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Fang Archbane

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Everything posted by Fang Archbane

  1. Assumed correctly, this can be ignored. Thank you.
  2. Id ask on the right topic, but the right topic and the right pm dont seem to get approved or read.
  3. Since thats out of the way can i get de alted so i can get to my 5 pending trades and 3 pending adepts now?
  4. Bumping this, still waiting.
  5. He did not give me any SS but ill try to give more information.He went from MP3 to MP4, and in doing so, was given the option to pick a principle.He picked Darkness, and it is not showing up anywhere, not personal or public profile.
  6. I used the first scene into the Underground Cavers from the Marind Bell areaThe Scene Name is Underway Stairs, but the Area Identifier is 2_0x2_2
  7. Cards on the table Chewett, i dont want any kind of role of any sort on the island whatsoever.I wanted the Pebble so i could personally go and aid my Adepts if and when they asked.I do not now, nor ever in the future will i want to rejoin that Island as a role.Im only here for MagicDuels Revival, GG, and my Adepts, thats it.
  8. Bumping thisStill awaiting on a reply
  9. Bumping thisStill looking for colored critsPlease pm me the type and asking price
  10. Bumping this since This is all i need to go MP6 now I have way too many pending trades & In hopes you have the time today for this
  11. Gappy went Mind Power 4 and picked Darkness.It is not showing up on either his personal profile or the public profile pages.Officially reporting this as a bug, thanks for your hard work and time Chewy.
  12. Congrats, you found my recruitment post. Thats my attempt to get people stepping into the game for a few days with enticing truth mixed with a bit of current events. I know the games good enough to keep people here if they get the foot in the door so, whats your point again?
  13. Formally requesting the Wiiya collector go into the Tool Guardians (Mallos') hands.I asked publically if any had the ability to harvest it aside from Rophs, and since none have answered i now assume that none can, or the few that can will not aid me.If Rophs somehow comes back online and can supply my Adepts then that works too.But anything short of that and my request stands, we need someone active to hold that Wiiya Collector, and i deem the Tool Guardian a perfect fit in both role and activity.
  14. The Underground Caverns do not give Land Loyalty when the Daily progress hits as all lands should.
  15. 95% sure stats arent supposed to count due to "Fair Fights" being active. Ve resetting isnt a real problem, since you can always run around in your lands for easy VE. Combo counters, this ones actually odd, and indeed, is not counting correctly it seems.
  16. Im not trying to impress anyone. I said id do what had to be done, and im doing it. I did say i would try and earn your respect as a Leader, and while i will never stop trying to that end, that does not mean i am bound by trying to impress anyone. I am doing what i feel is required, i am staying true to myself, and not one other. Thats an assumption, as ive never said that, dont put words in my mouth. @Rider: your points are duly noted and you have given me much to think on. I do not see stating facts plainly as bragging, if others do, im sorry it has to be that way. As to what anyone outside my Inner Circle + The Mod & Creator think of me, i honestly could not care less. I dont have an image i need to uphold, im not in public service, and i get things done in my own way. If that is abrassive to anyone outside my circle, then i guess thats that. You, you i care about, so your words i will deeply consider as stated above. If you want to continue this talk, you know where to find me and how. Im not in a contest with anyone, and while i do actively try to work with the ways of MD laws, politics, etc, i am not bound by them (Save for the laws, i will not break any rules im well aware of). I have stated this before, and i will do so again. I have my own set of beliefs, which i will forever stick to, regardless of whether i walk it alone, or with a pack behind me. This is what i have become, after all the years of both love and hate from all angles. If you do not like what i have become, then realize i accepted my own half of personal blame long ago and decided to move forward regardless of the storm. What should be widely acknowledged in my eyes, but seems to have been forgotten, is how and why i came to be this way. Remember that, then attack the root, and maybe, just maybe, ill consider reverting back to the idiot dog that trusted too much and let everyone use him to their own means and ends.
