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Fang Archbane

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Everything posted by Fang Archbane

  1. So... if i have MineCraft for PS3, can i play with you guys? :D Or is it only PC? o.o Xbox? I want to know, i want to joooooooin :<
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  3. A Happy Belated Birthday to my evil Furry Demon Daughter :333
  4. Haha, no offense taken at all x'D I dont much mind since that situation would never happen. There would be 3, tops 4 people who would mute me, but at the same time i could care less, as id have muted them long before they got around to it o.o The feelings are mutual and there are genuinely a small handful of people in MD id be all to happy to ignore more so than i already do, with a built in feature to save me those 3 seconds of wasted life i used to read something that lowered my IQ.
  5. And id say Rophs sees things for what they are. Funny, i thought i was mad because im an extremist that only sees things no one else sees. Seems im mad because i see what most others see, and i dont fear the repercussions of speaking my mind. #JustCallMeHatterMadigan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ But for the sake of adding something to the conversation instead of just making obvious statements, here are my words to DST. Why do you care? Is it any of your business? Myas personal life, in or out of game has absolutely nothing to do with you and she does not have to justify her actions by you. So do yourself a favor, stop seeming so desperate to start drama, and worry about yourself and MD. Last i checked, the role you possess has to do with MD, its safety, rules being followed, and NOWHERE there did i read prying into peoples personal matters just so you can judge them to make yourself feel better in some twisted universe you live in. At least, im pretty sure thats not in there. Twould make it quite the mouthful.
  6. Oh god that would be heavenly. I support this idea <3
  7. Figuring out exactly who I am, and exactly where I stand. Then again, I'll be doing that for the rest of my life so... Eternal fun it is~
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  11. How in the abyss do you think in your twisted little world that you know more about a person than said person? That concepts hilarious to me o-o 1) Who said it had to be scriptable? 2) Again, hilarious, you think you know others, and tasks that have been given, better than the ones that gave the task or the one completing it. You are no one to say hes failed anything, so please, keep repeating it, those words weigh as much as me saying Princ Rhaegar wears beautiful my little pony boxers. 3) Community Approval? AAAAAAHAHAHAAAAHAHA. Unless i read it wrong, he needs to face the public, not get approval for anything, from anyone. 4) Gotta love the fact that you think anything done outside your sight range was achieved by licking boots. Says a lot about you, it really does. Oh look everyone, im seeing a trend here, where these two think they know people and situations they have no place in, better than those involved :D My sides hurt from laughing so hard. Even your reading comprehension is biased. Interesting ( o-o) I knew talking to/around/about you was a great waste of breath, but this takes the kake. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Concerning DD now, sir, i hope you achieve everything you dream to, as i see you being quite capable and all too ready for it. As the Mad Hatter once said, and Mur quite kindly already mentioned, "Sometimes i like to believe in as many as six impossible things before breakfast". Dont let the jealous get you down. Dont let the loving inflate your ego. And never say the word impossible with too much weight behind it, as the impossible is only so if we allow it to be. Dont allow it to be DD. I know you to be better than that.
  12. Though a few may hate you, please dont ever forget there are still those that exist that love you. Sadly, i think that on some miniscule, highly diminished scale of my past pain to your current one, i can relate. Ive lived most of my MagicDuel life hated by half of the community, like some bad rash on MDs rear end that just wont go away no matter how much topical ointment gets applied And at the same time, loved fullheartedly by the other half that treat me and (some) respect me as some earth walking deity gift from Aphrodite and Zeus themselves. Whenever i was feeling at my lowest, the ones that still loved me, wanted me here, and cared for my well being, in and out of my head, kept me sane and normally quite happy. So i guess what im saying is, dont give in just yet Mya darling, as the one thing that those that hate can never take away from you, is the love that you receive from those truly worthy of being called your friends.
  13. Great goal Rophs. Fang supports this in Soul, since hes not as young as he used to be either (I feel Ivoraks Fossil Pains). He wont join your ship, but know you have his full Spiritual Support.
  14. Sign Fang Archbane and ZulNaar up as a team. We are in.
  15. Take care Sunny, i hope to see you again someday, but if were not allowed that Gift, then take this as a sad but understanding goodbye. Ill miss you Sunny, wether you return or not, i know that much to be true.
  16. I say let Golemus' Citizens and their King do things their way. Its their land, and if the situation just so happens to spawn items in a place only (mostly) they can reach, its not an exploit, but a business decision. No one knows what the money goes to at a certainty do they? They could have good reason to do what they do (and in that same light they might not, but im not the one to make that skewed assumption either way) so ill gladly trust GG and its citizens to always do the right thing, by them, and by no one else (or everyone else, if the situation happens it). We are no one to tell GG and its people what to do or not do. Let them live life their way and as they see fit. To do anything more would be to challenge Everything and assume yourself Better Than Eternity.
