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Everything posted by Fang Archbane
I just had... an insane thought. Being that Shades experience what we consider to be Time as they do... Isnt it possible that something that occurs in "our" future could spark the war in "our" past?...
Ive brought the Golemus Golemicarum Flag into The Dead, and planted it within Necrovion just outside The Dead. I cant help but wonder what this will do to the frail Balance.
Some interesting notes brought to my attention Page 116 [2008-07-06 01:06:36 - The Shade Ballance - Kh.]"It is a SHADE!!" All scream in panic and hide behind Khalazdad. "We come in peace!" sais Khalazdad a bit unsure on his words. "Peace..hahhahaa..that will be your doom, human, you need WAR to survive, peace with the shades will only make you more...faded". confused by what the shade said, Khal tries to find out more and als learn more about the shades. & Page 42 [2008-05-09 06:42:01 - Golemus Wizard quest - ST. Mo.]STF turns towards the crowd behind him waving like a fresh ellected president and does the banana dance, on BOTH legs. .Morpheus. shouts: "HEY! what do you think you're doing!?" ..crowd dissapears and STF looks in the ground before Morpheus like a guilty child, waiting for his reaction...the answer might be wrong afterall
Updated 2 Colored Barren (12th Anniversary) 3 Colored Barren (11th Anniversary)4 Colored Aramor (10th Anniversary)4 Colored Aramor (9th Anniversary)4 Colored Aramor (8th Anniversary)4 Colored Aramor (7th Anniversary)4 Colored Aramor (6th Anniversary)1 Colorless Loreroot Archer2 Colored MB Archer (Bloodpact)4 Colored LR Archer (Sharptear)1 Colored Tormented Soul (Soulweaver)2 Colorless Joker (Wishpoint)3 Colorless Drachorn (Wishpoint)3 Colored Drachorn (Reindrach)2 Colored Drachorn (Rustgold) 2 Angien (Tainted)3 Angien4 Santa1 Morph1 Nutracker1 Darkling1 Colored Elucubration1 Colorless Elucubration (Halloween)1 Horseman1 Molima1 Shade1 Swordsman 1 SMSHPayment comes in coin or credits Thank you for your time
A great question to which I have no good answer. At this point we'd have to see what each creature itself is made up of. This might be where the connection thickens and focuses more on the lands than the creatures themselves. Necrovion harbors Liquid Dust (by itself and as part of a Shades buildup) But GG has Golemus Dust... And was it not said that the House of Liquid Dust was created when Shades tried to leave Necrovion? If memory serves they were unable to sustain their form outside of Necrovion and that's how the House came to be. That raises the all important question of how a war between GG & Necro even came to be, if the Shades can not leave Necrovion without literally falling apart then... did the Empty Aramors attack Necrovion?...
Its said they mirror in the name of balance, and that could mean quite a few things. If memory serves when Immanity (what i call the collective of players in MagicDuel) first made contact with the Sentinel, he said something along the lines of "To wage war against us is to wage war against yourselves"... indeed, the plot thickens. Ive also updated my previous posts with edits, so please do reread the bottom bits ive added. As for the Research, do you speak of The Chronicles Of A Shade Killer? If so i have all the first unlockable ones and would be more than happy to share them, assuming that is allowed. I also seem to have the research on the fight between GG and Necrovion... curioser and curioser. Would also be glad to share that if allowed. I also have some Research on the Aramors themselves... i truly hope im allowed to share all of this. Looking through my Research and Connections i do not see anything simply labeled To Kill A Shade... even if i feel like ive seen it before somewhere. Ive been to most places so, the chances of me not having at least unlocked the ability to see it in my Research and Connections as a locked paper are slim to none.
