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Fang Archbane

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Everything posted by Fang Archbane

  1. Sounds good to me. Approved, and full support. Let the games begin.
  2. "You have applied to this land and your poll is currently in the system." As of Jan 23 19:22:07 Day: 22 Year: 9 Server Time, Granite Wolf has applied to Loreroot once more. If you have any questions for him feel free to post them here. Seeing as this is a request from Granite Wolf to the Lorerootians, i kindly ask that an unbiased moderator keep tabs on this thread to make sure only Lorerootians post on it. Any questions/statements not from a Lorerootian will be ignored by yours truly, and hopefully deleted quickly. If you feel the need to ask me personal questions, well, Chewy made a pm system for a reason.
  3. Ignoring all the obvious and wasted flame coming from MDs greatest fail trolls, couldn't we just assign someone everyone likes or trusts to be the authority over those in No Land? Like,i dont know, someone unbiased that no one truly knows but accepts, like Everyone? Just an idea. Hate me for it or dont, i honestly could care less, just thought id throw it out there.
  4. Keep my name out of your mouth.
  5. Id be happy to help with the FB page as well, if you need one more when the time comes.
  6. *shrugs* Ill take your word for that Chewy, because to the extent of my knowledge, the form i used is as correct as it gets. Who knows, meh, im probably wrong ( o.o)
  7. A greater truth, i haven't read in a very long time.
  8. If you want it to "sound" as nicely as possible, id go with the following. "This hereby is entrusted and acknowledged by the authority of the Dominion of Mur, as part of The Lands of the East." Its the cleanest version of what you want to write Murmur, at least in the eyes of a Californian that learned English and Spanish simultaneously, both in class and on the streets ( >.>) #PersonalOpinionsLeadToHateImSure
  9. My only question here is thus (Although i do agree with this, it sounds fun, if nothing else), what do people that have no higher authority do? If, for example, i wanted a Title, who would i go to? I belong to no land, and im perfectly happy as such. What options do Aimless Wanderers have?
  10. Redacted
  11. Danke shun mein liebe =D
  12. I knew it was going laggy right before it went down, it was progressively getting worse over a period of about an hour ( o-o) No worries Chewy, and good job on the recent backups, let us know when its good to go, and thanks in advance ( ^-^)
  13. OMFG SKUGHSKLRGHSKRHJG ZenZen i miss chu Ox! #SoMuchLoveFowDaZenny <3
  14. Thanks everyone, the good wishes are much appreciated ( ^3^)
  15. Im going to assume you Typod, and im going to assume thats supposed to say "ANY". That being said, yes, yes i can attack any mind power that is correct, as far as i know. Right. No stats. As in no Statistics. As in Briskness, Initiative, etc. Then again thats how i read it, that might be down to speculation, but thats how i read it. Even if it is a bug, and im pretty sure its not, i dont care. Do you get that? I just dont care. If its a bug, oh well, im going to go about my day like i normally do, Make Fang do what he normally does, etc etc. Did you happen to mention that Fang normally only attacks allied MP5s? No, no you didnt. Just thought id throw that in there, since im sure thats a tid bit youd make sure to leave out. Youre right. I wouldnt and couldnt test, why again? Lets go back to the base point, i couldnt care less. If you say so DST. I honestly dont care, and thats the real magic of it. I stopped caring about anything you could do, think, or possibly scheme. Youre worthless to me, and this little attempt at getting me in trouble is just the cutest in my eyes. Its nice to see you no life as hard as i first imagined. Who would know the rules better than DST? Even the man that wrote them is destined to know them less than the one obbssessed with bending them to her will. Lets backtrack a bit though, and i cant emphasize this enough, i dont care. Last i checked one wasnt allowed to scream out alts just because they were in the mood. Last i checked, MD has no alt checking tools that are under your control so youre just speculating. Last i checked, Fang and Granite are completely unrelated to one another and havnt so much as met in MD, which would be impossible if you ask me. That being said, Fangs forum profile is to actually talk, retort, post, etc. Granites demenaar is different. he is quite secluded and does not like the anger the forums seem to bring about, example a being something like this. Granites forum profile is used only to read, and to message others as himself, Granite Wolf. Feel free to inform Chewett, i dont care which he deletes since i need neither. I rarely use the forum and couldnt (once again folks, smile for me because at this point her anger is comical) give two nubs less.
  16. I know explaining this is going to be a waste of my time, but i might as well try, i have nothing better to do atm. "Fang Archbane:Well, thats odd. Im not supposed to get any stats from fights i have in MP7, but i can still get honor and loyalty." Yeah. When Chewy changed the way MP7 works, he changed it so i could gain no stats. Ergo, energeticism, power, etc etc. via fighting at the MP7 stage. I meant i simply found it odd that i could still gain honor and loyalty. As far as i know, Chewy never meant for that to be made otherwise, and im not breaking any rules. "Fang Archbane:*Shrugs* oh well, im not complaining" Look above. I couldnt care less. This isnt a bug, its the way its supposed to be (to the extent of my knowledge), i was just acknowledging its existance. But its cute to see you read everything i write. I hope you stay up at nights trying to find new ways to bug me. i could care less about what you do, its your business, but feel free to waste your time trying to come after me. Yay. You wasted your time to state in the end that what i said stood true. Thank you for being my personal tester for 5 seconds. But ill repeat myself since things dont seem to enter your noggin on the first try, its not a bug, as far as i know, its meant to be that way, as is the rest of MD. First offense? No id agree with you, its not an offense at all. Ive offended in the past, sure, but i wont have you make up rules for me to break unknowingly. Youre not nearly that important. And sure, expect them to punish me heavily over nothing. I guarantee you i wont see a single punishment, not even a letter of warning for this. Now lets recap since i know you dont get things on the first run through. Why? One last time. Its nothing, and i couldnt care less.
  17. Granite Wolfs creatures were never leveled past his MP limit. Im sorry to disagree with you Vic, but they just werent. I was under the impression that one can not give away Alts if the alt himself didnt make it known. Granite has never before said hes anyone else, and as far as im concerned, he isnt. Thank you for trying to anger me even when i wasnt doing anything. Thank you for proving that you go out of your way to be a rude individual. And thank you for the completely unnecessary negative rep you gave me in my last post on this thread, when all i did was explain that you were incorrect, and meant Granite Wolf, instead of Fang Archbane, who are two completely different people. Good day DST, i hope you have a pleasant one. And good day Vicious, Granite never hacked or cheated or did anything against the creature rules.
  18. Granite. She means you got angry at Granite for having creatures you did not expect.
  19. Redacted
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  22. Redacted
  23. I wouldnt call this extreme per say, but this proves ive still got a little Demon in Me ( ^-^)
  24. Good luck PoE... I think ill miss you the most. And hey... come back some time. We can Dream, even while Awake.
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