I know that i can, but im MP5. At MP4 it becomes doable but difficult. At MP3 this isnt an option, so your argument is invalid.
Ive had over -10M Vp, what are you talking about?... try angering Eon and having him Single Daemon Mirror your defenses post burst.
It can be, assuming (which i shouldnt do) we work towards it instead of give cop out replies like "like that will be fair".
By removing all stats/tokens/combo counter, we make the fight "more fair". I never said it was fully a fair fight, even if the name of the ability being activated does imply such, its just a "more fair fight" than prior. Please dont assume im saying things, you know that old saying.
I dont understand what this is saying exactly, and im trying my best not to assume things as of late, so until you can clarify ill leave it alone.
Except those in alliances, where the personal win/loss record and honor gained/won doesnt actually matter. Argment also invalid.
I agree its mandatory, i do not agree that it fixes the problem of wins to loss ratio.
That still wouldnt work to deter, and the why is too close to my heart for me to want to explain it so, figure it out.
Maybe you missed that part where i became a PermaHeat Capped MP6 at 70M Heat and have stopped trying to get stats myself. Maybe you missed that part where im now only training others in hardcore stats, not myself, as i literally can not do so, and did that so that when this type of argument came up, i could easily point them to the obvious fact that they are assuming a lot and saying a lot more about themselves for judging me out of context and far out of time frame than they could ever say about myself. Maybe you missed that part where im MP6 and i no longer care for battle, since im going to stay an MP6 even if i drop on occasion a day here or there. Maybe you missed the part where i dont use Alts, only my Main for obvious reasons ive stated prior and dont feel like repeating. Maybe you missed the part where ive perfected fighting to the best of my abilities, and have figured out a way on my own to gift massive stats a day even if the other player is idle due to life and work, since i believe everyone deserves a fair chance. Maybe you missed the part where ive offered to hardcore train Eon, since hes got no one left to grind on due to his Stat Damage detterent. Maybe you missed the part where ive been an MR Frat member and a proud Golemian for a good long time now, and only leave on occasion to help with some Testing and only with Permission. Maybe you missed the part where im not begging, and whether i get what i ask for or not, will in no way deter me from my goals for they are steadfast and unbreakable.
Maybe you missed all of that, and maybe you didnt, it doesnt affect me either way No One.
Im the Twilight Equilibrium Fang, an unbreakable force that will get his way with Unity & Love.
Welcome to the New Age No One, i hope you enjoy it as much as i know my Children and i have been.