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Fang Archbane

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Everything posted by Fang Archbane

  1. I have to agree with Sy here, i think that even if its your homeland you should still get Volition in regular dosages. Loyalty equals memory, and memory equals an easier time remember something. Some place. Some plant. Some rock.
  2. My Insanity keeps me Balanced & Sane.
    I found Sanity In my Insane Ways.
    Insane Outer yet In Sane Inner.
    And only I am to Blame.

  3. Redacted
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  5. Illusions + Spells + Time Principle = lower or higher viscosity ( O-o)
  6. Id never eat cake i didnt make again ( O-o) Edit: A question. Would personal items be usable in said combos? And would the personal items be lost forever or useable for its resources via the combo? (with a cooldown of course o-o)
  7. Illusions and Creatures. The ability to Breed new creatures by combining two existing ones. These creatures would only last until a set date [set by the Creator] and would exist only as Quest Rewards.
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  10. Yes, please judge me on what ive said in the past, why look at who ive become at all, that would be madness, moving forward, who does that??? Edit: My point is simple. Killing in MD is meant to be an adventure. Why jail me if i just payed for your mandatory cruise trip around the world?
  11. Death in real life is punished drastically because, as far as we know, thats it. End game. You took a life. But here in MD, we dont take anything upon a murder. Matter of fact, we let you explore without ones normal bodily limits. That aside, one can always revive. A choice not available in real life.
  12. Happy Birthday, Mallos of the Dice ( ^-^)
  13. Its simple isnt it? Its a high level spell combining Time and Imagination :3
  14. Redacted
  15. I apologize for the insults. Im done posting.
  16. Anyone else feel like getting something off their chest about me? Come on, go ahead, lurkers are welcome, say it now and say it loud, this is the thread for that, go for it :D I stopped caring about what the haters had to say a looooong time ago ( ^_^)
  17. Bullshit That was a phase, not end game Not even commenting on this one. Ok, have you realized i work 6 days a week? With little to no sleep in between? About 4 hours of sleep every night? Excuse me if the info i gave was wrong. I dont see anyone else trying to help kids. From what i hear, you hate newbs DST, so as far as im concerned, you can suck it, at least im trying. Once again, that was a phase, why must anything i do be permanent or set in stone? Im pretty sure im allowed to evolve change and do as i god damn please with my own life, helping takes many shapes and forms. Id been wanting to return home to Marind Bell since before i became MP7. You can ask anyone that knows me. Let me rephrase that, anyone that knows me that isnt a dick. Aka you, No One, etc etc. Anyone with half a brain. When an mp3 or mp4 needs losses and i dont see other 3s or 4s around, i personally help them out.
  18. I'm not even going to get too deep into this one. I'll just say this. I'm not some criminal mastermind. I speak from the heart, regardless of the situation, in and out of game. The rest you did not mark was not to hide anything. I said what I felt. Get over yourself. You're one of the few that hate me, you're words weigh less than air to me.
  19. Happy Sprouty Day Awiiwii !:D I hope i can visit you for many years to come, so stick around, no need to Leaf anytime soon !:3 #OhThePuns
  20. He didnt have to follow the bush he planted. It followed him. I kept Mur informed, in my own way, with what i thought he needed to know, and then some. Trust me. Hes heard more than hes wanted to from me more than once. Besides. This little bush is smart enough. I know that since Mur gave me my Gift, anything i say, do, break, fix, etc, goes under his jurisdiction. If i mess up, its his reputation on the line. If i do good, same thing. Realistically? Ive been laying so low as of late due to working 6 days a week, that i seriously can not POSSIBLY be breaking anything. But if you have any other statements concerning me Nim, just let me know. Ill be more than happy to clarify what im allowed to/feel the need to.
  21. Random one week, non random the next and so on i think is the best bet. For people that like to deplete, those that like to just harvest relaxedly, those that just want to explore, itll be the best option. I feel this would cater to the needs of many, not just a few. A good idea indeed Chew. I like it.
  22. Well ill put my two cents in. Needed or otherwise. I know the best thing about Mur. Its not his creation of MD, thats taken its own life, and it took it a long time ago. Its not his ability to see into the future, more so than even Shadowseeker and the Council ever could. Its his ability to see a small broken object lying in the ground and wonder what it could have been. What it currently is now. What he could make it once he repaired it. its his ability to give a flying fuck, where no one else would even look twice. And anyone can call me an asskisser. Anyone can tell me i licked a lot of asshole to get to where i am today. But you dont know me. You dont know what i know. And you definitely dont know how i came to be where i am today. So say what you will. I put in my two cents and ill stick by it. Murs best quality? His ability to be human, where no one would expect anyone to be.
  23. Ahahahaha that's awesome x'D
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