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Fang Archbane

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Everything posted by Fang Archbane

  1. It works just fine for me now. Thanks a ton Chewy ( ^^)
  2. Maybe my lack of activeness finally broke MD ( OcO) A normal dosage of Fang is usually needed to keep things running smoothly ( oCo) #TheOriginalWD40
  3. Oh mah lord, we can get negative rep again ?:D Ill have to commence my mission to beat Seig then !:3
  4. Never had a better arch nemesis ( o^o)
  5. 1 Absolutely fresh shop Joker to whomever can make an amazing Cow that fits Murrys needs :D (Said Joker will be purchased and sent the day it is needed... like i said. ABSOLUTELY FRESH >=3)
  6. I suggest we make it a crosseyed cow running rampant through a village due to mad cow disease. Then again, maybe im the only one that sees it that way. I think it fits.
  7. Ill Moo for this cause. Finally, BFH Cow will be an almighty ironfisted GOD D:< Myuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
  8. Im nowhere near active enough as of late, or id have volunteered as well. Good luck everyone, and may the light and darkness shine your paths equally.
  9. But... but then where would my Pitchfork and Torch buisness go? >.> I feed my family via angry mob needs <.< (On a serious note, and to keep this post from being beheaded with the mod Pixel Axe, i say hey, why not, if the Wookie wants it, i support another [last] chance)
  10. Thats some really slow net Junior bro, i use FF, and i still only see them for maybe half a second at most o,O
  11. Player Name to receive reward: Fang Archbane Period of Trial: One second before you reading this post, to the end of this post. Proof of Pain: Shortly after starting this quest, i had a panic attack of epic proportions and had to quit it immediatly, only to return. As i could not bear to leave it for even a minute, i feel that my pain is the truest, strongest, most relatable pain that there is. The pain of a true MD Addict.
  12. *starts to write* In case of my death, all my belongings, personal or otherwise, are to be inherited by Syrian, to do with as she pleases. ( >.>) Edit: in game deaths don't count, full on inactivity, does~
  13. Down. One word, simplicity.
  14. I'd like to be able to build a small one person canoe for regular trips to the Angien Shine for much needed rest and relaxation. The Shrine would also have a buildable defense so canoes can't go through !:D Lets ride the rapids ( 0^0)!
  15. Or use the mood panel. That always works well ( o.o)
  16. It's official. Good by Day. Bad by Night.
  17. I can proofread the Spanish version from the beginning (MP3) if that would help ( o.o)
  18. I'm pretty sure that's the result of an Acoustic Obfuscator ( o-o);
  19. I think I can maintain the plants/buildings in Marind Bell quite well ^_^ Having access to all scenes in MB but one, I look forward to this kind of work !:3
  20. I love you all so much. Even DST made me smile xD
  21. Um... not trying to down the mood or anything but... The entire MD Population (that matters) is already on my gigantic friends list so... Ya know... No need for this at all. But it WOULD be nice to be able to find specific pms. Yes it could be used to contact anyone whenever, but, ya know, tomatoe tomatoh ( o3o)
  22. If you have the Snowperson you want (I MISS YOU REINY COME BACK) and Totemizing them before the melt, bringing them back after, and keeping them unmelted that way can work, I say this might not be too needed. On the other hand though, to get a good set of the specific morphs you want, you would need something like this. So I'm all for the idea, why not, it could be fun ^_^
  23. If memory serves, the cool down on each killing item is about a month. They were originally obtained from the Drachorn in Golemus. They are all gone now though. The only way for anyone to obtain one now is by buying it off a current owner, since there is no limit of uses on the items. Once again, all from memory, and my memory is choppy at best, so get someone to second this or deny what I've stated.
  24. Da dun dun dun dun. And another one bites the dust. On a serious not so Fangy note, what happens happens. As long as you're not leaving on your own PoE, they can't do anything too mad, like IP banning.
  25. Niw my 5/7 makes sense o-o Thats crazy o-o!
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