Im going to assume you Typod, and im going to assume thats supposed to say "ANY". That being said, yes, yes i can attack any mind power that is correct, as far as i know.
Right. No stats. As in no Statistics. As in Briskness, Initiative, etc. Then again thats how i read it, that might be down to speculation, but thats how i read it.
Even if it is a bug, and im pretty sure its not, i dont care. Do you get that? I just dont care. If its a bug, oh well, im going to go about my day like i normally do, Make Fang do what he normally does, etc etc. Did you happen to mention that Fang normally only attacks allied MP5s? No, no you didnt. Just thought id throw that in there, since im sure thats a tid bit youd make sure to leave out.
Youre right. I wouldnt and couldnt test, why again? Lets go back to the base point, i couldnt care less.
If you say so DST. I honestly dont care, and thats the real magic of it. I stopped caring about anything you could do, think, or possibly scheme. Youre worthless to me, and this little attempt at getting me in trouble is just the cutest in my eyes. Its nice to see you no life as hard as i first imagined.
Who would know the rules better than DST? Even the man that wrote them is destined to know them less than the one obbssessed with bending them to her will. Lets backtrack a bit though, and i cant emphasize this enough, i dont care.
Last i checked one wasnt allowed to scream out alts just because they were in the mood. Last i checked, MD has no alt checking tools that are under your control so youre just speculating. Last i checked, Fang and Granite are completely unrelated to one another and havnt so much as met in MD, which would be impossible if you ask me.
That being said, Fangs forum profile is to actually talk, retort, post, etc.
Granites demenaar is different. he is quite secluded and does not like the anger the forums seem to bring about, example a being something like this. Granites forum profile is used only to read, and to message others as himself, Granite Wolf.
Feel free to inform Chewett, i dont care which he deletes since i need neither. I rarely use the forum and couldnt (once again folks, smile for me because at this point her anger is comical) give two nubs less.