@Aia del Mana all of these are amazing points... so much so that i dont even know where to start... so ill start here i guess. Taking all that into account, and seeing from a rather wide perspective just how frail the balance and imbalance are... it makes me wonder what would happen if one were to kill TTL ( https://magicduel.com/players/TTL ) or the Controlled Shade | Ark Mattarox ( https://magicduel.com/players/| Ark Mattarox ). Both seem to be very important in the grand scheme of things, and both would greatly disrupt balance if they went from being in Necrovion to The Dead... interesting indeed. For that matter, what would happen if killing them spurred the Shade Sentinel ( https://magicduel.com/players/Shade Sentinel ), and beyond that what would happen if we were to try and kill the Shade Sentinel himself?... would we destroy the balance and imbalance weve all come to take for granted, or would the disruptive assassin become like TTL, a soul now lost to Necrovion?... @Ungod I do believe Aia is on to something beyond important... if the Shades balance the Empty Aramor (Souls without Vessels and Vessels without Souls) then what would happen if we didnt simply defeat them in battle and make them dissapear visually? What would happen if we tried to actually kill them?... woud we drastically see change in either Necrovion, Golemus, Gateway, The Dead, or all four? Would nothing change? Would new previously locked doors open, or would previously open doors close? If something happens, nothing happens, or everything gets turned upside down, careful study of the actions and reactions or lack thereof would greatly aid in the research being conducted on it all. @Blackshade Rider Very possible indeed. We could accidentally spark another war... but if we did, what would that truly mean? Answers might be found, but even more questions would arise... Edit1: A careful study of TTLs, Arks, and the Shade Sentinels principles should also be taken into consideration. They might just hold as many secrets and answers as the rest of this. Edit2: Careful study of these profiles makes me notice a few things immediately. The Sentinel is made up of simply Darkness. Described simply as "Nightmare's for Some, Fascination for Others, Shades Rule the Obscure Side of This World, Balancing for All that is Opposing Them". He is also quoted to be saying "Listen to Me i Challenge You All. Find my Face Behind the Wall. As You Rise so You should Fall". TTL is made up of Darkness, Imagination, Time, Transposition, and Light oddly enough. TTL is "A Soul bound to the Shades Realm, Crossing Over on a Perpetual Basis". No further papers on this once sentient being to describe him, although it should be noted that he did try to kill the Shades if memory serves. Ark is made up of Balance & Imagination. It is an "Undefined entity commonly reffered to as a Shade. Usually being a Fragment of a Larger Cluster ([Sub?]Consciousness of Necrovion?) and without Individual Identity". Ark also speaks of himself. This is seen in the passage reading thusly: "Originated in Necrovion, I Ark Mattorox is Different from your Average Shade (It seems very self aware, even of its abnormality in being self aware). It is Sometimes seen Outside of Necrovion, Sometimes heard talking to Itself (Itself as in himself, or itself as in the rest of the Combined Consciousness?) and has an Unusual Interest in Humans (I believe this means sentient organisms, as we all know not all of us in MagicDuel are "human"). It seems to like Writing and Reading, preferably starting Midway in a Book and working towards the Beginning and the End Simultaneously (This makes sense since Shades experience all of time all at once). Sometimes ruins a book in attempt to Bend it Backwards (This... feels like it has some secret message im overlooking), however the books it returns to the Library are always in a Good State (So it keeps anything it ruins... interesting). The only Problem is it tends to Return books Before it Borrowed them and thus confuse the Librarian (Ah, so their experience of time is different from ours on all levels both Inner and Outer, we could even say Shades can travel through what we consider to be Time). As for the Writings, it has a huge Collection of Papers containing the word "I" or "I Ark Mattarox"; A Thesis on the Concept of Individuality and a Transcript of 'The Book of Time", which he Wrote while visiting the Study Room (Again, this Shade is beyond self aware)".
It seems upon the obtaining of some new information, that Shades are closer to a joined collective of Necrovions (especially Inner Necrovions) consciousness. If this is the case, then it makes me wonder if we create our Shades when we first cross over to Death and only make it more like us every time we die thereafter. Interesting indeed. Tiny Men have closer ties to empty aramors than we might be giving them credit for, they could have very well been Empty Aramors themselves once. If that is the case, then the transition would go Aramor (Whole)> Empty Aramor (Having left Gateway)> Tiny Men (Having somehow found the missing piece or a new substitute piece inside GG). Im of the belief that ill need to study the Necrovion Golemus war more closely now. It might harbor answers ive previously looked over with old eyes now new.
