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Fang Archbane

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Everything posted by Fang Archbane

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  4. Same as my last post~
  5. Edited, nevermind, im very drunk, did my math wrong, and found some new things out, i take back what i said, my apologies, my apologies~
  6. as a side note, *raises his hand* im one of the dedicated dowsers you can call if you want water... o-o... just sayin~
  7. i believe you are right, and as a side note, ive found a way, so thank you to all who read this, whomever can, may now close this thread ^3^
  8. The title says it all >o> i need a Teleport to Golemus Golemicarum Stone ITC, and was willing to trade some water for it O:! so, if anyone's interested, we'll talk either in game or by way of forum, if you want to find me in game im always at MDP, if not, go nuts with forum messages -o-
  9. ill say it now as well, since i have TERRIBLE memory and i might not remember tomorrow ! (weed will do that to you xD) but anyways, happy Birthday you cute little Demon of the East, happy birthday indeed :3 and yeah... Gnomes are evil... but watch out for Cactus'... theyre even worse 0^0
  10. PFF! your happiness for birthday wishing PALES in comparison to mine! im Ledahs Slave, i see him on the regular (and usually alone, scared, waking up in Knattys Vacation Home with the odd taste off roofie in my mouth... anyways >x>) so i wish you a happy birthday Master Ledah, may you have many more to come >x3
  11. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Seig, you said "The gold will be distributed amongst the slaves", how so, and when? x3[/font][/color]
  12. you know your on MD too much when: your Murs PET D< and you say things like; "oh my mur!" "for Murs sake man! its a TARP!" (yes, tarp) "what would [b][i][u]MUR[/u][/i][/b] do?" and my personal favorite (and one i utter way too much xD) "HOLY MUR ON TOAST! WHAT THE FLYING PURPLE TWINKIE IS [b][i][u]THAT!?![/u][/i][/b]" *point point point*
  13. thats... kinky! xD
  14. too true, too true :3
  15. i am willing to be a slave for life, regardless of who buys me, just know that even a slave has needs, and i DO train mp3 newbies on the regular. if (and when) i become a slave, i wouldnt mind giving 6 of my 7 days of the week up to my masters say, but i DO need one free day a week to train newbies and... take care of Wolfen business =^,^= im on every day of the week from midday to anywhere from 8-10pm pacific time. when i buy my laptop (soon) ill be on 24/7 ~Fangy
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  21. ... sexy o-o ...
  22. my in game name is Fang Archbane, id love to be a slave, and im your everyday friendly (deadly) mp3 werewolf :3
  23. interesting o3o just wondering, thank you for the clarification lib libby lib :3
  24. just one simple question from this humble wolf, what will happen to those "offline" when "summoned. better yet what of those "idle"?
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