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Fang Archbane

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Everything posted by Fang Archbane

  1. Sights are recommended for recurve/compound bows starting at 20+ feet from target Y beams as stabilizers are a must. Shifts gravity forward slightly Shock dampeners also shift weight (They aren't just flicky stress relief) Sights must be set to a Baseline (Distance, Weather, Wind Direction, Humidity,and Slope of Field) and adjusted accordingly as circumstances shift 90+Meters requires slightly heavier bows (and builds to match it) The art of Archery is as vast as the ocean. Any. Take your pick Arrows are commonly made of 3 components (Wood/Aluminum/Carbon Fibre) Carbon Fibre is not to be messed with. Use gloves if making your own arrows using this Carbon Fibre tends to be the best arrow material (as long as you are CAREFUL) Every home made arrow is more or less as Unique as its Creator Archery arrows only need to meet a length, and fletchling color requirement Match, dont Clash… so speaketh the Wooky Draw Length is defined as the distance between the nocking point and the final resting place of your hand before loosing the arrow Nocking point is defined as the point you place the arrow on the bow Making your own arrows is a 3 stage process (Buy the arrow shafts & cut them down to required size/place tips & Nocks on arrow/Add Fletching) The longer an arrow is, the heavier it is, and the shorter it will fly Arrow length/thickness required is directly tied to one's own Draw Length and Stronger bows require thicker arrows in general, so they don't Speed Wobble In direct contrast, if using a Lighter bow you'd want smaller arrows Again, Carbon Fibre splinters are on another level, tread with CARE Cutting down an arrow is best done using a tool meant specifically for this task Tips come in various weights, do your maths, get the one that's right for you Competition archery requires you have three fletchings, and use a proper tool to verify that each piece is at a 120 degree offset Fletching tends to be 2 of one color, and 1 a separate color Competitive archery also requires you number your arrows for identification purposes Some clubs/competitions require metal inside your arrows in case they get lost in earth The meaning of life is complicated on a good day. An honest “i don't know” is a perfectly valid response. That being said, at our very core, we should always strive to help those we can, within reason. You wouldn't judge a book before you've finished reading it. In that same light, we shouldn't try to judge, so much as simply make the world a better place. Its ok to have flaws, stare them in the face and work to better yourself every day
  2. I took an extra day just to make sure i could digest it all (sleep is key) So heres my final assessment. I do agree that making any moves is better than making none, so in all honesty im all for it. My Ego has bias of course, but letting go of that i can see potential for much more aid than harm. To be fair, even harm and collisions serve to teach their own lessons so, truly i dont see a downside. I believe that as long as people care enough about their alliances/guilds to stay active and protect them, then the system you speak of would enable an incentive for activity, and that would pave the way for everything else. I dont know if this means much these days, but this plan and the people behind it have my blessing. Ill obviously do all i can from GG to aid, but im still getting reacquainted with the new form of MD (just got back from hiatus a few days ago) so i might need some time to adjust, but all in all i absolutely love the direction MD is headed. Its always been very heavily based on the players choices, this just seems to double down on the concept of "A world crafted by the inhabitants". Edit: I trust your judgement and those of my fellow Inhabitants. I do believe your idea and system as is has an insane amount of merit and potential. I just want to make sure that as you make decisions, you remember my humble suggestion. A backdoor styled entry shouldnt spark any notifications. Nothing short of checking the alliance in full should allow anyone to notice that anythings changed at all, or that theres any danger. Maybe small, unrecognized symbols appearing on the Alliance page as a small hint that someones attempting to break in, something easily missed but also easily found once you know what to look for. Maybe make the Backdoor entry take 3 days in whole (maybe less? 2? a full 24 hours?) so that there is time to get caught, and if so, maybe allow them to veto the backdoor entry by matching/surpassing their "Justification Statistic" (Ie: woodcutting/dowsing/etc).
  3. 1) I'd love to have a chance to revive the Fusioneers so, personally I'm all for this but I do have personal goals that would benefit from such an action, so the Ego is biased on the matter. 2) I'm all for this idea, I haven't read everything in whole but I read about half and I believe I understand. I support this "backdoor entry via woodcutting" (for example) if those already in the woodcutting guild have the option to veto. If their qualification is woodcutting at (let's say) 1000, then enough members to make 1000 woodcutting together would be enough to veto said backdoor, assuming they would even be active or want to. Edit: just wanted to state my opinion before I lost my train of thought, gonna go back and finish reading in full.
  4. How to explain what I'm currently experiencing... *Sighs* first of all, (re)introductions. For those who already know me, it's good to see you again in good health. For those who have yet to meet me, I look forward to the moment and the pleasure is all mine.

