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Fang Archbane

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Everything posted by Fang Archbane

  1. Update! (Under Edit in first post)
  2. Banned for always being there for me, through thick and thin
  3. *TV turns on* :Piri! Piriririri! Riri!: *The camera pans in on a news reporter at a desk, as he neatly organizes his papers* Ah! *looks up* Good evening, Civilians of MagicDuel. We thank you for tuning in to the Mind Power news, where we give you the information you need, to rise from the ashes. In todays top story, a Puppy was kille-... ... *re-reads* A PUPPY WAS KILLED?!?? THE HUMANITY! ... *recomposes himself* Er... id like to apologise for that outburst. Well. Like i was saying. A Puppy, better known as Fang Archbane was killed yesterday around 09:47:01 Server time. We here at the Mind Power news have spoken to the now deceased, but still floating ghost of Mr. Archbane, and he has agreed to a reward. And i quote. "To any that may give me a lead on who killed me, i will reward accordingly. Actual "Proof" will be valued most. All applicants will be categorized by amount of information given, and the winners will be as follows. 1st Place) 1 Gold Coin 2nd Place) 1 Spicy Pickle, 10 Silver 3rd Place) 1 Spicy Pickle, 5 Silver" So as you can see, he is willing to reward those that can help him enough to place amongst the top three. If you have any information, assumptions, hunches. or any sort of the like, please, feel free to contact us here at the Mind Power news via forum message, and we will be sure to pass it on to Mr. Archbane. Thank you for your time, and always remember! Here at the Mind Power news, we give you the information you need, to rise from the ashes. *The TV reporter winks, and the TV set shuts off* EDIT: Breaking News Update! An Anonymous sponsor has been kind enough to lend a Gold Piece for this quest, thus, Fangs Prizes have been updated!
  4. Banned for making me agree with everything he does EVER !
  5. Its ok Phantasm, i dont much mind I was starting to miss Molquert anyways :3 Now i get to visit him =D Sadly though, the plan to revive a hybrid version of The Dojo and The GGG at the MDP will now have to wait :/
  6. Banned for having such darn smexy armpits >
  7. Banned for being mah main MaeMae <3
  8. This time, I honestly have no idea. I don't mind though. I'll revive in due time and do what I must then.
  9. I want to say this is my... Third time? More or less, that sounds about right.
  10. I must admit, I am partial to the letter X. When I need a name full of mystery, yet answers, I use X. When I need a simple or quick name to do the job where no other name can, I use X. I find X to be the answer to most if not all problems. And therefore, it's my favorite.
  11. Redacted
  12. @Zenny-poo Banned for not paying the electric bill for your hat hous this month D:! Imma miss mah toons mang. Mah toons ;~;
  13. Banned for being too adorable o3o^
  14. Banned for not comforting me after someone broke me and i dropped back down to MP5 >c>^
  15. Banned for changing my views on things on a regular basis and living up to her name O3O^
  16. Banned for abusing ZeeZee verbally D:< (Loves him some Zleiphner)
  17. Banned for being a terrible son and not backing up his father O3O^
  18. Banned for making me read the first 3 sets of names, getting what you were doing, and then skimming to the end to confirm my theory o3o^
  19. Banned for not giving all the attention i so desperately need to survive o3o^
  20. Banned for banning Boss Nad instead of giving him a patented ^5!
  21. Banned for not loving me nearly as much as i expected O3O^
  22. I'm pretty sure MDA lacks one. Am I wrong?... Edit: and besides, if anything, having the little orange dot actually show you where you are at all times (I know the east doesn't do that) would be aver so helpful.
  23. Maps for every available area would also be nice.
  24. I suggest a new group of people, known to the Community, lead by BFH. Ergo, a Council with faces, lead by someone we can all trust to be unbiased. Edit: im sure ill get criticized for this opinion, but at least im giving one. Im sure my ideas has flaws, but i just thought id throw this out there.
  25. And i love Seigheart, so i assume hes right ( OcO)
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