I simply meant the Shades have not been removed from anything to the extent of our knowledge, even if it is possible to find a Shade that resembles you in your entirety. I dont believe those two halves were ever a whole, for what would we become if we fully accepted and absorbed our Shade? Would we be ourselves with a Shade voice in our head, or would we be the voice in the mind of a Shade? Maybe wed be something completely new and amazing, but i feel like we arent together as one with our Shade for a reason. Might simply be for Balances sake, then again it might be something far greater and vastly more destructive to the very fabric of existence. Empty Aramors on the other hand, were not Empty once. Thus, now, they are not whole. I apologize if that got confusing, that was not my intention. Yes indeed, the Empty Aramors we know now became empty upon leaving Gateway. I dont believe im at liberty to explain how that came to be exactly, but i do believe i can say that much. I have personally never seen a Shade in Gateway, but there is still an underground cavern area i do not believe has been fully explored so, its wholly possible we could find some startling things down there in the deep dark depths of Gateway. As for how Tiny Men tie into Aramors at all, i have no idea. Their only connection i can see is that they seem to have come from the same place of origin, and they seem to be able to live together without destroying each other.
I was under the impression that that bit of information i have access to is not meant to be public. If im wrong, then id be happy to continue. Close, what they lost was lost upon leaving Gateway Island, and it might just still be there. It just seems odd to me that the Empty Aramor move around while the Shades & TTL do not, as the only major difference i see is that one set is whole and the other is not. However, your statement raises a couple of very good questions. If what you said is indeed the case, if the Empty Aramors became empty upon leaving Gateway and the lost pieces of themselves somehow found their way to Necrovion, and they did indeed reside at the Stone of Twisted Souls for Balances sake in our world, then it would indeed explain why the Empty Aramor roam around GG if even simply with a slightly different reason. I was under the impression they were trying to find their way back to Gateway to become whole... if they need to enter Necrovion to do that, then that would involve infiltration... As far as the viking ships go, i have no basis for this save for gut feeling, but i have a strong impression that the ships were built on Gateway by the Tiny Men. They seem to be very good with tools just off of the few bitrs of scenery one can see in GG, theyre capable of restraining Drachorns so theyre clearly capable with tools to a very decent degree. I highly doubt one or even many could restrain a Drachorn with just their bare hands.
If I had to vocalize just one theory, it would be this. While the Tiny Men did not change at any point in time I am aware of, the Empty Aramors did. They weren't always empty. It was during a transition from one place to the other that they became empty, but sadly I feel that is all I can say about that subject, and to be perfectly honest I fear I might have already said too much. I feel the main difference between the Empty Aramors and the Shades might just be that the Shades are whole, while the Empty Aramors are not. The Tiny Men need to be able to tend to the Drachorns (which I'm sure run wild around the entire island of Golemus even if you can only recruit them in one place) So that might explain why they have full movement and access, but the Empty Aramors I feel might just be... searching for what was once lost, and is now very, very far away.
If you are an MP3 or an MP4 and find yourself short on training allies to rise to the next Mind Power level, please contact me either in game at Berserkers Charge or on forum anytime. I will not be handing out easy training as I have in the past, you will be taught to fight as I help you progress through the various Mind Powers and we will develop your abilities as a Fighter in this realm to help you both survive and thrive. If you have any questions or comments please do message me. I will reply as quickly as able. Here's hoping to you not needing me at all, but if you do I will be there. Thank you for your time and best of luck till then.