    Life, perspective, reality, meaning itself, are all subject to interpretation. So what does that make us? I left this realm for quite a while. I needed to find answers, not necessarily about the universe so much as myself.

    Ironically, in my search for ones Self, I found what makes us One. When the Veil is lifted, and we realize that this is all an Illusion, Life itself takes on new meaning. What is the difference between two current lives? About "X" from the central or Previous Point, all the way back to the very first Perspective.

    When everything is just as False as it is True, what are Morals? Ethics? Courtesy even? Why do we lose our grip on the 3rd dimension, rise to greater heights through both the Mind and the Heart, and yet still hold on to these... Theories?

    I've done a lot of soul searching in my days. In fact, I'd bet most that found their way to MD have done so themselves. It's sort of... One of the Roads that leads Here.

    I had to learn to let go of the Fear. I had to learn that Darkness, is just as loving as Light. I had to learn that I had to forget everything I thought I ever knew (save for a few sage teachings from someone just as Awake as I). I had to become engulfed in the Unknown, to find My Truth, My Perspective.

    Growth comes from Pain, because Comfort leads to Stagnance. If you were to forget me in time, then remember just these few Truths i gladly used my Time to teach you.

    There are no limits. Only the perception of them.

    There is no one Truth. In fact there are as many Truths as there are Lies.

    You are enough now, for your next step. You will always be enough.

    We all started as One. The very first Consciousness. The very first thought. The very first question. It was very simply;

    "Who Can I Become"

