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Fang Archbane

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Everything posted by Fang Archbane

  1. Honestly, im trying, but its a lot more complex than it first serems
  2. Im willing to pay good hard coin in exchange for that Bag of Nails on Neps behalf. So contact me to figure out how much youll need. Once an agreement is made send Nep the Bag and ill send the coin.
  3. To clarify some things, it seems we have had a miscommunication somewhere Chewett. I claimed to have Gridos Blessing for the GG Lab position as its Guardian, and that role alone. I dont know how, or where, anyone thought i had his blessing for King, as i never claimed that, only my intent to GAIN his blessing for King. If that was misconstrued i am sincerely sorry, but my words were clear on Forums, so please do double check whatever Source claimed that i did anything of the sort. I provided PMd SSd proof of my only claim to you Chewett, that he had given me his acceptance on the GG Lab Guardian role. I have below SSd my previous post, and the timestamp on the last edit against the time and date that it is now (bottom right of screen) prove i have not meddled with it. So if any of this is unclear to anyone, ill say it once more. I have Gridos Blessing for the GG Lab Guardian Role and nothing more. I aim to EARN his Blessing for King in Time.
  4. Seconded on the beauty Hedge, well done.
  5. Good evening, im looking to buy the following 3 colored barrens 2 colorless LR archers 4 colored MB archers 4 colored LR archers 2 colored tormented souls 4 colored grasans 2 colorless jokers 1 colored joker 2 colored drachorns (rustgoled) 3 colored drachorns (reindrach) 3 colorless drachorns 5 santas Age and Tokens are not of value to me, i will take them if they exist, but i will not pay extra for them. Thank you
  6. I am calling upon the Warriors of Bell, and all Allies of Marind to come forth in this hour of Progress and Need. I am starting the Marind Bell Wind's Arena, and here is the basic rundown of it all. At MP3, you are expected to keep a Non Damage Defense so you may farm wins & losses appropriately and rank up as soon as possible (Unless youre a Rank Holder). At MP4, you are expected to begin working on Max NonFreeze NonDamage Rituals, and at the same time begin to study fighting to gain a true understanding of Battle as you unlock the near full potential of it here for the first time. At MP5, you are expected to keep 1 Maxed Lifestealer on defense at 100% Slider so your natural regen keeps it alive even if the unthinkable happens, and someone breaks the rules thus breaking your ritual. All MP5 attackers are expected to attack with any Maxed NonFreeze NonDamge ritual. For maximum Stat Gains, go to any Scene that is low in Viscosity (-80 optimal) to farm quick and easy Max Erolin Heat. Keep this all in mind as its Key. Furthermore, always keep a minimum of 20 stacked rituals of the Defensive 100% Elemental so that even if broken, they will continue to "hold". If any do decide to break these rules, that is where our Sanctuary one scene away, Warriors of the Bell and Allies of Marind come into play. They are to use and abuse the Needles of Feebleness, MB Land Cleansers, and Spellcasting galore as well as any other methods they deem needed to rid our Holy Land of the Unruly. Thirdly, if Stat Damage does appear, as long as they are abiding by these rules, ergo not summoning the Wrath of the Warriors & Allies, then do not fret, for the stat gain you will receive far outweighs anything the Stat Damage could ever take. If they decide to play nice, we will decide to allow them to stay. If they decide they cant play nice, then we push them up and out of Marind Bell via the Heat Veins and brute force if thats what it takes. If any get too close to Heat Cap, i can always set 6 Popes. All NonDamage NonFreeze Rits need 6 crits minimum. As long as we band together, the fun will never end. Ive said this before and ill say it again. Welcome to The New Age.
  7. Honestly Ungod i love the idea, i myself would attempt but i am no good at plays
  8. I am actively taking screenshots of all said scattered info, labeling it properly, and making a comprehensive alphebetized segemented Whole Guide out of all of it, if you do not like it when i am done then that is one thing my friend, but please allow me to finish before you say such As things stand i would be done by now, but my net died late last night so ill finish it immediatly
  9. Trying to buy a lot of crits off Ledah, and were still alts, just thought id bump this with that info.
  10. Blessing found, pm sent Chewy.
  11. I wouldnt say thats the basis, the basis is my old promise to good people. But sure, ill dig through till i find it, should be somewhere in my forum pms. If its in in game pms itll take a bit longer, but ill find it either way.
  12. Priestess Aia and i are also considered alts. Tried to pass her some candy and realized this.
  13. I love this, but as a heads up Chewy ill try to take more than one task if i believe i can handle them all in a timely manner.
