><div class='chatlistitem'><strong><a target='userdetails' href='../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=HUFzKtin2mZHgj_BCoRSbQ,,'><font color='#7E5132'></font></a>: </strong> <em style='color:#669966'>Fang Archbane collects water</em></div><div class='chatlistitem'><strong><a target='userdetails' href='../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=HUFzKtin2mZHgj_BCoRSbQ,,'><font color='#7E5132'></font></a>: </strong> <em style='color:#669966'>Fang Archbane collects water</em></div><div class='chatlistitem'><strong><a target='userdetails' href='../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=HUFzKtin2mZHgj_BCoRSbQ,,'><font color='#7E5132'></font></a>: </strong> <em style='color:#669966'>Fang Archbane collects water</em></div><div class='chatlistitem'><strong><a target='userdetails' href='../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=HUFzKtin2mZHgj_BCoRSbQ,,'><font color='#7E5132'></font></a>: </strong> <em style='color:#669966'>Fang Archbane collects water</em></div><div class='chatlistitem'><strong><a target='userdetails' href='../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=HUFzKtin2mZHgj_BCoRSbQ,,'><font color='#7E5132'></font></a>: </strong> <em style='color:#669966'>Fang Archbane collects water</em></div><div class='chatlistitem'><strong><a target='userdetails' href='../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=HUFzKtin2mZHgj_BCoRSbQ,,'><font color='#7E5132'></font></a>: </strong> <em style='color:#669966'>Fang Archbane collects water</em></div><div class='chatlistitem'><strong><a target='userdetails' href='../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=HUFzKtin2mZHgj_BCoRSbQ,,'><font color='#7E5132'></font></a>: </strong> <em style='color:#669966'>Fang Archbane collects water</em></div><div class='chatlistitem'><strong><a target='userdetails' href='../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=HUFzKtin2mZHgj_BCoRSbQ,,'><font color='#7E5132'></font></a>: </strong> <em style='color:#669966'>Fang Archbane collects water</em></div>"; chatobj.scrollTop = chatobj.scrollHeight; //alert('please refresh interface, hit f5'); var sounds = parent.document.getElementById('sounds'); sounds.TGotoLabel('_level0','chatmsg'); //debug sound //var sounds = perent.document.getElementById('sounds'); //sounds.TGotoLabel('_level0','chatmsg'); Example 2) Error: ReferenceError Err description: undefined Err number: undefined Err message: erolin is not defined Ajax response: erolin.SetVariable("heat","0"); //debug sound //var sounds = document.getElementById('sounds'); //sounds.TGotoLabel('_level0','chatmsg'); try{ parent.textArray = new Array; //alert('test'); }catch(err){ var errtxt = "Error: "+err.name + "\nErr description: " + err.description+ "\nErr number: " + err.number+ "\nErr message: " + err.message; alert(errtxt); }
  12. im interested in your 2 cheapest Jokers D: at the moment i have 2 Silver Coins and 2 Timeless Dust o-o if your interested in trading resources for crits, id like to let you know that i make anywhere from 22 to 55 water a day, depending on my needs (and laziness :3) anyways, hit me back as soon as ya feel like, and thx in advance :3 ~Fang
  13. Edited, please ignore.
  14. Welcome young one, watch your tail on the way in ;]
  15. Personally I'm all for alliances getting done first, the alliance takeover syndrome running around sickens me to my core. ~Fang
  16. [b]Nightbane Strongarm is looking for a tele to PC stone, and would greatly appreciate anyone that could help him with this little side need xD So yes, if you could help him at all, (and have a reasonable price xD) heres his info and how to reach him D:[/b] [b][b]His Profile page (for in game needs) ~> [/b][/b][url="http://magicduel.com/players/Nightbane_Strongarm"]http://magicduel.com/players/Nightbane_Strongarm[/url] [font="'Times New Roman"][color="#330000"][b]His Forum page (for forum needs) ~> [/b][/color][/font][url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/user/10648-nightbane-strongarm/page__tab__status"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/user/10648-nightbane-strongarm/page__tab__status[/url] So spam him! spam him like mad! Or just comment on this forum thread and ill make sure to pass the info on T3T^
  17. Ill miss you Sage D': the witty banter you had with the other Girls always made me laugh :'3 not to mention your awesome sauce incarnate and MD will never be the same without you D'x ill think of chu, please dont forget me *grabby hands* ;~;
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