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Fang Archbane

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Everything posted by Fang Archbane

  1. Redacted
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  3. A cat sat On Zleiphners face[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400] and then died... [/color][/font][font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400] [/color][/font]Zleiphner woke up [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]he said, "WHY!?" [/color][/font]He shoved the [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]knife into its [/color][/font]sheath, slapping DD [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]who's a GoB[/color][/font] onto a bee. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Zleiphner, thought that[/font][/color] this was bizarre So he kicked the puppy Fang and Fang cried[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]... hell broke loose! [/color][/font][and licked BoB] >:3
  4. A cat sat On Zleiphners face[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400] and then died... [/color][/font][font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400] [/color][/font]Zleiphner woke up [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]he said, "WHY!?" [/color][/font]He shoved the [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]knife into its [/color][/font]sheath, slapping DD [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]who's a GoB[/color][/font] onto a bee. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Zleiphner, thought that[/font][/color] this was bizarre So he kicked the puppy Fang [and Fang cried] ;3; (good idea Mallos but ill be adding brackets to my 3 words so we all know what i added xD)
  5. So he kicked
  6. Dang it, yes, #3 is my lie xDD was it that obvious? >c>
  7. Yusei n3n
  8. On Zleiphners face
  9. Hrm... Umma guess #3s your lie Bunny Now here's mine~ 1) I was born dead 2) Ive escaped death 5 times in my life 3) I'm training to become a cop O3O
  10. I'm more of a computer games than anything else League of Legends is the game for me while on the comp, and idling at the GoE :3 If I'm on my xbox, it's either BF3, MW3, Skyrim, etc. And if I'm on my iPod, it's Urban Rivals :3 I'm quite the random gamer, and I strive for perfection (or near perfection) in all x3
  11. Alright, either way, i dont care. Im not one to participate, and i definitely wont go out of my way for this. forget i said anything
  12. Redacted
  13. Just a suggestion Alyon, but I suggest you allow MP7 to participate as well. All I do is give people wins. I myself do not attack others so, there's really no need to keep me out o.O
  14. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1359849730' post='131890'] or removes it by adding a requirement so that a few people can get the most overpowered level. Sounds to me like it unbalances things even more... [/quote] I dont know Chew, i guess its down to interpretation, like the rest of the worlds most troubling docs. I think it adds balance, but then again, im not an experienced fighter or anything of the sort, so my opinion should matter least, in my eyes :3 Edit: i like Nads idea
  15. Thats true Pip, but the requirement still fills it's purpose. It makes balance.
  16. ( O_O) Now then, after seeing your revision, (and im not one to damper a mood or such, but i feel this might need to be pointed out), but isnt [Heal/Regen - All] a bit... OP? >>; If it isnt, whoo, more power to ya kiddo, but i dunno... seems it might be tippin the scales a bit der :3
  17. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AAAAAACKSHAAAAAAAAN! *tacklehug* And happy Bifday Darreh Dabbeh ( =3=)^
  18. So... its like a sexier Hollow Warrior >c>
  19. I absolutely support the Spell Book idea. As i stated before, i revel in the idea of Growth. Controled Chaos DD. Its a beautiful thing <3
  20. *is ashamed* It's true... Can't hold mah alcohol... *weeps in the corner* Edit: to make this on point xD I agree with DST o.o *ha a small heart attack from having said that* I would also like a small odd random effect :3
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  22. I actually quite like Demons idea. It would give way to a new era of power, madness, joy, and sorrow. It would make life interesting again. You have this Wolfs utmost support. It may not mean much, but you have it. Keep going down your own road Demon, and always remember. "To hell with all those that oppose you" <3
  23. D'aw, a happy happy birfdai to mah main mosquito indeed ^//^ <3
  24. I cant say I feel your pain, since I don't eBay, but I sympathize since I know that level of frustration o3o/))) Just keep looking Bunny of the Purple variety D: You'll find it soon Dx! *flail flail*
  25. Whoah whoah whoah D:! I say "if there are 'x' amount of participants in this quest I'll give 'this'" a couple times when I was TK head, and I get shunned o.o But Mur does it and it's the new hip thing to do? >>; Gah. The freedoms a Mur has :3 Now... To make this post on topic << I sponsor 3 spicy pickles for this quest, to be distributed as Nimehz sees fit ^//^
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