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Fang Archbane

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Everything posted by Fang Archbane

  1. Redacted
  2. Redacted
  3. Just need 2 BPs and 3 STs now people :3
  4. All right people, i have officially got 1 SharpTear Archer, so im still in the market for 3 more SharpTears and 4 more BloodPacts, if ya got em, pm me your prices and well talk ^3^
  5. *smiles* too true ^3^ ok then people, buying 4 BPs and 4 STs for 4 Silver each :3
  6. well, considerin im not very good with prices, i just kinda thought the seller could give me a ballpark... and wed haggle from there o3o but hey Libby, if you know the normal pricing, go for it, share it with this Old Wolf 9D
  7. [i]Edit: Still buying 1 fresh BP. 5 silver for it.[/i]
  8. indeed, so imma guess its important to a Murry level 8D *hugs Pipsticks* ive missed you >.>
  9. *chuckles* And yet I would love to know at all times, just call me crazy =]
  10. *points at Rhaegar and nods*
  11. Assuming you've unlocked all clues, or have no new clues you can access... It's still a problem Burns
  12. You, Boss Wookie, are an amazing leader and hard worker, and anyone who has complaints of, due to, or about you, should promptly shove their complaint up their keister D:< *smiles* Don't step down Chewwy. Ever. Your doing an amazing job, as always ~ Your #1 supportive wolf, Fang
  13. I forgot to add Mirror Ritual in my last post. That's also key.
  14. Move lock, attack lock, needles of feebleness, and 100+ people. It's all we need. If you guys are serious about getting united, I'm there, and I think I can speak for all the Bringers of Light, when I say I think they'll be there too.
  15. 1400 Water down, 8600 Water to go!
    I'm closing in Maebius >:3

    1. Maebius


      For [spoiler: Plans.] *nods wisely*

  16. *coughs* well. ive been "Multi-Tasking" on MD for a LOOOONG time now, and i havnt gotten heat for it yet so, i think its all good O_O just an estimated guess though tbh o,o
  17. pff, from what Mur told me a LOOOOOOONG time ago (im talking back when this all started status) your allowed to have as many alts on at the same time as you want, as long as they dont interact o-o so yes, everyone above me is right in their statements 8D and lawl, no, you dont need more than one comp, i USUALLY run all 3 of my accounts off of my one comp atm and run them all simultaneously 8'D its called skill o-o and no, you CANT get banned for that o_o
  18. *Is at GG with a cell phone as Maebius is on the other end*

    Can you year me now? Over. ( ^-^)

    1. Maebius


      *static* I read you soft muddled. Over.

  19. Just 950 More Water to go for my 1K water goal (for Maebius) and waiting for Resource Regen >:]

    1. Maebius


      Shhh. some secrets aer best kept. secret. @_@ *hypnotizes Fang*

  20. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand with that it is officially Mid Day here in sunny Santee California, so, this auction is now over, and Seigheart is the lucky new owner of a Supercharged Heat stone ^0^ thanks to everyone who submitted entries, and have a nice day :33333
  21. 30 minutes left till mid day, if anyone else is going to bid, nows the time, if not, then in half an hour Seigs gettin his stone ^-^
  22. aaaaaaaand Seig has exceeded expectations o-o Thus, if the bid does not go any higher by mid day tommorow, we shall have a new owner of a Supercharged Heat Stone D:! (and of course i have people id never sell to so dont even try cough cough eon cough cough) >:3
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