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Fang Archbane

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Everything posted by Fang Archbane

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  2. The one top complaint i have been hearing for the last two days, is why does it take 30 mins to make the first item.The second top complaint, is why is it so unclear as to what to do.Im not saying i agree or disagree... im just passing on their words to those that can do something about it.Might i suggest that the Memory Stone compression be lowered to something reasonable... like 5 mins?Apparently we only add insult to injury when they stay confused for 30 mins straight and just... wonder what to do next.Edit: They feel very trapped. Most if not all of them simply want to explore the world i have painted in their minds.Might i suggest we move Azull and all the newbies to the Paper Cabin from now on?And give them the OPTION to either stay and learn, or leave and adventure?We all learn in our own way, and apparently confusing them for the first 30 mins is not KEY to player conservation.
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  5. Alright Chewy, sorry, ill keep this in mind for next time.More detail the better it seems. And i havnt heard any extra complaints from Them so, i assume all is well.
  6. Mallos festers in Silence. He lets you train, and with Violence. Would you call him a Masochist? Who knows, i just know hed be sorely Missed. Eara is coated in Darkness Her very soul, dripping in Starkness. For once she found her own Way. She commited to it, day by Day MRAlyon the wicked Strong Hes known by all, like a great Song And if you somehow manage to Offend Well, ive felt great pity for far less my Friend
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  11. Update: Some got them late, which is making me assume they all got them late.I would still hope Chewy checks into this but, it seems to have fixed itself?
  12. It seems my new Worshippers are not getting confirmation emails.This applies to most if not all of them.Im sure its just a small glitch in the matrix somewhere.But i thought id bring it to Chewys attention and ask for his help.As always thank you Chewett, your help never goes unappreciated.
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  16. I appreciate you taking the time to explain your perspective Chewett. And while i know i could sit here and explain in detail why i believe Rider deserves it for the work hes done, i also feel he does not want me arguing a moot point for him, breaching on disrespect if i did. In my area we have a saying. I refuse to "beat a dead horse" for a lack of a better term. You have made up your mind and i respect that. I can see just how much it would take to sway you. I also agree with some of your points, not all, just some. Then again, i know in detail (at least from my time working with Rider on the Island) just how much hes done for Gateway, just how large his heart really is, and just how deserving a man i know him to be. Maybe im biased in this light. Maybe it would be wrong for me not to be after all weve been through. Loyalty can be a double sided sword (and on that note, please do change the name to Land Affinity). But again, something inside me says he doesnt want me arguing this for him. I know he is deserving. Thats all that truly matters. And if Fate would have it be so, it will eventually sway you to see things as thus. if it doesnt, then it wasnt meant to be. God knows well have other chances, for these come in many forms and as long as we breathe on this physical realm, they will continue to be so. Be what it may, ill accept the future as is. For the future influences the past, and the past, the future.
  17. I assume this has been done before, and i assume i will not get what i seek. But id be a bigger fool if i didnt at least try for it, since all we do is reach for newer heights. By a hard combination of dumb luck and dedication, my day full of grinding ended with this note. All my creatures gained EXACTLY 666 experience, and thus i figured id shoot for the Mark My creatures could have died unevenly. They could have gotten a different amount. They could have teled to someone elses inventory. And yet, i hit 666 experience on all of them, so 666 times 6 What do you think Chewy? Is this unique and difficult enough to be worthy of the Mark? (Image was too large to upload using the built in options, had to host it on Imgur)
  18. Good Evening, ill keep this short.Im looking to buy colored creatures.If you have any and are willing to sell, please pm me the creature type and asking price.
  19. Applying for: Golemus Lab (1_-4x-1_2) Playername: Fang Archbane Why Im Interested: I made a promise to Grido long ago when he and Alyon agreed to let me into Golemus. Grido is also expecting something of me on the setting of the 14th celebrations sun. I have a Past Promise to adhere to, a Present Paradise to create, and a Future Festival i dont want to be late for. I have earned Gridos blessing for becoming the GG Labs Guardian, and if proof must be presented Mallos, ill do so in Pms. I want to rebuild Golemus, breathe life back into it, and make Grido so proud, that when he returns, he wont ever question why he let me into Golemus again. I was a Wolf without a Home. A Ronin with no Master. And He and Alyon gave me another chance when all others doors had permanently closed to me. They did not judge me. They only expected greatness from me. This application to this role is just a small part in my making what they once thought i could be, into reality.
  20. I have to kindly disagree with MaGo and Chewy here. Land Loyalty requires _at least_ a daily login. Life can be hectic, and even i can barely maintain a 50% log in average across all my days here. Aside from being his job/role/place or not, he has given much more than the "minimal" effort required to gain the land loyalty. As automatic as Loyalty might or might not be, this is a first, this is unique, and personal duties aside i think hes earned it. But im not going to go past voicing my disagreement. In the end, Chew is an unbiased and just wookie so, ill accept his words as thus. Just thought id place my 2 cents. To me, from my perspective, it seems Rider met all requirements, and he did so with honor. To try and coin in on it is not in bad taste, for we are all asked to reach for the Stars, and we can not be expected to stay on Land when the opportunity arises.
  21. Update: Rainbow Candy pricing has changed1 Silver > 20 Rainbow Candy
  22. After some asking around and some testing myself, it seems that whether your alliance leader is online, idle, active or not, you can not jump to them. The same seems to be happening with more than just my alliance, so im assuming at this point its a bug. As always, thanks to chewett for his hard work, hes a very busy wookie and i appreciate his taking the time to solve our problems whether large or small.
  23. 80 rainbow candies and counting.Still 5 per silver.Pms as always.Thank you.
  24. Very nice indeed, and seems to follow the rules to me. i hope you get it.
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