DD, I understand why you hurt. I went through the same thing not too long ago. But trust me. Things mellow out. Your heart heals. Your soul matures. You learn what your really all about, slowly. And I did me when I gave up. I pulled back, stopped trying to do huge jobs all at once, and I've found inner peace. It's ok my friend. Time will heal all wounds. And when it's all said and done, people will still accuse you of being in the wrong. I'm not saying your right or wrong. I picked my road, and I'm sticking to it. If others want to think I'm selfish, or doing what I do for secret reasons, let them, they don't affect me at all, and that eats them from the inside out every night. I just laugh.
So just relax DD. learn to do you. Once the trolls you believe you see can't get to you anymore, they'll stop, trust me on that one ( )