An option is an option regardless of the circumstance.
If this is the road they wish to take, I wholeheartedly support it.
Ive never been one to care about what others think (negatively), but an Alliance is equivilant to a home.
I don't know what happened to have them lose it. I'm not one to care for politics, I'll leave that to the intellectuals of this realm, and give my humble opinion if asked.
They want their home back. I won't fight against it, so why not help them achieve it?
I don't care about the natural flow of things. I don't care about what others might think of me for my choices. I follow my own path, and my heart is telling me to help them. In their situation, I would do the same thing.
Your entitled to your opinion DST, and so are they. You made your own wish for your own reasons, and DD made his. I won't heckle you over your wish. Frankly, I could care less what you wished for. Thus, I find it petty that you'd stoop so low as to judge them. Who are you to judge?
Your opinion is that of a hateful and resentful person. Go ahead. Speak your mind. Troll me. Kill me over my choices. It won't affect me. I'm not afraid to speak for myself, and those I blindly follow.
What I feel for Kol is respect. What I feel for Dark is admiration. What I feel for my fallen friends of the Eclipse is love.
Blind faith DST. it's more powerful than anything you could possibly do.