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Fang Archbane

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Everything posted by Fang Archbane

  1. hrm... well, it is possible the game lagged/glitched/twacked out/Mur got bored, ya know, but still, it seems odd o-o
  2. still buying the 2 fresh BPs. definitely. still. buying o-o
  3. they do not seem to be hard to get crits... can you not simply re recruit?... I wish I could offer a solution, but I think advice for now will do.
  4. It is no big secret that my character, Fang Archbane, despises the character Eon to his very core. Eons role is that of a villain, Fangs, a hero, so it makes sense. But I will say this. As a person, from man to Eon (whatever he/she may be) I give Eon my complete respect. I also trust, obey, and abide by Muratus above all else, Eon and I are not that different. I'm on your side on this one Eon... Words I never thought I'd say, but I'm not too proud to admit it. I think the majority of MD has your back Eon, be proud of what you've done, your a great influence on us all.
  5. Or all brodi, it's all for the best =D
  6. Still buying two fresh BPs, each for 4 Silver, pm me in game or in forum o-o
  7. all of these, viable options ^^ a Drum to call back the dead a Wiiya Revival Team to fight evil :3 (power ranger status woot~) or a Sacred Garden to bring back those lost pick people, pick ^-^
  8. Wiiya can be used to revive the dead?... I would love to become a part of the Wiiya Revival Team
  9. ... Although scared... I support Awiiyas words fully... ...
  10. Goodbye my friend...
  11. I can only hope a ghost may still have the power to revive all.
  12. *bows* I'm here to help as I may. And although I am as old as Mur himself, I am nowhere near as wise. I try, but I lack. Tell me what to do Pickle Sage, and I'll follow without question.
  13. I'm here to help however I may Boss Wookie. I will not take sides on this, as my current role does not let me do much but be impartial. I learn quick. Just tell me what to do and I'll do it Chewwy. I'll make up any time you lack to be able to revive you. My life is busy, and I'm not always awake (always on but not always unidle) but I'll do my best. I'm the one that will step up and not simply complain. I apologize for not knowing what to do in this situation, but command me and I'll follow.
  14. Now I'm just buying two fresh BloodPact Archers Prices are at the top, pm me or post, thank you =]
  15. *smiles* I think Maebius and Handy will understand, and I do believe your reason is good enough, so, good luck Love
  16. Then I must assume the No Homeland Loyalty adds easier movement to the "Blank" places. Is that how it's supposed to be? >.>
  17. i suggest you contact Maebius or Lady Handy about the Angien Vall but youll need a damn good reason to be asking for an Angien. theyre sacred to Marind Bellians o-o...
  18. another problem id liek to point out. the Gazebo of Equilibrium has nothing under the land tab thingy. i get -15 cost to move when at that gazebo, as that is my No Homeland land loyalty amount. i dont know if thats the way it should be but, having No Homeland Loyalty helps me move from the Gazebo of Equilibrium. make of that what you will o-o
  19. im saddened to say that due to my recent leaving of Marind Bell,i am no longer in possession of the Water. Maebius now holds the ~1500 Water, and i suggest you ask him for help ^^ sorry, i wish i could have helped, but the East called.
  20. bump o-o still buying one (1) SharpTear (ST) and two (2) BloodPacts (BPs) bumpity bump bump
  21. Agreed, and you have full Lycan Support. This is a fantastic idea.
  22. personally, i always keep both orbs stacked so, i can just click the orb and boom, refresh, but still, i can see where others would have more problems here than me so, im all for this idea.
  23. Agreed fully, and I second Libby. A refresh button meant solely for the vp/ve/ap/HeatOrb etc, would be very nice.
  24. Mother of Mur nyuuuuuuu... No other reagent will get me the way you do Rhaegar ;~; Unless Maebius gets turned into Reagent 9.9 *secretly but not so secretly nominates Maebius* I liked you as reagent though Rhaegar. You are kind to me <3
  25. still buying 2 more BPs and 1 more ST o_O prices at top o-o
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