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Fang Archbane

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Everything posted by Fang Archbane

  1. This made me laugh so hard, I wish I could do something bigger than up vote xD
  2. Good job. You baited one last response from me on this topic. Can you hear me clapping?The reason I won't speak on this subject unless Mur asks me to, is simple.I've stated my beliefs, time and time again. My beliefs on MP7, my viewpoint of the game in general, etc etc.Each, and every time, the public simply laughed at me.At this point in my life, I'd much rather save my breath, save my time, and simply seem a quiet ass, over a loud idiot.There. You have your answer. And I'll say it one last time. My opinion on MP7 will not be shared, unless Mur decides to ask me to do so for whatever reason.For him, I'd take on any waste of time, mud slinging, and name defaming. But I won't do it randomly or "just because".
  3. Oh this should be interesting. I can already see the road the Public will take. I refuse to speak on the matter unless Mur himself requests such a thing publicly. Have at it folks. Speak from your hearts and let me peek into your very souls. I dare say, ive already got the popcorn ready.
  4. Have a nice day Chewett. Edit: Do me a favor and change the topic title to "Fangs Ego", as it seems to still fit the picture of me you are trying to paint, while being a much smaller mouthful.
  5. I felt it went unsaid that a game admin could take away that which i gained. But the requirements for such an act would be me nearly breaking the game, and having no good reason for it. I know i wont be doing that. Ive taken enough risks in my past and have learned from such. To gamble with my Gift any more would be to mock my own Faith.
  6. You need the peoples help to reach MP6. Thus, it only makes sense the People can take that which they gave. I reached MP7 on my own, and that is why none but the two that agreed upon the Rise can take it away. That means i can remove my own MP7, and Mur can remove my MP7. Nobody else.
  7. The proxy might be the issue then. Because by all means you should have gotten your 5 credits.
  8. Pmd Aniwaya the CTC codes, as she seems shy about asking for things. Which is fine, i find that adorable. Anyways, the Crits i put up are now each at 215 days of age, just thought id update that so the winners knew.
  9. I hope you mean Rider and not me. I know what Objectohilia means, is, and makes one do. It doesnt change my views on things. Some call it a disorder, others a disease, i call it perspective. But that is the perspective of another, not mine. Rider asked me what my view on Love was, i gave my answer. If someone else can love a chair, hey, more power to them. My only advice? Beware of splinters.
  10. I wouldnt say that, id just know the difference between love and appreciation. I love my family. I appreciate good music. Thers a fine line, but its there.
  11. Id call that more of an appreciation for the item or art form. I wouldnt use the word love in that scenario.
  12. Love, is the deepest understanding and connection that one entity can have with another. This is divided into a few categories, and i wont bother to cover them all, but the basics are Friendly Love, Family Love, and Spousal Love. Each of these serves its own purpose in the Heart. Love does exist, but whether or not it exists to You (Not you Rider, just the person asking if Loves a myth in general) is something only You can find out.
  13. Id support this idea. Seems interesting.
  14. I have noted as of late that quite a few New Faces And some Returning Old Faces Have made their way into our humble world of MagicDuel Some for the First Time & Some to Remember Ill make the following as short and sweet as possible So as to make my point and save you Time This is simply a Reminder to the Older Players And a News Flash to the Young Blood That Voting is your friend for a few reasons What i mean of course is both the Free credits (X) Inside of the MagicDuel page And the ever equally important http://browsermmorpg.com/vote.php?id=217 Voting page for MagicDuel itself on BMMORPG Which you might need to make an account on To collect the Gold per vote (Someone correct me if im wrong) Voting on the Free Credits page gives varying points per vote And raises MDs standing on varying voting sites Which in turn raises Influx of New Blood Or the chance of that to be precise These credits can in turn be exchanged For a variety of goods so large That i wont even bother to cover them Voting on BMMORPG Loyally (Voting for the same site day after day) Or if you have OCD like me Every 6 hours religiously Results in BMMO Gold Which can be turned in for various spoils Such as Spell Stones Creatures And Silver Gifts just to name a few The only advice i can give for voting Is to make (http://browsermmorpg.com/vote.php?id=217) Your home page because doing so Results in an auto reminder to vote Every time you open up your web Browser I hope this helps the Young Blood And stirs up the Returning Vets To keep up with the Young Blood Because if a Fossil slacks The Newbie will catch up in Time (#TrulySorryForTheExtraWorkThisWillMakeForYouTreasureKeepers) (#TKPleaseDontHateMeImJust@HumbleMountainWolf)
  15. My vote goes towards MRF.
  16. Edit: Redacted
  17. Forgot to mention earlier, pm me know when you need the CTCs
  18. I know you were trying to be funny, but i meant none can at all, not No One can. Just thought id clarify. I cant cite this, Mur doesnt like being quoted and chances are im already paraphrasing. You could always ask him yourself if you truly want to Doc it.
  19. A little history lesson. Mur has tried to fix that roof, and it always breaks and flies off into the sky. He can not place a roof on that room. No one can. So that wont be happening.
  20. I apologize, i had no idea, edited my last post to host the images in the post itself.
  21. As can be seen in 7_thronehall_1 [attachment=4813:Untitled 1.png] There is no roof for this entire room. Thus, this would apply to 7_throneaudiencerange_1 [attachment=4814:Untitled 2.png] As even though while in that scene you cant look up to see the "roof", you still know its not there due to the scene prior. Both of these scenes have Sky visibility: Open bright So yes, i would like to see it overfill at this Scene, as it seems it should by MD Logic.
  22. .Seems that even when its raining, at 7_throneaudiencerange_1 It does not overflow with Water, as all other Water scenes do. It has Sky visibility: Open bright So im pretty sure that this is a bug. If its not, my apologies and this can be locked.
  23. Ill sponsor this with 1 Toxicodendrite Seed, age 173. 1 Water Daemon, age 173 1 Elemental, age 173
  24. May the Light and Darkness guide your way Equally.

    1. Maebius


      If light leads you, the shadows fall behind, but the path will show clear.

  25. Fang Lycanus Archbane, has finally lost his mind. Matter of fact, Hes lost himself Completely. He will be leaving _Soon_ to go live off in the Distant Mountains. Hes going to make himself comfortable at the Worlds End. Fang needs to refind himself. Hes becoming a Monk, and Starting Over. If he comes back, it wont be anytime soon. Questing for ones Self can take Years at a time. Keep yourselves safe while hes Gone everyone. ~{ And May The Light & Dark Guide You Always }~
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