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Fang Archbane

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Everything posted by Fang Archbane

  1. Zee Zee worded that beautifully.
  2. Maybe im Dude 2. ... Ok i couldnt keep a straight face saying that. But honestly, looking forward to this madness ( ^-^)
  3. Tell you what DST. Ive tried to extend a hand of friendship to you but you obviously wont take it for one reason or another. Im tired of trying. If you have any complaints about me, take them to the Council. A few words out of my mouth will never be enough to convict me of anything. Enjoy trying for the rest of your life. Ill enjoy watching you fail.
  4. But of advice from personal experience? Don't talk about it if you're really going to do it. Take that as you will.
  5. You have various options. Right here, forum message to Me Syrian or Falronn, in game pms, it's all the same ^_^
  6. Id offer to teach you, but im not the best teacher around, by far ( ^^) However, i can always offer you my friendship. Im always at the Marble Dale Park if you want to talk, so dont be shy ^_^
  7. It was a great read, thank you Lazzy ( ^_^)
  8. Redacted
  9. Good man, good man :D Yes, yes indeed, she is the Pickle Mistress ^_^ She will help in any way she can brodi. Never be afraid to ask her questions :3
  10. Ill give you a hint. She likes the Gazebo of Equilibrium, so maybe if you look there... Ya know ( ^_^)
  11. *chuckles* As of right now, Falronn and Syrian run it my newfound friend. And hey, it's all good, you want to learn, they want to teach, I feel this'll work out just fine ( ^_^) But yes, contact Syrian first either via forum or in game. I'm sure she can set a tour up soon enough and take anyone willing to learn =]
  12. Not gonna read what everyone else wrote. But im down for this. So down. Im unbelieavably down. Im below the ground, is how down i am with this. Enforce the law Boss Wookie. Take the Ban Hammer into your mighty furry palms, and slay the trolls fools that believe themselves untouchable.
  13. I hear DotAs like LoL o.o I think I'll stick with LoL n-n;
  14. It could have been a number of kiddos o-o Ive raised more than enough, it could be a good grip of people o-o
  15. Your welcome, Mystery Person i undoubtedly love ( ;3;)
  16. When you just cant wait for the game to come back, as it was, from scratch, in a whole new post apocalyptic light, or however it wants.
  17. Silly Kiley, i cant love all up on a Cupcake D: But i CAN love all up on a PoE ( ^//^) Hence my need for a green button to sell to her ( =,=);
  18. Fang knows whats really going on. Fang always knows whats really going on. <.< >.> =.=
  19. Liked. Liked SO hard.
  20. O.o Meh. Im not too worried. Im sure my Meteor will find me in my new form, if i have to reincarnate once more o-o Im not worried at all xDDD Everything in time. Good things come in odd forms ( ^^)
  21. Happy Birthday ZuZu, and long live the King ( ^^)/)
  22. Gridos very correct :D Some crazy things have been takiong my time irl as of late, so for now, the NTCo. is in the hands of Syrian and Falronn. They will be the ones scheduling the trips to GG once a month. Sy will cover the little ones getting out via pickles, Falronn will be the knowledge base. I originally wanted to attend and observe, along with learn with everyone else, but like i said, irl is a bit hectic atm xD So Just do as you two think is best Falfal and Sysy, i have complete and utter trust in you ( ^^)
  23. Sippy Cup, mp7 is broken ( o,o) You and everyone else are able to attack me because im mp7. I just happen to be so broken that my own alliance members can also hit me. The others in the alliance are not broken like me, so you can not hit them like me.
  24. First one leads nowhere. But since im friends with her on FB i can see the second. HIlarious. Love it. So mur.
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