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Fang Archbane

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Everything posted by Fang Archbane

  1. I think I speak for quite a few people when i say wed rather figure out why the alters stopped working and find a way to change it ourselves, then simply ask for it to end.
  2. Get in contact with Ungod. I can nearly assure you hell be able to help, and knowing him hell most likely waive any fee.
  3. My brain would be fried by now. Thats truly impressive.
  4. Our worldview determines our philosophy of life.

  5. Debatable indeed, but true enough. This does beg the question though, if we involve the Quantum Suicide Theory, how exactly WOULD the end result materialize itself... For those that dont know what I speak of, I've attached a summary of said theory below from one of the thousand sites that do their best to explain it. https://science.howstuffworks.com/innovation/science-questions/quantum-suicide3.htm My thoughts are simple enough, I see one of three outcomes. Quantum Suicide Theory (Hereafter referred to as QST) proves true. You "die" in the reality where you get Time Looped and the consciousness (Inner) transfers to a reality without the Time Loop (Hereafter referred to as TL). This would mean the TL is localized in just your "starting" reality. You die and QST proves true. Your Inner transfers and you wake up in a reality where you still get TLd. This would mean the TL spreads across the multiverse (or at the very least, multiple universes). You die and QST proves false. Normally leading to death of physical form but negated by the TL, you start the TL all over again.
  6. You're saying a controlled state of death might ignore the time loop because reality is made up of consciousness and a psyche severed from a body might not follow universal law but multiversal law?.. Astounding, to say the least... And risky is an understatement... That's a Hail Mary if I've ever seen one.
  7. Going off of DDs suggestion, and it is an amazing suggestion in my eyes, two things come to mind. The primary being simple enough. Undergo deep hypnotherapy to alter the way the brain works and speed up the heightened instincts process I mentioned earlier. Secondarily, deep meditation could achieve the same goals. My only issue with these suggestions is that both would be external actions that "should" be counteracted upon the timeloops reset. Any action we take in any way would be external and reset. We would somehow have to rip open the border between multiple dimensions and escape time as we know it (even with an external action) to create contact with anything outside our concept of time/space that would somehow reach back to us. Astral projection does come to mind as I type this but... that action alone is difficult to begin and more so to master.
  8. From Mallos: nothing wakes me up quite like an alarm buzzer"bzzzz bzzzz bzzzz" kinda like a bee... I imagine a quick choice or nonchoice could be swayed simply by sending this most annoying noise to me through my ears to jolt me into action, as opposed to a nonaction I may otherwise take... How to go back into time, I imagine (speculation ahead) that as information enters a black hole that it would be split into four constituents, three heading off into separate directions based on the magnetic dipole moments of the black hole and maybe the fourth point would be sent back towards the source, in essence an equal and opposite reaction. If the information is sent exactly back then it would cancel out, effectively having never entered the black hole to begin with and from an observers standpoint look as though it would never escape. That information being torn apart would be sent into equally difficult to reach areas of space (since as look further in space the space looks smaller, we require energy to transport ourselves to that area of space, and the gravitational energy tapped from the orbit of the black hole would be immense sending the information elsewhere) and would essentially be being sent into a completely different dimension, or probably more appropriately, a completely different universe. Although that universe would be inaccessible to all or most sub-lightspeed travelers since the information would be propelled to near lightspeed or at lightspeed through reference to Einsteins mass = energy times speed of light squared (information or.. mass going into black hole transformed into energy shot out in opposing directions) they might be in direct communication with eachother through quantum entanglement and have little to no way to prove it without some precursor civilization to come and tell them that they were. That information going in would be subject to the black holes time dilation effects due to the immense, nearly infinite gravitational pull of the singularity and as such time would slow down for all incoming information to the point that any observer outside would require too much time to be able to observe the information leaving. An infinite observer might conclude that the information does in fact leave, after the entirety of the black hole dissipates through hawking radiation, after a timeframe so massive that most or all of the surrounding galaxies (universes for that matter) have already receded from view. Simple point being that a quantum entangled spaceship able to withstand the journey through a black hole might end up inside a different universe or quite paradoxically in 3 separate universes, creating a sort of relay of entanglement that could then transfer information instantaneously back and forth between them, as such a spaceship making this journey over and over could find itself in any potential universe and could effectively find its way back in time to a universe that has replayed the exact conditions of which you want to replicate, instead arriving sooner and being able to change the outcome.
