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Fang Archbane

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Everything posted by Fang Archbane

  1. Chew, i owe you an apology, for this and many other countless things. I can now see that what you ask is fair. Sadly its a moot point at this point as ive stuck by my decision to back out and get permabanned from her auctions. I made my bed and ill lay in it. You wont have to raise your bids and i do believe its better this way. Me and the Society of MD just dont mix.
  2. Shem, i have vast respect for you so i wont argue with you. I simply stand by what i said. I had already chosen to back out and having someone ask for an answer i know wouldnt appease them as well as having another ask for me not to get sold to till they can check their bids on anything i bid on just seems... well theres a word for it but im too tired to figure it out.
  3. Seeing as i didnt reply or so much as open her message (since i can tell how things will go regardless of acts played and didnt feel like wasting my time) im now banned from all future auctions on Nims part, so feel free to move forward with gusto. Something about this Made this Seem like only partial truth, and further cemented my already concrete decision to back out of this hilarious auction.
  4. I could explain myself but id rather not since no explanation will be good enough for you. That being the case, you can go ahead and remove all my bids from this auction in whole.
  5. Rare Crits: Black & White Joker - 695033 - (6 Silver) Shop Crits: Colored Loreroot Archer - 724809 - (1 Silver) Colored Loreroot Archer - 724810 - (1 Silver) Colored Loreroot Archer - 721571 - (1 Silver) Colored Loreroot Archer - 844072 - (1 Silver) Colored Tormented Soul - 436985 - (6 Silver) The Nutcracker - 757552 (6 Silver) Colored Marind Bell Archer - 716101 - (6 Silver) Colored Marind Bell Archer - 350738 - (6 Silver) Colored Marind Bell Archer - 636175 - (6 Silver) Black and White Crits: Loreroot Archer - 828849 - (3 Silver) Etc: 11th Anniversary Barren Soul - 851577 (5 Credits 1 Silver) 11th Anniversary Barren Soul - 851586 (5 Credits 1 Silver) Angien - 793920 (5 Credits 1 Silver) Angien - 715911 (5 Credits 1 Silver)
  6. Rare Crits: 10th Anniversary Aramor - 832951 - (1 Silver) 10th Anniversary Aramor - 832955 - (1 Silver) Black & White Joker - 695033 - (1 Silver) Shop Crits: Colored Loreroot Archer - 724809 - (1 Silver) Colored Loreroot Archer - 724810 - (1 Silver) Colored Loreroot Archer - 721571 - (1 Silver) Colored Loreroot Archer - 844072 - (1 Silver) Colored Tormented Soul - 436985 - (1 Silver) The Nutcracker - 757552 (6 Silver) Colored Marind Bell Archer - 716101 - (6 Silver) Colored Marind Bell Archer - 350738 - (6 Silver) Colored Marind Bell Archer - 636175 - (6 Silver) Black and White Crits: Loreroot Archer - 270942 - (1 Silver) Etc: 11th Anniversary Barren Soul - 851577 (5 Credits 1 Silver) 11th Anniversary Barren Soul - 851586 (5 Credits 1 Silver) Angien - 793920 (5 Credits 1 Silver) Angien - 715911 (5 Credits 1 Silver)
  7. Rare Crits: 11th Anniversary Barren Soul - 851577 (6 Silver) 11th Anniversary Barren Soul - 851586 (6 Silver) 10th Anniversary Aramor - 832951 - (1 Silver) 10th Anniversary Aramor - 832955 - (1 Silver) Black & White Joker - 695033 - (1 Silver) Shop Crits: Colored Loreroot Archer - 724809 - (1 Silver) Colored Loreroot Archer - 724810 - (1 Silver) Colored Loreroot Archer - 721571 - (1 Silver) Colored Loreroot Archer - 844072 - (1 Silver) Colored Tormented Soul - 436985 - (1 Silver) Colored Marind Bell Archer - 716101 - (6 Silver) Colored Marind Bell Archer - 350738 - (6 Silver) Colored Marind Bell Archer - 636175 - (6 Silver) Black and White Crits: Loreroot Archer - 270942 - (1 Silver) Etc: The Nutcracker - 757552 (5 Credits 1 Silver) Angien - 793920 (5 Credits 1 Silver) Angien - 715911 (5 Credits 1 Silver)
  8. 5 credits & 1 silver each, for a total of 30 credits & 6 silver assuming i can get all 6 creatures Edit: Edited to fix a typo in this post and a typo found in my original bid. ID of Tormented Soul i wanted was off by one slot. Fixed now, sorry for the trouble Nim.
  9. Rare Crits: 10th Anniversary Aramor - 832951 - (1 Silver) 10th Anniversary Aramor - 832955 - (1 Silver) Black & White Joker - 695033 - (1 Silver) Shop Crits: Colored Loreroot Archer - 724809 - (1 Silver) Colored Loreroot Archer - 724810 - (1 Silver) Colored Loreroot Archer - 721571 - (1 Silver) Colored Loreroot Archer - 844072 - (1 Silver) Colored Tormented Soul - 436985 - (1 Silver) Colored Marind Bell Archer - 716101 - (6 Silver) Colored Marind Bell Archer - 350738 - (6 Silver) Colored Marind Bell Archer - 636175 - (6 Silver) Black and White Crits: Loreroot Archer - 270942 - (1 Silver) Etc: 11th Anniversary Barren Soul - 851574 (Will buy all 6 Etc. Crits for 30 Credits as a bundle) 11th Anniversary Barren Soul - 851577 (Will buy all 6 Etc. Crits for 30 Credits as a bundle) 11th Anniversary Barren Soul - 851586 (Will buy all 6 Etc. Crits for 30 Credits as a bundle) The Nutcracker - 757552 (Will buy all 6 Etc. Crits for 30 Credits as a bundle) Angien - 793920 (Will buy all 6 Etc. Crits for 30 Credits as a bundle) Angien - 715911 (Will buy all 6 Etc. Crits for 30 Credits as a bundle)
  10. The older I get, the clearer my vision becomes.