I can see what you mean ungod, but instinct tells me that those creatures mean more to the respective lands than simple aesthetic for flavour. And you are right to say all that Chew, I have opinions based on prior conversations with people who know the subject much better than i, which is why I asked for opinions to hold against my own, and not hard facts and such. I'm sorry if I was misunderstood. To continue with Ungods last comment it makes me wonder quite a few things. Primarily why the Shades & TTL in Inner Necrovion all congregate at one place (The Stone Of Twisted Souls) yet the Tiny Men and Empty Aramor of GG roam their entire land freely.
Not necessarily Ungod, I'm trying to find connections through the lands themselves. However, the lands have main creatures (some implemented as actual usable Crits while others not) and i feel their connection to the land is just as important as impprtant as their connection to each other.
After reliving the extended talks i have had with @Pipstickz & @Jester about this topic, a few things come to mind. First things first, I know there is a connection between GG & Necro although the details themselves might escape me. After speaking with Pip oh so long ago, I came to the conclusion that Shades are made up of multiple components (Oppositely mirrored to what we Players are for Balance), but their main attribute is Wind. This would explain why (in my belief) Wind Ward is the most sought after Spell Doc, as it would shield one from most but not all of the dangers Necro inhabits. Secondly, after my talks with Jester things got vastly more complicated. I'm now in the belief that Necro was created in response to GGs creation, and if that land is a +1 it would make Necro a -1 or even possibly a 0 (Depending on ones viewpoint of Balance). Thirdly, I know the Tiny Men & possibly even the Empty Aramor are heavily related to the connection between GG & Necro, but that leaves the equally important question of how Angiens fit into the picture with Shades hanging in raw Limbo. For that matter, what ARE Angiens? I've learned somewhat recently that they aren't Light, and some can even become Tainted. Sadly I have more questions than answers and every new answer breeds twice as many extra questions. My information and theorys for this Connection are nowhere near complete but this is what I believe my studies have showed thus far.
Id like to ask everyone what their thoughts are on the main and sub connections between Golemus Golemicarum and Necrovion. There are no right or wrong answers, I simply wish to gauge the public perspective on this subject and compare it to my own. For a long time now I have felt that GG & Necro are connected in more ways than the obvious or the publicly known so, I feel this question has been long overdue and I eagerly await all replies. Thank you.
Thats a commonly occuring but oddly absent lately glitch that happens on occasion. Basically, the captcha (from my experience) loads twice, and thus the first one you can see is incorrect. To fix it all you have to do is hit the refresh button on the captcha image after the whole page is done loading. Then type it in and youre good to go.
Happy Birthday Nimrodel!
Fang Archbane replied to MaGoHi's topic in Say hello, Goodbye, or something else
Happy birthday Nimleh. Here's a toast to good days now passed, ones we hope will return. -
For a long time now, i have considered myself both a poison and a medicine to this world. Like a burning fire in the woods, i equally destroyed and simultaneously helped make room for regrowth. At times i did this knowingly, other times i did it against my better knowledge. I am here today to let MagicDuel as a community know, that it is time to fully and truly dedicate myself to the Path of Light. This is not to say that my prior attempts were invalid or simply an act to mislead, as i have been genuinely trying to regress myself back to what i once was in the beggining for many many moons now. I feel like a broken record, but every new realization also gets me closer to my goal of getting back to what i once was without losing what i have learned. It has not been easy, matter of fact most times i almost gave up from the sheer stress and shame i felt in most of my waking moments. It is in this newest phase that i have realized something, and i believe it is important enough to share publically. MagicDuel has made me the man i am today, for better or for worse. It is up to me and my limitations or lack thereof to decide which category i fall into, Poison vs Medicine. So today i place my foot down and wholly dedicate myself to being the Medicine that i believe MagicDuel deserves. MD has made me everything i am and am not, thus it has earned my full and undying respect for the 