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Fang Archbane

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Everything posted by Fang Archbane

  1. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1352873742' post='125530'] If you can find me [/quote] Challenge accepted O^O
  2. [quote name='ZenTao' timestamp='1352877148' post='125533'] I am almost in stat damage I am in stat damage [/quote] [quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1352888116' post='125547'] TRAINING HARDCORE!!! [/quote] My two favorites so far xDDD And heres another one for me as of late o.o "Holy Mur on toast D:"
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  4. [quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1352390456' post='125252'] Woud you rather us be something other than confusing? [/quote] Cause we have a plethora of styles we could choose from Vexing Frustrating Disturbing The list goes on <3
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  6. Its all good, take your time yo o-o Just make sure to inform me when youve all made your decisions <3
  7. Just message me when the Voting is done Samon, if i dont jump on it first :3 Thanks~ <3
  8. Just wait and see Acky-boo, i promise, you wont be dissapointed ^3^
  9. I... my mouth is so open right now... i cant... i cant even... eenf... eenf i say...
  10. [quote name='Alice Rowle' timestamp='1352334695' post='125211'] (A reference to Schrodinger's cat? Anyone? No? Okay). [/quote] Its ok, you helped simply by making me laugh with that >xDDD Good reference, i like :3 And *blinks a couple times* Yeah. I went a bit gift crazy when i sponsored so, ill let mah Tee Kays do that from now on D: And your not rambling. Your honesty helps me ^^ Mostly because your not being Douchy or a Meanie but, yeah, also cause your right mah little lady ^3^
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  15. AH D: Gotcha :3 Thats pretty desperate yo o.o/)))
  16. Random question o,O? If you give as little of a damn as you say you do Curicuri, then [u][i][b]WHY? THE DST? ARE YOU POSTING? HERE?[/b][/i][/u] Hhhhhrm >.>?
  17. Your Type ENFP Extravert(22%) iNtuitive(50%) Feeling(62%) Perceiving(11)%[list] [*]You have [i]slight[/i] preference of Extraversion over Introversion (22%) [*]You have [i]moderate[/i] preference of Intuition over Sensing (50%) [*]You have [i]distinctive[/i] preference of Feeling over Thinking (62%) [*]You have [i]slight[/i] preference of Perceiving over Judging (11%) [/list] ^3^
  18. But mah virtual bones are so brittle >>; *shivers in the cold, hungry and alone... or is that Balto? >>;*
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  20. [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1352246909' post='125105'] Everyone needs to just back off of Fang. Let him do his thing, ignore him, and he will eventually calm down. [/quote] Riiiiight? Im like a cute rash :3 [quote name='SkyArmy' timestamp='1352247359' post='125106'] indeed [/quote] A man of few words, but always to the point ^-^ i respect that <3 [quote name='Ackshan Bemunah' timestamp='1352257849' post='125112'] Fang, have you made peace with Eon yet? [/quote] Neba D:< Ive said it before, and ill say it again. She. Can. Kick. Rocks. Anywho o.o two things for everyone to understand D: My extreme dislike of Eonyan does not affect my TK work (other than her "random" murders and such). What i mean to say is, i reward/value/give her as many chances as i do any other people when it comes to being rewarded. Im not biased for or against Eon because i can keep my work and personal life SEPERATE. Second. I do not like Eon. I will NEVER like Eon. I will forever spit on her cloaked feet and give rude hand gestures if and when i please. HOWEVER. That is because my Charcter is that of a Lost Hero, and hers, that of an Evil Villain. Deal with it people. Its just the way things are >>;
  21. I apologize for the mix up here, and ill fix this as soon as i can move again. Sorry, but no one else but me can actually fix this, unless you want poor Bugsy to toil through a wall of work.