  17. In the event? There is no event. If he gets accepted, hes in for life. If he doesnt, hell still travel the road of the trees. Worst case scenario, Granite becomes his own form of Lorerootian in Mind and Soul, a title is just that, nothing less, nothing more.
  18. I never denied that he was not allowed in. I simply stated that after some thought on the matter, Granites loyalties now and forever lie with LR. It was not an easy choice to make but he made it. As things are going LR will also deny Granite, but that is ok, and honestly, is still all part of the main plan for Granite, so no complaints here. Granite would love nothing more than to join LR for life, but the next best thing is never joining it, and forever being Denied, if that makes sense.
  19. I already explained that Granite has only applied to GG and LR because both remind him of home. His loyalties now lie with LR. Fang had other reasons to join GG at the time, completely unrelated to anything Granite could have possibly been doing. Their roads got close to meeting but never did, and never will. Just because you and your friend Sally both went to Walgreens then Walmart simultaneously, does not mean theres a secret conspiracy going on. Both had different reasons, it was just ill timed fate that their choices semi overlapped.
  20. No no no, hes fallen in love with Loreroots forests and is dead set on it. He likes being social, but he also likes the option of just being alone and submerging himself into the scenery, his job, etc etc. Granite has different moods for different days, just like any other teen would. A land where being a ninja is customary, and developing ones personal skills is above all else. The Ninja Rpg, better known as TNR, is the land which Granite came from. Well, outskirts of Glacier Village to be precise, but still. Edit: Edited to answer Rophs question that ninjad in right before my response.
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  22. I apologize but i can not read logs, its never been my strong point, i dont know what this statement means. Hrm... food for thought. Thank you Tal, if i fail this time around, ill simply try again in a month, and hopefully with a better attitude. Granite Wolfs home... is known simply as TNR. Better said, he lived in the outskirts of TNR with his father, Jaquerjacke. One day while out hunting with his mother, Granite and she were attacked by a stray band of wolfs. Granite was just a child, but he felt the innate need to protect his mother... and he failed. His mother gave her life defending him, to give him those last two seconds he needed to sprint home with his life. But his father would not have that. Protecting his mother while out hunting was his duty. Jaq exiled him from his homeland, until he could find "That which he is missing". Jaq sent him out to a land he had heard of from his old childhood friend Fang in letters, with nothing but a simple statement. "Follow the Sun that never Sets, to the Land that never Sleeps, till you see that which you Can Not See. Only then may you return to me." Granite has now given up on one day returning home. His fathers last words do nothing but confuse him and torment his very soul. Maybe now others can understand, why Granite craves something like home as much as he does.
  23. Hell try to. Mood panel is ooc to me when need be. call it an odd personal perspective. Thats where the issue lies. I dont know what it means to all of you to be Lorerootians, but to me it would mean a nice quiet life amongst the trees. If i saw it from that perspective, and someone like me wanted to apply to my land, i would shun him if i didnt really know him and only knew of him (assuming one used Fangs rep like a fool, Granite has no rep), but accept him if i understood him and took the time to try to. There, mind slam removed. Dont make me do that again. That legitly hurt my brain. Hrm... maybe its not just my own weird perspective then.
  24. Fang and Granite have no connection whatsoever. Granite has nowhere near the same background story as Fang, and i dont care what you say, when i play Granite its Granite, when i play Fang its Fang, two different storys and two different people. GG had Fang Archbane, not Granite Wolf, once again, youre talking about the player that controls both characters, not the character himself. Granite and Fang have no connection whatsoever. I reapplied because Granites dedication has been stuck to Loreroot for personal reasons. LRs woods remind Granite of home (Almost as much as GGs mountains do). Granite has nothing but time on his hands, and is beyond patient. If i get denied this month, ill simply reapply next month, rinse, and repeat. If that happens enough times, ill take up the role of Loreroots Denied in my own mind, and if i somehow get accepted, ill simply pick up the axe as one of LRs Woodcutters and quietly live my days out cutting trees and becoming one with the wood. Either way, Granite achieves his goals. Its up to LR if they want to be a part of it or not, and i honestly respect either choice they make. Good point. Ive decided to answer any and all questions that arise to the best of my knowledge from Granites perspective if asked to. Trying to hide something? No, i just dont like wasting my time. At first Granite thought he wanted to join GG, and did indeed try to apply. Same reasoning, the mountains of GG and the Woods of LR are the closest thing Granite sees to his home, a home he was exiled from, and is most likely never to return to. His heart debated between the Mountains vs the Woods, and finally settled on allowing his dedication to channel fully towards the wood. As we speak now, he is at Loreroots Capital, and will stay there, until further notice, not because of the vote, but because he feels at home, even if it isnt his "official" home. I have no imagination whatsoever, sorry, but i legitimately cant answer this question. Thats a mind slam upon a mind slam. I dont just run around talking to anyone that will stand my voice. I dont talk these days unless spoken to, i like not wasting my time that way. People have started asking questions, and ive begun to answer them. If thats not enough, then hey, Loreroots Denied it is.
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