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Fang Archbane

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Everything posted by Fang Archbane

  1. Redacted
  2. Bumping this yet again. Still waiting on a reply.
  3. Redacted
  4. Redacted
  5. Redacted
  6. Redacted
  7. I would never harm a Child of MagicDuel But if my Shade quarrels with Another Well. I guess im the next chapter in the Chronicles of a Shade Killer
  8. Redacted
  9. I take your words in Humbly Nava, and i Thank you for them. However, i Did become the role on GateWay. Yet i was Rejected for being too much Lore. Not enough Mech. Theres a reason Miq is still there, not I. I fed their Hearts. He fed their "Logic". Apparantly, its hard to figure out why a Pickaxe breaks Rock. I dont need Acceptance from Anyone. People Feel one way or another about me, and it Doesnt affect me. I am my own Circuit. I am my own Way. Regardless of what Anyone thinks of Anything, i Mature at my own Pace. I walk My own Road. I lead my People as I see Fit. And my Inner Self, my Silent Shade, tells me that i can Not back Down. It tells me to Destroy Everyone that gets Between me and my Goals. And it will be So. This is but Another hurdle. And one day soon or Far, ill get my Way. This topic Will be bumped Daily. At least until im Told why i Cant get the Role Offered. A spot that Not one Other is so much as Trying for.
  10. Still waiting on the reply, and i will be bumping this every single day until i get one.
  11. 20 Rainbow Candies and counting, selling them at 5 per Silver.As always, pm me any requests pertaining to trade
  12. True enough, the people may do as they please. As for the second question, i value my privacy, and would like to keep my transactions as such, private in PM.
  13. Then i ask this thread get wiped of all posts not made by me and locked, only available to my editing of my initial post.
  14. I Kindly ask any mod to remove DSTs post from my thread, as i specifically stated that this thread is not for talking.This is an obvious attempt to derail my statement, so please, take care of this. Thank you.
  15. August 18, 2016 is when i originally applied for the GG Lab position. It is now Nov 29th, 2017, so ill make two quick points below. I have been waiting well over a year, PATIENTLY, for a reply to my application. I waited originally, before applying, so as if anyone else might want to apply, they might. Not one did, thus after waiting for a few months, i myself applied to the position. I am the ONLY applicant. And unless Casper the Friendly Ghost has been doing a better job than i for the past year in that dank dark lab with its many fun gizmos and... but i digress. My second point is plain and simple. My birthday is coming up, on December 19th. I dont know why my application has been ignored for as long as it has, being bumped by me as much as it has, as patient as i have been, and i no longer care to ask. All i ask, is that if the Powers that Be will it so, that i might get an early birthday present in the form of more responsibility. I want that GG Lab position. I am the ONLY one with Gridos blessing for said position. i have waited well over a year. I have been patient. I have been cordial. I need an answer of some kind, from somewhere, because to not be answered is worse than to get a no. If i get a no, i want a DAMN good reason as to why i cant do the job no one else is applying for, and no one else has the blessing for. Thank you for taking the time to read this, i _patiently_ await the reply.
  16. This topic is not up for discussion, this is a not a thread to talk on. Any and all requests pertaining to this post must be PMd to me, thank you. Good evening, sleepy people of MagicDuel. Today i am offering my services in the form of Vouchers. For now, these Vouchers can only be bought for Mining Resources, but the hope is to Expand soon enough. Or you can say no to this and gamble, taking your chances at the Auction, hoping you get a better deal than this. I wont waste your time any further, here are your Voucher Options, and below that the list of resources to choose from. MVT1) 20 Resources; 1 Silver MVT2) 50 Resources; 2 Silver MVT3) 80 Resources; 3 Silver MVT4) 110 Resources; 4 Silver MVT5) 140 Resources; 5 Silver MVT6) 170 Resources; 6 Silver MVT7) 200 Resources; 7 Silver Clay Gems Crystals Iron Ores Rare Metals Golemus Dust Unidentified Ore Lonsdaleite Shards Edit 1: Rainbow Candies can also be purchased in bundles now, prices pending, pms as always
  17. My first helper and caretaker (even if he argued it over with me constantly) was Granos.
  18. ~{most}~ Creatures Received Creatures Given Creatures Recruited Scenes Visited Scenes Discovered Scenes Edited Magic Cast Magic Learned Magic Traded Worldly Influence Economical Influence Political Influence
  19. Waited a whIle, bumping this now to kindly ask as to the status of my application?
  20. Words we'd be wise to live by
  21. I can personally vouch for this. Though No One and I might never get along, we have developed (or at least I know i have have for him) a sort of silent mutual respect. We don't need to agree to stand each other. No One has Tact, and Class. Something those I don't respect vastly lack.
  22. Apart from missing a 0 in front of the 5th 6, its 6 6s, hence 666 & 666 And indeed, since BSR cant get it, i wont be getting it either. This can now be locked and forgotten about. Thank you for taking the time to consider my request though Chewy, i honestly appreciate it
  23. Its highly personal, and id rather only trust you with that info, as i do indeed trust you.
  24. Touche, sending.
  25. Its daily progress + personal mining. Its a rough mix of raw luck and awareness. I can explain how BlackShade is involved if you PM me.
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