  9. Ah, worked an 8 hour overnight shift, maybe i missed making my point, my apologies. Im basically saying that if you find yourself stuck in a recurring Time Loop (same event over and over again) and cant remember anything from the other times, if you experience it enough your instincts and subconscious will slowly but surely over time force you to "feel" certain things. If making one decision will have you killed, youll know it through instinct eventually, and feel fear. You still wont "remember" anything but youll simply "know" and make a different choice. Due to that knowledge gained from having lived that Time Loop situation my entire life, i know deep down that the only "naturally" occuring way to get passed it and make new, better decisions, is to live through the Time Loop until your Instincts kick in and you are forced to keep moving forward. This might make zero sense to anyone who hasnt had recurring dreams & nightmares for 27 years but, to me it seems clear as day. To me, this is the equivalent of sending a message to your "past" self. Now that i think about it more, it isnt really sending a message anywhere, but more like adapting to the situation and forcing evolution in the name of survival. My answer isnt necessarily do nothing. It's closer to "survive the madness ingrained through the experience, and trust your instincts, trust yourself".
  10. Let me start off by saying, that I do not aim for any rewards of any kind for my answer (assuming theyd apply) and would respectfully decline any attempt to go against these wishes. My reply is solely to explain a part of my life that's quite surprisingly exactly what you're talking about, and to hopefully help you find the answer you seek. Throughout my entire life, I have had recurring nightmares and recurring dreams. It's happened so much, that I know have a somewhat detailed but foggy mental map of nearly all the places I visit when asleep, and over time have realized that all my recurring nightly adventures are actually a small part of a much, much, MUCH larger map, it's very own city in size, and infinite in possibilities. When I first started to have these dreams and nightmares, they were quick to disappear from my immediate memory the second I woke up. Over time, I began to remember them for small amounts of time after waking. After years of this, I can now nearly fully recall it all, even weeks or months after I've had them. I mention this only because in said dreams and nightmares, I always have choices, as we all do or seem to. After having each dream/nightmare countless times, I began to Lucid Dream (The state of knowing ones asleep) and hit what I would call a God Mode. I could alter surroundings, do as I pleased in every possible way, but the more I changed the looser my ties to the dream world became, and oddly enough it was all STUNNINGLY similar to the movie Inception (2010). Because I subconsciously (instinctually) knew that I was both asleep and had "lived" this before, I had chances to alter my previous decisions without ACTUALLY having memories of said events. I knew going left meant death and restarting the infinite cycle somehow. I knew going right was unknown, but moving forward was better than "dying". And yet I had no specific memories, just gut instinct. So my answer is simple. One has to succumb wholly to the recurring actions. Live through it countless times. Eventually, your body and subconscious, your raw instincts will guide you, even with a total lack of memories. I'm sure there are other answers that apply, but this is mine and it has served me beyond what words can explain. I've lived a thousand lives. I've survived a thousand adventures. I've experienced my wildest dreams and fears, and all at the cost of nothing to my physical outer being. My mental and inner self might have taken a hit here and there for the worst. It definitely wasnt all fun and games. I payed the price of being able to play God, but it gave me PERSPECTIVE like I've never experienced before. I perpetually feel like I'm dreaming, even when I "know" I'm awake. Life now feels like a Lucid Dream, that's the price I payed for the knowledge I gained. It's both bound and freed me. I'm now a good person because I choose to be, knowing now that morals, ethics, and consequences exist only within our hearts. To end this small rant I'll quote a famous philosopher and hope its to your liking. It once brought me back to "reality" when I was at my worst from the Lucid Experience and saved me from "Insanity" without making me lose the lessons. Enjoy. "Once upon a time, I, Chuang Chou, dreamt I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes a butterfly. I was conscious only of my happiness as a butterfly, unaware that I was Chou. Soon I awaked, and there I was, veritably myself again. Now I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly, dreaming I am a man. Between a man and a butterfly there is necessarily a distinction. The transition is called the transformation of material things."
  11. Gold coins, however this has already been handled :3
  12. I cant help but wonder what life would have been like, had I chosen a different path at any of my crossroads. Not to be misunderstood, i feel no regret and quite the opposite. Yet still i sit here, with the curiosity gnawing at my mind like an unmoving mountain.

