I wanted nothing out of the PC. Matter of fact, i didnt want the PC, i dont even want a normal hidden Council, and visible faces just give the Masses someone to yell at. (Not trying to be rude Rophs, just being honest)
This isnt exactly correct. half a dedicated team, even a single set in stone member is enough to make things happen. The people that left the PC didnt dissapoint anybody, the ones that STAYED in the PC seemed to dissapoint themselves.
Uh... again... not trying to be rude... but uh... you cant uh... speak for others?...
I personally dont think MDs changed. Other than infrastructure, content, etc, no it hasnt. The people are the same. Thats not a good or bad thing, just know from MY standpoint, no ones any different.
I wont even... Rophs, i love you too much to keep on this topic. Ive said my peace. I may not agree, but i wish you the best of luck my Friend.