    My one and only wish is to be able to rewind time to start fresh once more, but to keep all my experience and knowledge thus far.

    Would I change something massive and thus change my own past/future, making the rest of my knowledge that much less useful?

    Or would I play it safe and change only small factors, so that the majority of my memories/knowledge could forever be relevant?

    I guess it would all come down to timing *snickers* so even i have to wonder what I would do when and why... and yet a part of me already knows the answer.

    Something inside me tells me I've already achieved my one true dream. My gut instincts led me all my life, and although not perfect, the results were always good enough for me.

    An interesting revelation for an interesting day... ill help raise to Moon to its highest point yet, and my People will breed a new Culture, one worthy of everyone's everything.

  11. Updated the list to reflect what i now seek 3 Colored Barrens 1 Colorless Loreroot Archer 3 Colored MB Archers 4 Colored LR Archers 1 Colored Tormented Soul 2 Colorless Jokers 2 Colored Drachorns (Rustgold) 3 Colored Drachorns (Reindrachs) 3 Colorless Drachorns 4 Santas ? Molimas ? Shades ? Sword Shades ? SMSH Please pm me via forum, thank you.
  12. Seems good to me
  13. Life is but an Illusion Albeit a very persistent one And my mentality changes with it About as often as the moon with the sun I used to believe in right and wrong Then realized that no such things exist I am free now yet more bound than ever I am but a paradox stuck in perpetual bliss I accepted that all of life is a journey With no truly correct or incorrect path I now simply live to experience it all in stride To find balance with minimal negative aftermath
  14. Sorry im late to the party, but happy birthday Baconeer We might not always agree, in fact most days we dont, but i still harbor a great amount of respect for you. Hope you have many more birthdays to come, enjoy your time on this mortal coil ( ^^)
  15. Ok i know what the market value for them is, thank you either way, but i was asking for what she values them at conversion wise and what shr values the varying Usables & TSTs at.
  16. Can we get an idea as to what you value the coin vs credit vs usable item vs TST?
  17. My thoughts exactly
  18. Fang Archbane 214273 MP5
  19. Chewett MaGoHi and Syrian are all supposed to be MP6 but Syrian keeps dropping for some reason. Id suggest Syrian even if shes MP5. Im also in the profession of teaching but im more of a Alpha Wolf (go against the grain) type of Teacher. To follow me is to know hate by association. I specialize in Death and one would have to Die and join me in the Graveyard to learn from my D.E.A.D. (Dynamic Education After Death) Classes. Id suggest Syrian for anything to be learned from the Living, but if you do ever decide to Die or the choice is made for you, please do find me.
  20. Thats fine by me, i can always buy more credits if the need arises before you fix my various issues.
  21. Im asking for the credits indeed.
  22. She used the link and its obvious by the fact shes been my adept from day 1. Players below a certain active day can not choose their own Mentors unless they use the referral link.
  23. I brought Nep into MD via my refferal link. Nep has reached MP5. I have not received the 15 Credits i should have.
  24. Shade Spellcaster seems a timely and appropriate Title change.

    Its made heavy with the knowledge that Luck doesnt exist, yet the Illusion is quite "Real".

  25. Let me know the Time and ill be honored to howl at Luna beside you in Spirit from the Graveyard. The Dead might have taken my Body and my Speech but they havnt snuffed the Fire within. Might just be why the Shades allow my Prescence in Necrovion. Fire and Wind have always Aligned.
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