  13. Im looking to buy 4 gold for credits. PM me for details. Thank you.
  14. Pretry sure it's a bug. Chew should know though. Also welcome back NepNep ( o.o)7
  15. A comment from Mallos. "I have given the MDA tool to darkraptor the MDA land leader, the teamarket tool to Ledah leader of the Caretakers, and the MB tool to Ungod, the only other tool I can't release is the tool that I never was given, the Golemus lab tool, and I would give that to Fang Archbane". I'm still waiting till I revive to fully take on the role of Lab Guardian, but he asked I pass that tidbit on, so I have.
  16. I do believe the tag is in order since you have the tools. On a side note, I'm still applying for the lab guardian role, but it is on standby for now since I'm dead atm. Soon enough I'll be alive and stay alive so I'll be able to commit to all the duties of the lab guardian. Just figured I'd clarify that now. Im a Golemian till times end, and Golemus will continue to prosper.
  17. Life is a fickle mistress.

    Still, I enjoy it because it is mine.

    And yet, that doesnt change reality.

    At least not for all... just for my army of me.

  18. Hrm... it's a complicated matter for me I guess. You're right though, It would seem to be a new skill in itself. And I do think taming is keeping a creature for an extended period of time and raising then as family. Maybe we could combine the two aspects? Have it be a combination of resource collection as well as aging/caring for the creature as a part of yourself? Maybe add a small new mechanic where you can spend time with 1 creature at a time for a half hour each, outside of battle and just exploring with the creature, to really build that bond and degrading over time not spent with them. Elus are a good example, they are not meant to fight and that makes it clear that not all creatures are for battle, so why would any of them be solely for battle? I work way too much so its quite possible I'm too sleep deprived to make any sense... either way, these are my thoughts.
  19. Id have to personally say so Chew. If i had the chance and the right to rename/rework that skill, assuming it worked as i personally believe it should, i would call it Devotion. It would gain .1 in said stat per 30 days a creature has spent in said players family (creatures traded with aged days already on them wouldnt add to said count) and It would also degrade any amount a specific creature gave upon sacrificing/trading of said creature. To me, Taming means living and dying by said creatures. If you expect dedication and love from anything it expects the same in return, as well it has the full right to. These are just the thoughts of a simple minded man in the middle of a serious self journey but, from where i currently stand these are my thoughts on the subject. And a sincere thank you for taking the time to read my opinion. I hope this reply finds you well old friend.
  20. I personally think taming is something that comes with a crits age. The longer you have a creature as a part of you, the greater the bond between you two, and the deeper the understanding. That's not to say I dont agree with what Lintara has said, I do believe she makes a valid point, but in my mind taming is closer related to the relationship one builds with their creatures. Anyone can train, sac, resource grind, etc, but it takes a special person to look at his creatures as more than just an extension of himself, as actual family, pieces of you you simply couldn't do without.
  21. Everything is not what it seems. Life is far simpler than we give it credit for. Information leads to our existance. Consciousness leads to what we perceive as reality. Morals and ethics exist only within us. And as the limitations of ignorance fall around me I find myself both rebound and free. I regret nothing I've ever done, but take full responsibility for all actions that we as humanity catalog as both good and bad. I will continue to exist solely because I enjoy the adventure. I am grateful for the time I chose to spend here because it has aided me in ways words cant convey. Magicduel and its great people, every single one of you, placed enormous pressure on my back, on my wings, on my heart, and on my mind. That pressure could have crushed me into rubble, and on many a time almost did... and yet instead it made me into an unbreakable diamond. The journey will never cease. There is no true beginning or end. There is only the here and now. And for helping me refine myself, I thank you all sincerely from the bottom of my heart.

  22. Happeh birfdai to my longest ally and dearest friend ( ^-^)7
  23. Happy birthday Aelis :3
  24. Thank you kindly ♡
  25. For personal reasons, I've given the unique Black Rose to Mallos, in case you want to continue the investigation into why it appears under that tab at some point. As stated prior this is of the lowest priority, but thank you for your time regardless Chew
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