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Fang Archbane

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Everything posted by Fang Archbane

  1. I don't normally side with Alyon, as our points of view are almost always too different. But I do side with logic. 1) you decided to join 2) Alyon already said no refunds once the contest starts 3) you died due to your own actions I feel the bottom line is pretty clear. Sorry Sippy Cup, close (not really), but no cigar
  2. DD, I understand why you hurt. I went through the same thing not too long ago. But trust me. Things mellow out. Your heart heals. Your soul matures. You learn what your really all about, slowly. And I did me when I gave up. I pulled back, stopped trying to do huge jobs all at once, and I've found inner peace. It's ok my friend. Time will heal all wounds. And when it's all said and done, people will still accuse you of being in the wrong. I'm not saying your right or wrong. I picked my road, and I'm sticking to it. If others want to think I'm selfish, or doing what I do for secret reasons, let them, they don't affect me at all, and that eats them from the inside out every night. I just laugh. So just relax DD. learn to do you. Once the trolls you believe you see can't get to you anymore, they'll stop, trust me on that one ( )
  3. No worries Nim, im actually glad you posted that This thread isn't for those that want to vote for em. It's for those that want a few extra without the wait :3
  4. Thank you so much Tommy ( ) Well, there ya have it folks. Let the bidding begin x3
  5. *cough* it can still come on handy in a pinch *cough* (id put that in a spoiler, but i dont know how to :3)
  6. Yo yo yo, Fangs in da house D:! *clears his throat* I mean im going to be selling 6 BMMO Silver Gifts just before the next Heads Contest to the highest bidder. Im told they give you a stat boost. Im not too sure on this. Its just what ive heard. If anyone else can give me more details on how these work, what they do, id be grateful. So until the next HC comes up, bidding can start here. The bidding will not end till just before the HC starts, for obvious reasons. Fang out ( o3o)^ P.S. All 6 could be sold to one person if they pay enough, if not, 6 seperate BMMO SG can be sold to 6 separate people. Its up to the bidders. Enjoy~
  7. Sponsored with Spicy Pickles 3 for first place, 2 for second, and 1 for third (geesh, i better go make em now, so i dont make the winners wait when the time comes~)
  8. The Pickle Apprentice, with the aid of the Pickle Meisters Pickle Jar, would be more than happy to Sponsor Spicy Pickles as rewards 3 Spicy Pickles to 1st place. 2 Spicy Pickles to 2nd place. 1 Spicy Pickle to 3rd place. Good luck on your quest Sky. I hope it goes amazingly =] <3
  9. Redacted
  10. I cant help with the letter issue but I can say this. Mobile does not give active days. That is why I have Layout.php, /Mobile, and Idle.php all bookmarked on my iPod. When your logged into mobile via mobile, if you leave it alone for too long, it logs you out. When you log into layout first, then visit mobile, you can be as lazy as you want. Mobile will still try to log you out if you leave it alone for too long or leave the page, but a quick visit to layout then back to mobile instantly logs you back in without need for letters. To get my active days I first visit Layout, click ok for the active day, go to mobile, respond to all PMs, then idle till I need to make my next pickle. I find that's the simplest method. And you get your active days without needing much more than 5 extra seconds. Hope this helps ( o.o)^
  11. Happeh birfdai Nimnomlyom !
  12. If we truly wanted to make everything "as even as possible" we could put "x" amount of each known tool in each Capitol. That would effectively even all lands out and stop monopolies. But ask yourself if that's a good idea. It's definitely a possibility, but would it be a good idea ( ._.) /JustThrowingTheObviousOutThere
  13. *pinches the bridge of his nose* I'm going to ignore how insanely off topic Rays post is, and answer it in the kindest way possible... Even if it hurts... If they were shared tools Ray, then they leave on reset. Just go get then again. And in the future, refrain from making off topic posts.
  14. Clicked, and shared on FB. I hope it helps I'm always happy to help the cuteness incarnate known as Seeker White <3
  15. [quote name='Ackshan Bemunah' timestamp='1363329370' post='134045'] Glad you're alive. [/quote] Agreed. Life isn't the same without a purple bunny
  16. Seems I can't make it, since I'm on vacation and thus, not at home. My apologies, and good luck to all the other participants.
  17. The negative VP isnt that extreme, ive had worse, but i found the consecutive 6's meant it needed to be seen xD As for the Negative Honor?... ( •_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ Yeah, i think i won in that area (⌐■_■) [url="http://s1198.beta.photobucket.com/user/MilordoZik/media/ExtremeMD.png.html"]http://s1198.beta.photobucket.com/user/MilordoZik/media/ExtremeMD.png.html[/url]
  18. Name: Fang Archbane Age: 408 Sex: Male Association: None Affiliation: None Greatest Strength: Dedication Greatest Weakness: Sadness
  19. Happy birfdai Mya! May it be the pixiest :3 <3
  20. I'll happily supply TeaPots, Cook Books, and Tea Cups. Just ask, I can move freely in the East, so I'm all yours Shem /TeamBrit!
  21. Youre a unique one MurMur, and youve made that clear from the second we met. So thank you, for everything youve done for both me, and MD. Happy happy Birthday mah main Mur =]
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