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Fang Archbane

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Everything posted by Fang Archbane

  1. *chuckles* i suggest you find a good fighter to learn from. A good Rper to run to in times of need. And a good teacher for everything else ^^ Once you get those three, all should fall into place ^3^
  2. [quote name='Rumi' timestamp='1348319258' post='122252'] What about that band of Jawas on Tatooine? TK [/quote] Im about to stab Rumi >x'D The TK are clearly the Power Rangers :3 [quote name='Maebius' timestamp='1348481152' post='122355'] I'd make a personal correlation between the Avatar Airbenders. Golemus is obvioiusly all a buncha Fire benders. Loreroot are the solidly loyal earthbenders. MB would be waterbenders for more than one obvious reason, which leaves those Necrovions to be the last Airbenders. [/quote] So the East is left as being Blood Benders? xDDD What with how seperated and evil we seem to be? ^3^"
  3. Happy birthday you despicable- >.>; Er, you lovable thing you :3 In all seriousness though ^&^ Im glad your still around my friend :3 If you werent here, who would be left for me to argue with? ;]
  4. Welcome and congrats on finding us xD I guarantee, we will change your life o,O
  5. Yes o.o Yes I will o.o... But I think only one position will be open if my friend in mind accepts his already given offer, if he does not, then two spaces will be available O-O;
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  7. Purely so i can make sure i dont miss anyone o,o Id like to state that if anyone has a quest that was sponsored by Seigster that they still need rewards for, or any other issues yada yada etc etc that Seigy might have been late on, just email me at the link in my Signature and ill take care of it asap o.o Other than that, happy MDing! >=3
  8. And as always, the Treasure Keepers would be happy to Sponsor any Maebius made quests !:3 Just tell me what youll need and ill be glad to oblige within reason of course xD (do i even need to say that ^?^) im proud of your monthly quests Maebius, enjoy your permanent TK sponsorship for these :333
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  10. Purely so DST does not have a reason to complain, the Ally will be full soon enough. Rest easy knowing that DST. Or dont. Your call :3
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  15. We... we already have a TK email Thomas O,O;...
  16. I will politely state that this auction is now closed, and if a Moderator/Admin so wishes it, this thread may be closed as well. I have chosen not to sell it in the end, and I hope everyone knows now, forever, and always, that I will never sell Seighearts Leash under normal foreseeable circumstances. Nothing short of Mur demanding I sell it as he threatens me with his Lube could make me do so.
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  19. Ah! of course xD Thank you Maebius =]
  20. *coughs* Bottom left. He means the little plant at the bottom left of the gazebo. The one trailing up the second pillar from left to right o3o
  21. Bought ! Thank you :3 This can be closed now ^-^
  22. The title says it all o.o Ok at least most >.> Im willing to buy one BloodPact Archer, preferably fresh, just send me your asking price and well talk it out o.o PMs preferred, thread posts accepted if need be.
  23. [quote name='Ivorak' timestamp='1346809788' post='121447'] If reputation is useless, why do we have it? [/quote] My apologies. I will rephrase. Rep is as useful as its holder deems it to be. I give it no use, hence, to me at least, it is useless.
  24. Im sorry Magistra, but i must disagree. Reputation is a tool on this forum available to all, and just like any other tool its free to be used as its wielder sees fit. Personally? i dont rep anything up OR down regardless of how/if it affects me. I simply do not care enough to use it. Im wrong. im usually wrong. ok rare is the day im right. about anything. EVER. but in all honesty you hold all the power. People think rep has ANY value on this forum, and those exact people make me laugh. it doesnt. it holds as much value as you give it. Your "Enemies" hold as much power as you give them. Rep is useless. learn this, and your life will become that much easier.
  25. In all honesty Demon, i joined the Water Dowsers at MP4, gathered Water as i saw fit, battled in and out of my Mind Power, "suffered" from Eons stat damage, and enjoyed the various advantages an Alliance/Guild gives. I do not think the system needs changing. It seems It works just fine to me, so, leave it be. If your gutsy enough, join an Alliance/Guild at MP4. If not, then just wait till you rank up. The problems not with the Alliances/Guilds, its with you, and i say that with as much respect as possible.
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