  17. You took about 7 minutes to find him, when you know where one Begins on the island.Your reply to my PM was to the degree, you made it sound as if you werent looking. on purpose.And do yourself a favor, put that cursed pride aside for all of 5 seconds, we might be able to make miracles.That being a failed attempt, as i know it will be, remember you were the one to make me an enemy.And again, youre letting your emotions get in the way.Youre saying a little rough language breaks you?That is beyond words Azull, as an Ex King i expected better from you.Truly, i am disappointed, yet you made your bed, so lay in it.If you are not a Guardian, then get off the Island, thats a place for Guardians, as i was told when i was kicked.If you are a Guardian, then do your civic duty, and help those that i send your way.If you cant do that because you either1) Cant get along with me and im the main recruiter atm or2) Cant take orders and requests from the public because, again, that damn pride of yours impedes youThen my dear Ex King, and emphasis on Ex, you have picked the wrong "hobby", as youve made it quite clearWhen you read the harshness of my words, remember i am a Mirror.Evil for Evil.Good for Good.Balance for Neutrality.You layed a deep seed, and now your reap what you sowed.Enjoy what youve earned, as you definitely deserve it.
  18. They got stuck, i asked you to help, you gave me a snark remark.So youre not a Guardian? Then what are you doing on the Island?Because if thats the case, ill simply send Miq for help, as hes logical.You let your emotions get in the way, and that simply doesnt look good.
  19. Im formally requesting a Gateway Pebble for a multitude of reasons.Primarily being that the main and most active gateway guardian has now blocked me.I do not care for the complaints, all i need is a way to help my adepts since he refuses to make it easy.
  20. Ledah (Waiting For Adepthood & Trade) Priestess Aia (Same as above) Jakubhi (Same as above) MRALyon (Simply for trade, and ctcs have been passed my way, so this ones... kind of urgent) I myself will never be using that dreaded Mobile Option ever again, it has ruined way too many good trade opportunities and i can officially say that if i had not learned my lesson prior, i have beyond understood it now. Once this is fixed Chewy, you will never hear me say i need to be de alted again, assuming all people considered my alts due to this Mobile Option get taken care of all at once. Thank you for your time Wookie. Im sorry this even has to be a request... all i can do is make sure it doesnt happen ever again. For both our sanitys sake.
  21. We have been training them without mercy, and without mental lapse. It is not yet time for them to learn to drop heat, for that is not an option at Mind Power 3. If you believe i Teach incorrectly, then please do confront me. But realize i take words with a grain of salt, for any not from My Council of Three.
  22. Jakubhi is also my alt it seems, just updating this to say that ( ^^)
  23. Ah, my apologies, see, the Fake Grido (Frido hence forth) on the Discord accused me of not getting his blessing, and then accused me of stating i had his blessing for king. I knew it wasnt the real thing, but i decided to fool a fool into thinking me a fool, by playing her little... scherade. She asked me to write this to... clarify. I knew i had nothing to lose in transparency. Frido claimed A LOT about how Grido was angry that i had claimed so much and it was all apparantly lies, so i provided proof and laughed silently on the inside. I made this to "clarify" as Frido asked. I wanted to make sure you werent hearing falsitys or such, hence, this being created. I know the way my King speaks, the mentality of a king, the understanding of a king, for i am now one in my Heart. That was not my King. I know my enemies list, and it is short, so matching read attitude to past knowledge, i can easily figure out who it was. But i will not assume such things in public. Well, i wont spell it out anyways, people can read between the lines. And I will not return the "favor" she has done me in kind. I will be the greater man, as i said Everybody Gets One, but realize she has used up her One, and no longer matters in my eyes. Thank you for your Time.
  24. Ill sponsor this with a stack of 630 Iron Ore for first place. And happy early Murmas
  25. Not a problem Ungod, i meant complex but doable, the quest is fine as is, do not worry
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