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  23. [quote name='samon' timestamp='1352240993' post='125094'] First you should try to be more formal, whenever you announce something as the head of the TKs you should try to stick to the facts as much as possible and leave out any emotions.The task of TK leader is a serious job, so you should take it seriously. How you act normally is completely up to you, but when things are getting more serious you should act like it. If necessary even split Fang and the TK leader in two different characters all together. Secondly you should try to make the treasure keepers able to run completely independent of you. Imagine for example your computer crashes and you're unable to connect to MD for several weeks, in that case the TKs should be able to continue their work until you return. Even though this brings some potential risks you should be able to trust your TKs. Furthermore if something does happen and you deal with it well it also gives you an opportunity to prove yourself. If you handle things well it'll only be proof you're a good leader. [/quote] See, now THERE is some constructive criticism o-o I appreciate your honesty my good man, and ill take it to heart and deep consideration. Your right. My TKs need to be as independent as possible. Time to make a new TK Update it seems >x3
  24. Not that i know of O,O If im wrong though, feel free to come forward oh Item Winners, and let me know of the lateness ive caused. *chants to the heavens as he does some kind of indian tribe ritual* hi how are ya hi how are ya how hi are ya >xD *hopes no one catches that*
  25. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1352198906' post='125053'] [b]He is using his position to try and get revived which is wrong.[/b] [/quote] WHOAH WHOAH WHOAH Ok. Fine. Done. At this point i just dont give two DSTs so its done and done. Ill have my Treasure Keepers do all the deliverys until im revived. Im done with this argument. If the People think they know how to lead this Alliance better than me, fine, fair enough. Ill do it your way. If it works, yee motherluvin haa. If not, oh well right? Well do things your way for now. Why not. What do i have to lose? [quote name='dst' timestamp='1352188973' post='125046'] Should I remember you that you're still in trial probation? [/quote] No. You seriously dont need to do that. I realise that, and ive made it CLEAR that i realize that. If the Council doesnt like me, they can BOOT me and get someone who would do the job better, and the only one i can think of off the top of my head is ZenTao (Let this be know T-T If im to be booted, i nominate Zenny as the TK Head until further notice) [quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1352201185' post='125057'] Mur went out on a limb all the time. [/quote] ... you got me there Pipster... my love for Mur is kind of... extreme... hrm... [quote name='Menhir' timestamp='1352202607' post='125060'] 1. Fang you impress me very much with a well played role, which is not only played immature but at the same time taken out straight forward of the hollywood &amp; bollywood movies of the last 20 years. OR 2. You´re truly like this. [/quote] In all honesty? Im not too sure myself, but i would have to guess its the second O.e; [quote name='Nimrodel' timestamp='1352220564' post='125076'] Also, I believe that fang is just being cautious about his job and about his posts, believes that his posts would make things fun. I don't think one need to behave maturely to take care of their work. I don't think he'd give the sponsoring part to his 'crew' if he didn't trust them and I'm sure his fellow TK's know that. [/quote] Nimmehz ;~; Your sweet, and i thank you for trying to find something that might not be there but, please, dont defend me Im an idiot. Thats really all there is to it :| I love all, dislike very few, and hate even less :/ But some have... earned that right >>; Some are just given it D: [quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1352225126' post='125079'] I can, and have done better. [/quote] Good for you? o,O Im sorry, but ive heard way too many bad things about when you were in charge to even CONSIDER giving this to you O_O *waves a ZenTao for President flag and chants the ZenTao National Anthem* [quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1352225126' post='125079'] Already applied long before this shenanigans. [/quote] hehe... Shenanigans is putting it lightly xD [quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1352225126' post='125079'] Stop pussy footing around and do his job. stop being a blamer for his own short comings. Be more mature, etc. Really. All of these 'ideas' have been said time and time again. Yet he doesn't seem to get the idea. Oh well. his fault, his folly. [/quote] So let me get this straight. Your asking me to stop being myself and be some uppity boring tool for the man? *waves a revolution flag* Rhe Vo Lou Scion!
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