OOC: Im not even going to comment on what DD did... *eye twitch*
IC: :Piri! Piriririri! Riri!:
*The camera pans in on a news reporter at a desk, as he carefully slicks back his hair*
Ah! Hello once more, Civilians of MagicDuel, and thank you for tuning in to the Mind Power news!
Todays update will be short and sweet.
So far, the only sort of "Evidence" that Mr. Archbane has been able to gather, is that some of the people with "The ability to kill others", have come forward to him and sworn it was not them.
As such, these people are now in the lead for the rewards!
As things stand, if no one else can come forward within a time frame of 72 hours with more "solid" information than what Mr. Archbane already has, the Investigation will end there!
Using this method, and assuming the people that came forward are telling the truth, Mr. Archbane can already deduce, by the property of elimination, who killed him!
However, he would prefer some slightly more solid information before he comes to his decision.
*The news reporter pushes his glasses up slightly higher on his nose*
Now then. Thats it for the update of today, thank you for your time, and always remember!
Here at the Mind Power news, we give you the information you need, to rise from the ashes.
*The TV reporter holds a smile, and the TV set shuts off*