  5. Im 1,728 days old today, and im looking at a 447 AP max currently. The issue here wont be one for me, or people like me. Two points i feel i should make public come to mind. 1) Death is an extreme. In the Dead we only get a once a day, 24 hour regen timer, and we make do just fine. Honestly, this doesnt sound like an issue, just a shift in mechanics and a shift in mechs means a shift in perception if were to adapt and move forward. 2) There is potential for MP6&7 to take this hypothetical change to extremes. If we get massive regen timers and we have the knowledge & resources we need to accrue massive temporary stats, when we lose no AP to traveling if we meet the minimum criteria... well it sounds like a lot of fun and testing to me, but it could get messy, thats all im saying.
  6. Also of note, my dear new and upcoming magic user, is that Stone Tablets can Store any level of any spell with 1 or more charges left. I won't ruin all the fun for you but I will say this. Stone Tablets can be made once Illusions are Lifted and you're welcome among the Leaves @Zetsuei (I'd help more myself, but only Miq and a few select others can reach the GG Lab that has the tools you'd need to further this goal, best of luck :3)
  7. Ahaha, my apologies Sy, maybe I didn't mean it, or maybe its just a subconscious BURNING HATRED FOR A PICKLE THIE- *coughs to the side as he starts heating up new tea* No of course I'm kidding, I apologise for my horrid memory, you're also an amazing teacher worth considering. As for the wookies claim to mp6 fame I'm in. I'll temporarily switch my Adepthood from Grido to himself, until further notice or testing reaches public results. *turns and whispers to Ailith* of course there will be more cowbell... silly question♡
  8. *Chuckles* If Chaos is your thing, im the right Bird. If youre an intellectual, seek Mallos or Azull.
  9. I will take 1 Anni creature 2019 for 15 plushies, and i hand over the other 65 to @Mallos to do with however he pleases.
  10. Awesome, congrats to ungod. Aia, feel free to either take the imp/joker/pimp to distribute later, or hand them to Ungod for winning since he usually rewards crits himself, either works for me. I liked the quest concept a lot, if we could taint creatures at will without limits it would be interesting indeed. Great job to all, enjoy your rewards.
  11. (My sincerest apologies to all who have bid thus far, life has been a tad hectic [moving out] but i promise you, all items and creatures will be sent out here super soon)
  12. The fix you mentioned earlier (unpin and refresh) worked wonderfully, thank you mur
  13. My screens been doing that same thing Mallos' does since the change, i was wondering if it was just me, since i use a Chromebook ( o-o)7
  14. I am basically his backpack, so i can say without a doubt that that Taint is fully untokened.
  15. 5G 6S for 1 swordshade
  16. I hate to be a bearer of bad news, but this bit here doesnt close, like ever, and ive tried clicking everything, is this a bug or am i missing something? :3
  17. 777,777
  18. Ill get this started then, 1GC
  19. No worries, im just glad to see MD going in a good direction. And just like redneck ill be around if im needed. Godspeed to you Mur, and to the Team.
  20. Id also like to help, though i severely lack any experience with these tools, im sure time and wiser souls can help keep me on the right path. Id like to offer my services with BSR as my Overseer.
  21. For references sake, and since my profile page only shows a small set amount of crits Heres the list of what i currently own thats Non Necro (and Ayas right, all maxed). Hollow / Colorless, 12th & 14th Anny Tree / Colorless, Shop Elu / Halloween LR Archer / Colorless, Shop Morph Drach / Murmas Shop, Shop Grasan / Colorless, Shop MB Archer / Colorless, Shop Aramor / Colorless, Shop Joker / Colorless, Shop Santa Toxico Winderwild Knator Daimon Elemental Id also like to sponsor 1 Joker, 1 Imp, and 1 Pimp on my end for you to use however you see fit.
  22. https://imgur.com/a/XAtKRgq This is what i see on my end (google chrome mobile on android) but aside from some things being improperly sized, i think it looks good ( o.o)7
  23. I actually chuckled reading this... As I tried to ignore the tears welling up. You'll be missed Samon. And you're right, any great sadness that led to growth, is no sadness indeed. So why does my heart hurt every time I see a good friend leave? Why does my heart ache whenever I think of leaving this place? Hrm...mysteries for another day I guess. PM me when you do visit Samon. Creator knows you have friends in both high and low places ♡
  24. So it seems that MagicDuel and its people, have enjoyed a nice and peaceful time since ive been away on business. That being the case, as a Chaotic Neutral entity, its my responsibility and honor, to stir up a hellish amount of activity with my sheer madness. As of this day, i hereby publicly announce the Alliance of The Free Woodland Peaks. The Untamed East, the Foresty Loreroot, and the Mountainous Golemus have officially joined forces in full. As representatives of this pact, as persons of interest if anyone is interested, for or against, we have the following. Duchess Mallos of the Free Eastern Providence. Madamme Lazarus, Chieftess of Loreroot, Empress to Locked Necrovion. And yours truly, the curse of MD, the plague that forces you to act, the infection that forces you to grow stronger to survive. I, Princess Fang "Lycanus" Archbane, hereby represent the hallowed and sacred territory of Golemus Golemicarum. As things stand, MD could use a bit of a stir. Violent or otherwise. We might disagree on methodology, but you cant argue with results. Well see you around MD. Assuming you join or resist us before we take over everything that isnt nailed down. (Save for Necro, we need to chat with the Shades on that one). So stir. Get unruly. Rage against the machine. Join us. Fight us. Hail us. Condemn us. We arent going away anytime soon. So the only question left is... are you?..
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