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Fang Archbane

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Everything posted by Fang Archbane

  1. Redacted
  2. It matters not. Sippy Cup is nothing compared to Molmol >.>
  3. Redacted
  4. Bad plan batman >.>
  5. Im only going to state this once to save time. Yes, Molquert is dead. And now we have ghost parties on the daily~
  6. Oh lawrdeh x'D ... A wolf can only resist ( o3o)^ Edit: I absolutely support Purplebunnies wish xDDD Thats awesome :'3 Ill defend Bob with ya D:! ALL HAIL BOB! KING OF EVERYTHING LEAFY!
  7. Re-reupdated my wish D: What can i say? Im a creature of Whim~
  8. I edited my original wish. Just thought id let everyone know.
  9. Oh dear xD Now lets just wait for Chewy to rescue us all :'3
  10. I want a Gameboy forged in Golemus Golemicarum. Said Golemus Golemicarum Gameboy (or GGG for short) would be used, by me, to explain my constant idleness while i help all else grow >C> Said GGG can only connect to one game, and that is League of Legends o.o Constant "Pew Pew" noises can be heard from it, and Ahri taunting people. Purely for roleplay. No need for functionality. Edit: Upon careful re-reconsideration, I decided to change my wish. Again.
  11. The results are as follows o.o 1ST Place) Lasthal 2ND Place) Phantasm 3RD Place) DARK DEMON Please find me at the GoE in exactly 1 week for your rewards
  12. Im sure youll do an amazing job Mya Have fun while you do it <3
  13. I just let my fate be decided by my raw instinct. I find that when i think too much (or at least, my broken version of thinking) I tend to pick "wrong". Wheras when i let my fate be decided by my gut, ive yet to "fail" to this day. So im probably not the most qualified to help you answer your question. But what my gut tells me is that maybe you should try to stop thinking. Maybe option C is the best one for now. Just let the wind guide you Murmur. Lets see where it leads.
  14. I love that both Bunnies have their birthdays at the same time xDDD HAPPY BIRTHDAYS!!! ( O3O)/)))
  15. Ill keep this short and sweet. Before you ask if they contradict or compliment... ask yourself this. One can not lose what one never had (Or can they?). And i doubt you ever had your mind. Allow me to explain. When i compare what i know now, to that of a year ago, i laugh at my younger self. And so i realize i really knew nothing, and i still know nothing to this day. Tomorrow ill know a little less nothing, but that will never change. Im sure this is no news to you, but ask yourself this. How can you lose your mind, if you never truly had it?
  16. He will pay for this. No one simply harms Bob and gets away with it.
  17. And a happy birthday from me ^-^/)))
  18. Oh, no, please dont be insulted Phantasm, for me, your words were enough a long time ago. However, for my little Revival Specialist, this is just another requirement. Look at it this way. You have two choices my friend. 1) If you want me to be revived, post the screenshot or 2) If you dont want me to be revived, dont post the screenshot Its not about what i need, its about what He needs. I have pretty much "known" who my killer was since the first 5 minutes i was dead. I did all this "quest" and such so i could give someone a chance to win some coin, and give the community a little fun. Its your choice Phantasm. But please, whatever you choose, do not think i mean to disrespect you. I feel nothing but respect and love for you Phantasm. I barely know you. In my world, those i just meet always have clean slates, and thus, are "good" by default. Yours is as clean as can be.
  19. DD, this is half a quest, and half an investigation. The title itself says it. Yes, it's semi-selective. But think about it, there are many ways to qualify. These are just a few. 1) being the killer 2) not being the killer, but helping narrow possibilities down by showing beyond a shadow of a doubt that your killing item is unused 3) having a pm, chat log, personal knowledge, etc, where the killer admits to it for some reason If you can't think of a way to qualify, I apologize. Think of that as step one.
  20. Hrm. Interesting. We have Changes' opinion, what does everyone else think this means? ^
  21. *The News Reporter replies* One oddity DST... Why is your option for "Use Item" black, and not brown, like all the other options?
  22. !!!:Piri! Piriririri! Riri!:!!! BREAKING NEWS UPDATE!!! *The news reporter mutters something quickly about thanking you for tuning in* A new piece of information has just come into the Light! As things stand, it seems that Killing Items have extremely long cooldown periods! *The news reporter shifty eyes* So a new requirement now stands! Mr. Archbane would like to kindly ask that all those who came forward with claims as to NOT having been the killers, post screenshots, HERE, for everyone to see, of their Killing Items in their Inventory!!! *stops to catch his breath* If you truly had nothing to do with the Murder, then you will have no cooldown on your Killing Item. However, if you are lying, or refuse to post a screenshot for whatever reason, you will be seen as a possible Culprit! *dramatic music can be heard from the background* "TAN TAN TAAAAAAN" Now then! *The news reporter puts on a preacher costume that he seems to have aquired from nowhere* COME FORTH MY CHILDREN! PROVE YOUR INNOCENCE! *The news reporter takes off the costume and sits back at the desk, which he had previously stood on* :Cough cough: *mutters something about loving his job* To recap. To any whom have denied having killed Mr. Archbane, please come forth with your Proof, in the form of a Screenshot of your Killing Item in your inventory. We here at the Mind Power news would like to thank you in advance, and always remember! Here at the Mind Power news, we give you the information you need, to rise from the ashes. *The TV reporter laughs maniacally, and the TV set shuts off*
  23. OOC: Im not even going to comment on what DD did... *eye twitch* IC: :Piri! Piriririri! Riri!: *The camera pans in on a news reporter at a desk, as he carefully slicks back his hair* Ah! Hello once more, Civilians of MagicDuel, and thank you for tuning in to the Mind Power news! Todays update will be short and sweet. So far, the only sort of "Evidence" that Mr. Archbane has been able to gather, is that some of the people with "The ability to kill others", have come forward to him and sworn it was not them. As such, these people are now in the lead for the rewards! As things stand, if no one else can come forward within a time frame of 72 hours with more "solid" information than what Mr. Archbane already has, the Investigation will end there! Using this method, and assuming the people that came forward are telling the truth, Mr. Archbane can already deduce, by the property of elimination, who killed him! However, he would prefer some slightly more solid information before he comes to his decision. *The news reporter pushes his glasses up slightly higher on his nose* Now then. Thats it for the update of today, thank you for your time, and always remember! Here at the Mind Power news, we give you the information you need, to rise from the ashes. *The TV reporter holds a smile, and the TV set shuts off*
  24. Its not that easy. False information exists. Give me some form of proof, or no payment will be given. Empty baseless accusations will not be accepted.
  25. Banned for being one of the few people I don't know all that much about :3
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