7th and final time. I will not stray from this path, so i say let the games begin. Beggining as of April 1st 2018 and every month thereafter, i am holding what i have come to know as the Activity Tournament. For every new hour you are logged into MD (using server time) you will be able to gain 1 point towards the Monthly Activity Limit. Anyone could simply stay lazily logged in all day and gain 24 points (1 point for every hour) for said day, but that is not the daily cap. Anyone that is actually doing something (resource gathering, fighting, holding a conversation of non generic structure, etc) during that time frame will be able to gain double the points, for a true daily point cap of 48 points. All point attempts are to be sent to me in the form of a set of screenshots over forum, 1 for every seperate hour window of game time and as a batch file at the end of each month. I say window because a SS taken @ 12:01 server time will be worth the same point chance as one taken at 12:59 server time and they can not be counted twice for the same hour window. Unless sponsorship of some sort is obtained, i can only reward the first place winner of this Activity Contest but i feel the rewards are worth fighting for. First place gets 20 credits, and remember this will reoccur every month for the top ranking dedicated MD player. A side note: If work or school hinders your chance at winning, i might suggest using the Google Chrome mobile browser to at least attempt to (if planned appropriately) log in, harvest a resource on scene, and take a SS for maximum points. To the extent of my knowledge the Google Chrome mobile browser doesnt mark anyone as alts since it does not use a proxy (for the record, dont use proxies) but i would appreciate it greatly if @Chewett could either verify or correct that statement. If any questions arise or anything i have said is unclear please do feel free to ask on this thread and i will be happy to answer to the best of my abilities. If you do not have anything progressive or positive to state about this action then i kindly ask you not post at all but failing that realize that from this very moment on i will be ignoring all negative commentary so do not be surprised if someone makes that type of statement and it goes unacknowledged by me. Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day.
Updated 3 Colored Barren (12th Anniversary) 3 Colored Barren (11th Anniversary) 4 Colored Aramor (10th Anniversary) 4 Colored Aramor (9th Anniversary) 4 Colored Aramor (8th Anniversary) 4 Colored Aramor (7th Anniversary) 4 Colored Aramor (6th Anniversary) 1 Colorless Loreroot Archer3 Colored MB Archer (Bloodpact)4 Colored LR Archer (Sharptear)1 Colored Tormented Soul (Soulweaver)2 Colorless Joker (Wishpoint)2 Colored Drachorn (Rustgold)3 Colored Drachorn (Reindrach)3 Colorless Drachorn (Wind)4 Santa 3 Angien 2 Angien (Tainted) X Nutracker X Darkling X Colored Elucubration X Colorless Elucubration (Halloween) X HorsemanX MolimaX ShadeX Sword Shade X SMSH Payment comes in coin or credits Thank you for your time
Your information is only half right. Firstly, as an MP7 he can go mostly unattackable once and when he drops that illusion hell drop to MP5 till he's manually bumped to MP7 again if ever. I say mostly because Mirror Ritual would make that illusion worthless. Secondly, if he misuses MP7 it can get taken away. If I misuse being Dead, what would happen, I'd get... revived? I am a free spirit, it is part of being Pure Dead. I'm chained yet free. An alpha wolf walking a lonely road that is both and neither. But sure, lets let the organizer decide. I'll go with whatever his verdict is. I could care less either way, as my role was mainly support in the end.
The point, is that I can still play other vital support roles as well as win if i so desired it. If being the key word. Since you're voting to have dead players banned from fighting contests, I guess we'll have @Chewett decide.
I am still dead, but it is a double sided sword. I can not be attacked but i can also not attack. I feel this keeps my application valid. Call it a strange strategy if you will.
Sign me up
You know what I miss Nim? What we used to have. The you that my Granite Wolf fell in love with and wrote the Ode To Nimleh K Doc over. Better days that are now long gone. If this is your form of goodbye then I am sad to see you go. I don't hate you Nim, I just fear I can no longer trust you, and that is most likely my fault. Something tells me you'll be back but if you're not... know that I loved you once, and did so with all my heart. A Part of me still does... but it's a part of myself I can't afford to trust or listen to anymore. And don't worry, I won't dirty this thread any more. Go in peace and best of luck to you love.