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Fang Archbane

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Everything posted by Fang Archbane

  1. I like mp6 as is for now. I'd only change one thing. Make it so higher tier spells come from time spent as mp6 (total across your profile, not just current) and maybe update the spells a bit.
  2. As far as alliances and guilds go, I'm about 90% sure the only "important" change "recently" (using that word loosely) would be when Eon traded in all his Mad Emperor points towards getting a Mansion renamed for his own use in the East, and then gave all his backing (at that point, just his word was left) to Sunfire for Eastern Emperor. DST also seems to think shes doing some harm to the CotE by killing Aia to disband it, but in reality shes just wasting her time. Aside from that, nothing overly important has happened when it comes to Guilds/Alliances. On other notes, Syrian became PermaMP6 during "testing", Sunfire earned (and I mean earned) MP7, as did Azull and Miq, oh and Miq became GGs new King. Azull earned the right to work with A25 as did a few others if memory serves and has been doing a damn good job on that front. Am I forgetting anything? Anyone? ( O.o)
  3. Ok, now that one, I've been there. Never said quite that but I've been caught getting taken out of deep thought by friends and going "how can I aid you?" Or "hrm? Maxed already?". It's both hilarious and worrying.
  4. Technically speaking, i do believe there is a Wish option that randomly unlocks any clues you havnt yet unlocked. This being said, its possible to unlock tier 3 or higher clues atm by using said wishpoint after unlocking all level 1 and 2, with luck dictating results, but thats a rather heavy price to pay. Worth it, but heavy. I agree with Azull. Id prefer it if progressive level unlocking was implemented like leveling is with 1-2, but for all the higher tiers. Maybe also add more age wishpoints so the fossils can go research hunting in kind.
  5. ~Updated~ 4 Colored Aramor (6th Anniversary) 4 Colored Aramor (7th Anniversary) 4 Colored Aramor (8th Anniversary) 4 Colored Aramor (9th Anniversary) 4 Colored Aramor (10th Anniversary) 3 Colored Barren (11th Anniversary) 2 Colored Barren (12th Anniversary) 3 Colored Barren (13th Anniversary) 3 Colorless Drachorn (Wishpoint) 2 Colored Drachorn (Reindrach) 3 Colorless Drachorn (GG) 1 Colored Elucubration 2 Angien (Tainted) 4 Shade (Tutorial) 2 Shade (Sword) 5 Horsemen 2 Nutracker 2 Darkling 3 Molima 1 Morph 5 SMSH 2 Santa
  6. I'd be happy to train those for you. And I wouldnt charge. It would have to wait till after I'm done helping you hit mp5 though. If you want to speed up the process, I'd strongly suggest you train like theres no tomorrow. Happy hunting~
  7. Happy birthday bud ♡
  8. I didn't know one could experience so much pity.

    Too bad I know an act when I see one.

