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Fang Archbane

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Everything posted by Fang Archbane

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  2. I enjoyed Seigs leadership as well :3 And he'll always stand as my friend, even when he falls, I'll just pick him back up ^3^ But fear not Zenny D: Now you can jump to me *-*
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  12. Just some suggestions on acronyms o.o And please don't slam me too hard, I'm very drunk and trying my best Dx Volunteers, Involved, Serving, Identifying, and Organizing Needs Value, Inspiration, Service, Integrity, Opportunity and Networking >.>;
  13. Hrm o,o I do believe TK Sponsorship is in order >:3 *thinks put loud* But gee?... What would go best with Hallows Eve?... A Shade will go to the first place winner, ten silver to the second, and five silver to the third Now do me proud, and scare their pants/fur/cloaks off ;]
  14. [quote name='Fyrd Argentus' timestamp='1349128470' post='122757'] p.s. I'm serious that I don't want this group to stop at beating the death-balance problem. We need to find ways to actively encourage player retention, and remove obstacles to that, or this realm will go POOF. [/quote] I am all for this ^0^ And as the leader of the Treasure Keepers, may i suggest more quests? They do not have to be large, deep rooted, or complicated They can be anything as complicated as Bunnys War Ceremony, or as simple (yet blatantly AWESOME Ox<) as Maebius' hangman :3 The TK will be more than glad to sponsor all decently made quests, as long as effort seems to have been made, so that we can all, as a whole, revive MagicDuel together ^^ I miss the days when the Park was full of Newbies and not one LHO ever got a break xD Lets get back to the good old days :3
  15. I dont know if this is a spoiler or not, but if it is, any smexy moderator can fix it, im sure O-O Silver and Gold coins come from buying certain items in the MD shop o.o
  16. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]1. I have no silver to my name but, im happy to help however i can :3[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]2. I dont know much of the Community Garden, but i do know i like the general idea of it.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]3. I am your friend, in and out of this topic. Count this Wolf in.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]4. Done. I have adepted Fyrd and will proceed to worship you once/if Peace happens to fall. I cant simply leave her, as 30% of 20K loyalty down the drain is... depressing ^-^[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Im always glad to help Fyrd. If you need anything else, feel free to ask =][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Edit: and may i suggest the name "Twilight Brigade". I feel it captures the middle ground in between life and death. those that try and spread it, versus those that try and stop it. That mystical time at sundown, when nothings really true anymore, and life could swing in any direction. we are the middle ground. we are the life force that will bring back others. and if you so choose to accept the name, we are, the Twilight Brigade.[/font][/color]
  17. Draw be a werewolf as Smexy as Grido himself ! ... I'm serious though T//T Here's the challenge. Draw me a werewolf in a business suit with no shoes that's SMEXIER than Grido >:3
  18. I say go with the Crystal Guardian :3 Its level of Smexy is unfathomable D:! I cant even fathom it >.>; to reiterate. Unfathomabialialialial (:3
  19. [quote name='Quinntius' timestamp='1348780920' post='122500'] I don't have enough max action points to travel to MDA yet... [/quote] *facepalms* ... *looks up* If i could facefoot, id do it >.>; *chuckles* my dear, beloved, everlearning nooblet :3 theres a magical thing called pickles ;3 they let you breach "maximums" and "limits". i scoff at them. SCOFF I SAY O:< ... *recomposes himself* anyways. on that note, once i am out of Murs Throne Room, whenever that may be, i would be more than happy to escort you through the neccessary parts of the MagicDuel Archive lands so that you may collect a few more papers ^-^ Think you can Howl with this Wolf? >=]
  20. Sure thing Maebius, its fine with me if its fine with you >xD Question though O-O; Has Seig already given you said items or do i need to get on that >.>?
  21. Good day everybody o.o; Im going to start off by saying i have NO idea how much a SoulWeaver is supposed to cost, but im willing to trade a Revolted Skill Vampire (the SWs non colored self) and 11 Silver for a SoulWeaver o.o the RSV has Stored Heat 927522 Won battles 351 Age 191 So... yeah o.o; tell me if you want to make a trade xDDD Pm preferable o.o Thread posts acceptable :3 BUT ONLY BARELY O:< ... Happy Foruming o3O/)))
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  25. OH GAWD |:< ... Yeah, i can live with that Cheng x'DDD
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