  14. Ill take this one as well, will start immediatly and let you know upon completion.
  15. I have this one on lock, will get started immediatly and ill let you know when its done.
  16. Im on top of this one too Chew, ill get started in a bit, eating dinner.
  17. Ill handle placing all this information in one good place under our Discord chat, ill make a new "frequently-asked-q" tab in there and make sure its all neat and organized. Ill ask the Young Blood what they think works best for them as well, and the item to travel to GateWay and back although not required by me Chewy, would be nice to visit my adepts in person on the Island to help face to face when they need it, instead of just over Discord.
  18. Oh thats riiiiiiiiiight, ok ok, thank you for clarifying. Interesting indeed. Ok, then the UG is off limits for now.
  19. Honestly i had already planned to give them all a personal tour of all open lands to mp3. Ill gladly work with anyone else that wants to help give them a guided tour. I planned to take them through Marind Bell and all easily accessed No Mans Land as well as Golemus. This would be my limitation with no extra help, seeing as they have low AP caps and would get stuck easy. I highly doubt they will all be able to beat the guards for a tour of LR, or be able to handle the Easts ap reqs. However, if i could pull them all to me using tools (as Rider suggested something alike above) then it changes. I could give them all full tours of all common areas save for Necro/LR/UG for the obvious requirements. All in all i would be happy to give a tour either way, and will do it either way. Help is not needed but appreciated. Edit: WIerd question. Since the story got removed, do they even still have that statue above the MB entrance to the UG? Because if it is there for them till further notice, i wont take them there. If it isnt, then i think it would be ok to show them around?
  20. You assume too much my dear Miq, so allow me to clear the unclear. I call them my children because i have set up a system, with my own Shadow Guardians. Its me, and 3 trusted people that i would bet my very life and soul on. I brought them here from elsewhere, thus i feel responsible for their safety and well being. I call them my Children because they are so, my People, my Family, my precious Future. That does not in any way mean i own them. In fact, i specifically stated they are free to join any land. I want them to choose one that fits them the most, for who they are, and who they want to be. We have been strengthening the bonds between Students and Teachers, every day since they arrived. So please, do not assume when it comes to me Miq, youll find my Truth rarely matches my Apparent. Everyone is entitled to their secrets and i am no different. I do not misguide but i also do not speak blindly. I will treat you with respect and try to earn yours in time, for you were once of Golemus and i dont forget. Just realize that while i do not lie, i do not tell the whole truth, for there is no reason to give that much away. I also did not say Grido was gone for too long, please do not put words in my mouth. I simply believe that if i can earn his blessing, i should systematically run for King of GG. If he does not give me his blessing i will continue to act as King, for that is what i am. Whether this world can admit it or accept it, that is not my worry if they are not of GG.
  21. If crazy is what it seems from your perspective, i accept that is what you believe. I mean no disrespect with what im about to say, so please dont take it personally. I dont need your acceptance of me, or anyone else outside of GG. The day you join my lands you can say these words, and ill consider them heavily. Always then i stand by what ive said, i didnt say anything carelessly. And i repeat that if any stand to impede, they shall fall quite swiftly.
  22. At the bottom of this post is the link to the MagicDuel Public Trade Discord.This is solely to streamline all trade through a single place for the Public.Enjoy MagicDuel in the New Age. This was a long time coming.Removed old link
  23. At least i know your denials are unbiased Mur. Thank you for your reply and your time. If pain is what MP6 must bring to this realm in order to move it up on your priority list, then im sure my enemies would be more than happy to oblige. Unless they realize that pain (as well as all other actions in my direction) breeds happiness in the end, for we all learn and grow for our good, as well as our bad days. Then theyll simply begin ignoring all i do, as they do when they dont know what truly causes me pain. Ill clarify. Nothing does anymore. I learn from it all, and i take nothing personally. Not anymore. Not the New Age. And there it is again, this new perspective of mine... id like to take the time to formally thank both all my Allies as well as my Enemies for it. It has been a long time coming, but the Pressure has finally forced me to become a Diamond that can never break again. As to this, if i decide to make it harder for me to go MP6, thats my decision and mine alone. At least, until someone else can go MP6, in which case, at that point, (assuming its you) do place in your opinion as then it will be valid. I wholeheartedly agree. Im now grateful to my enemies for the pressure they put on me, the pressure not even my allies could bear to do themselves. For Good and Evil both force growth, and it is from these two in Excess, that i have become Whole.
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