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Fang Archbane

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Everything posted by Fang Archbane

  1. I doubt theres any need to apologise MaGo, you did as youve been told is right when assuming somethings a bug. Im pretty sure Chewy would rather use some time out of his busy day looking into a bug that isnt a bug, than having possible bugs not reported at all.
  2. Im not even going into how the churning molten core of the earth makes everything you just said impossible... But i feel im either missing great amounts of sarcasm, a witty answer im not catching on to, or something else entirely. Either way... no ( o.O)
  3. The real question is, If i were to dig a hole straight down, and had the equipment to do so, what would happen? My educated guess is id resurface on the "opposite" side of the "world" This leads me to believe that the world is... semi spherical. Id say more of an oval than an actual globe Of course this is all assuming i didnt get stopped by Basic human needs The ever churning core of the earth The fact that we as humans dont possess the technology (publicly) to achieve such a mission If the world was flat, id either A) Have nowhere to dig to/itd be a short dig OR B) By some odd paradox, come UP where i dug DOWN. As odd as this may sound, this is how my brain works, and im sticking to it unless you can prove otherwise Mur. I am a slave to Logic after all ( ^-^)
  4. I can gather supplies(Resources) and spell cast pretty well. My services are yours if you see fit Assira.
  5. I weigh your words heavily, thats true, but thats just because i try to respect your wishes as much as possible. While still being me that is. Which is an odd balance to say the least ( -3-); Edit: This can be closed, its all good, foreal o.o7
  6. Oy... hrm. Shoot. I had no idea. Ok no worries, ill figure something else out. This Auctions now done, no sale, and my apologies.
  7. Thats fine, ill keep it and sell it when the time is right if thats the case. Thank you kindly Aethon, youre right, i appreciate you :3
  8. I am currently auctioning Gold Avatars, and this is the First. [attachment=4751:Golemian Gold Gallery 1.png] ID 370, Generation 8, Author is MagicDuel. Auction ends when i see fit. Happy bidding~ Disclaimer: I reserve the right to deny service to anyone, i can choose to end this and keep the avatar if no bid seems fitting, will most likely end after no one bids for a week.
  9. He did say rare.
  10. Awwww, thanks you guys, i almost forgot im old ( ;3;) <3
  11. I dont. But if i really must make sure people aren't cheating, ill just have to ask Chewy to check the logs.
  12. Whats Murmas witho-... whatever. Imagine an intro here. Anyways. Ill be idling at the GoE all of Dec 18th. Anyone willing to participate in this AGTKCC, has that time frame to attack me. Attacks are open to all Mind Powers as ill be MP7 for the duration of Dec. 18th. Whomever farms up the most stats without the use of Skilldamage wins. Prizes for 1st 2nd and 3rd place. MP3s and MP4s will be given a Handicap. Any stats gained by an MP3 will be worth triple. MP4s gained stats will be worth double. MP5 gets no help. Youre old. Learn to grind. I expect all "Daily Stat Gain" ScreenShots submitted to me via Forum PM from all Participants no later than Dec. 19th. Good Luck, & Merry MurMas. (Any stats not earned via Fighting wont count, for example Volition/Sacrifices)
  13. I wanted nothing out of the PC. Matter of fact, i didnt want the PC, i dont even want a normal hidden Council, and visible faces just give the Masses someone to yell at. (Not trying to be rude Rophs, just being honest) This isnt exactly correct. half a dedicated team, even a single set in stone member is enough to make things happen. The people that left the PC didnt dissapoint anybody, the ones that STAYED in the PC seemed to dissapoint themselves. Uh... again... not trying to be rude... but uh... you cant uh... speak for others?... I personally dont think MDs changed. Other than infrastructure, content, etc, no it hasnt. The people are the same. Thats not a good or bad thing, just know from MY standpoint, no ones any different. I wont even... Rophs, i love you too much to keep on this topic. Ive said my peace. I may not agree, but i wish you the best of luck my Friend.
  14. Isnt that Ledahs elephant in the back?...
  15. Gold coin 64 Fenths 56 Aromatic herbs 53 Tea leaves 53 Unidentified plants 11 Sawdust Flowers 35 Toxic plants Fine Sand 8 Memory stone
  16. Updated in next post o3o7
  17. Id like to kindly ask why im involved in your day to day at all. Ive stayed out of your hair, i dont see why you cant return the same respect.
  18. So... im looking for 2 Drachs. Coloured, unColoured, doesnt matter honestly. Please either post here or message me privately via forum if interested. Im sure we could work out prices ^-^
  19. Congrats LinLin, i look forward to watching you do your People proud.
  20. Looking for 3 Root Warriors, no heat needed just the shop crit, pm me for prices ( oCo)7
  21. Happy birthday Mallos :3 <3
  22. Happy Birthday to my favorite Thon Tron !(\(0C0)/)!
  23. Happeh Birfday DewDew ( =//=)/)
  24. Keeping Chewys note in mind, id like to publicly state that ill do my best to be as active as possible for my Slavery period. Im aiming for a job at Viejas Casino (Which im pretty sure ill get) so, my Activity might be a bit spastic, but ill still do my best to fulfill my Masters wishes for my 3 months of Slavery. After my 3 months of Slavery, my Activity will once again be Spotty.
  25. As always, Good gets Good in return, and Evil chokes on Evil Aethon :3 Firstly, allow me to thank you and whomever had to make the hard behind the scenes decisions required to allow me to participate. Secondly, in the short time ive known you youve shown me nothing but Good in your Heart, and I wouldnt be Me if I didnt hold up my End of the deal ^-^ Thirdly, as always a huge thanks to Chewy (poor guys had to put up with me for aaaages) for always hearing me out, even in the bleakest of days o.o So thank you for the Benefit of the Doubt Guys, I can tell you now, I wont dissapoint~
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