  9. I personally live closer to my subconscious self than I do my conscious self. I'm a simple man. Work to put food on the table. Work out to maintain some semblance of health. Maim anything that threatens what I love. Return by 10x everything sent my way. I understand that the sub and conscious mind are where it all lies. Thing is, I've given myself up to my sub self long ago and in that process, became something akin to a wild animal with morals and a frontal lobe for the occasional critical thinking. I could sit here and worry about what I'm doing, why I'm doing it, and when I'll be doing it, but it's so much more satisfying and freeing to just do when action is required and question your reasons long after when the storm has calmed. And that isnt to say that I disagree with you. Quite on the contrary I completely agree with you. Thing is, you're talking to a puppet that loves his strings. whether they exist or not I'll never know and I personally dont care to. I know that at my core I'm an empathic creature. I know it takes a lot to get on my bad side so when I lash out I can breathe easy knowing its justified (although I have been wrong in the past due to a flawed perspective, so I do know my fair share of regret). I know I give kindness to the kind and cruelty to the cruel. They say ignorance is bliss, and I know for a fact I'm both blissful and ignorant. Does it really matter that were puppets with strings, when in the end, only we can pull on them?
  10. Happy birthday Ambski ( ♡3♡)
  11. Happy birthday JubJub ♡
  12. The situation at its core is complex. Trying to simplify it will only lead to misunderstanding. Chances are itll be misunderstood either way, but I digress. All things in this life are (at least) two things. Data, and energy. Laws exist that state you will walk out your door tomorrow morning, but it's up to you as to how, when, and why you do that. So yes, free will is real. However, its limited. You're going to make choices, that's a definite, whether they're subconscious or conscious is beside the point. What matters is that you in the end decide how things play out, even if you're only drawing inside the lines, you have the freedom to draw however you like. I myself live life on an instinctual path. I dont usually think things out too hard (MD as of late is my only exception) because I know that unless I have something valuable to lose I'd rather not gamble and say "everything works out in the end". These are the questions that can find you bliss or drive you completely mad, so tread carefully. Learn from them but don't let them devour you, because if you let your guard down for even a second, they will.
  13. It's an issue but it goes away when you hit the heat cap. I apologize for my miscalculation Dusk, but like I said I'll have you patched up with a bandaid in 3 days time tops.
  14. I'm all for the idea, the concept, and your proposed execution. Truly, it's quite well thought out. My only gripe however, would be in agreement with ungod. Replacing a principle shouldn't reward you in my eyes, it should have a price that must be payed. An example if I may. I myself do not use tokens, a self inflicted law from a self inflicted wound a decade old. I picked principles that felt correct to me, of me, by me. This led to a uniquely my own set of principles, and they were not optimal for token fueled combat. If I had the chance to change and pick them all over again, however, I would be hard pressed to pick the ones that are "the best" for combat. Double anti freeze from two separate tokens and insane buffs all around. I'd be tempted to replace a set of principles that is dear to me, literally makes up who I am as Fang (a literal mirror of myself but in this world) for an unbeatable upper hand in combat. And that worries me. Call me a fool for worrying that temptation would get the best of me but... if the option to change my principles from "me" to "power" is there, my morals and ethics would battle with my inner need for stacking the deck in my favor. I know in my heart I'd be 90% inclined to keep myself as I am, but I'd do so only after obtaining the armour set you suggest here if it were implemented, since my crippling OCD and Completionist nature dominate my conscious mind. I like the idea. It's a great one. I just think wed need to pay a price for this ability, instead of being rewarded for being rewarded.
  15. Thats rather ok, ill just finish my current task before moving on to claim Guardianship. Thank you Chewy ❤️
  16. I humbly accept the recommendation, and if i am allowed to become the Kelle'Tha Guardian then my application for the Lab can be considered as redacted. Thank you.
  17. Seems unnecessary but acceptable to me, assuming we keep both flags and dont simply trade the new flag for our currrent ones.
  18. You know what, ill meet you halfway. I am against making more work for the wookie, but if this is how you want to play it Nava, ill humor you. We can go ahead and remove current flags for MD flags, sure, why not. However, at the cost of losing my ability to conduct my own research into Alts etc, i suggest we make a Public Alt Checker. Just a simple "place ID here" style clickie. I dont need to be told WHOS alt it is, just a simple yes or no. Thatd give me all the information i need, information i already get on my own.
  19. I rather enjoy a country flag personally. Let's you spot alts rather easily.
  20. Ah, that clears that up then, if everythings in order you have my full support =]
  21. Am I to understand that means that @Menhir and @MRAlyon back you in this?
  22. I didn't mean to suggest that I know everything about Necro, a lot of it is still a mystery to me. I meant I knew of the situation the necro tools are in, who can and cant freely walk through to the tools and back, and personally how I feel as to whether theyd abuse them or not. I came to the conclusion that they are highly unlikely to commit tool abuse, and thus we do not require the tools to be regulated via guardian. Once more, my sincerest apologies for any misunderstandings. My research in Necro was mainly on mapping it all out while Dead and speaking with Lashtal/Samon about some things here and there. I can see how my statement was misunderstood but hopefully this clarifies.
  23. On the current situation, nothing. As soon as Chaos began I lost all interest in Necro personally, and that isnt meant to insult, it's just how it is. As for knowledge gained, I swore to myself a good while back that (much like most of MD) any info i gain stays with me, it's nothing personal. As to the Necros Open comment, technically yes it is, but anyone save the MD Gods, Necro Assassins, and Necro Fossils would be hard pressed to move around that land without massive ap boosts or MP6/7 due to their zero ap consumption on movement. I for example could easily get to Necro (since I'm almost always either 6 or 7) and grab tools etc, but I respect Lashtals wishes to distribute the tools as he sees fit and refuse to meddle without some sort of great need/permission gained. There is zero need for necro regulation tools until they get abused, so we agree on that :3
  24. I'm all ears @Neno Veliki, please do elaborate. Last i checked I spent a year+ Dead, and quite a bit of that time was used to conduct research in Necro as well as talking to Lash/Samon. If theres something I'm missing on this subject, please do use your words and state so publically.
  25. Not accounting for Necrovion Chaos (as it's not the norm, and will eventually pass [in fact I'm rather surprised it hasnt already]) the only ones that can walk freely in Necro atm are Lashtal and Samon, the later of which is dead. That means one person alone has free access to these tools, and said individual (as well as Samon it should be said) has an extreme understanding of these tools and their use as well as distribution when in need. Since literally only one person can currently get to these tools and use/distribute them as they see fit, I stand by my prior statement that there is zero need for regulation of these tools, and thus no need for a tool guardian for Necro. In time this could change if Necrovion were reopened to the public, then there would be a need for a Guardian there, but atm this is what it is.
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