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Fang Archbane

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Everything posted by Fang Archbane

  1. 3 aged bird eggs and 5 silver distributable by EE as he sees fit among the winners ( o3o)^ Permanent sponsorship goes to EE as well, keep winning his quests and the rewards only get nicer ( oCo)! (Well, the ones sponsored by my crazy nubs) Keep it up EE, this sounds super fun, im sure everyone will enjoy it thoroughly :3
  2. Forum pm also an option, pre heated preferred as well~
  3. As the title says, im at the GoE and looking to purchase an aged Elemental (To level quickly since im lazy xD) so please pm me in game if interested. Price can be negotiated on :3
  4. Might have turned to Sticky Goop?
  5. True enough indeed, if either you or Rophs send me names of other quest makers you consider sponsor worthy for one reason or another, ill add them to the Permanent Sponsorship list. Id like to help the world, but im not the TKs, just one Lone Psycho Wolf. Then again... a one man... er, Wolf TK would be funny as all wiiya x'3
  6. From this post forth, anyone that wins (qualifies? Up to the quest creators) a Quest made by Rophs or Dark Demon will get an aged Bird egg. Multiple wins will net higher rewards, better creatures, coins, resources, all possible. It is expected of both Rophs and Dark Demon to forum message me a list of winners when their quest ends, and next to each winner, the amount of times theyve won. Happy questing, and Merry Murmas everybody !:3
  7. Pff, and I have many aged birds, let them win if they will, Birds all around D:! #BirdsForDays
  8. http://assets.curbly.com/photos/0000/0008/5291/3228956608_c58102e59a.jpg Do i win? :D That's my pet ducky, his name is Fernando, and hes the bubliest of all >:3 (But in all seriousness, one aged bird to whomever wins or impresses Rophs on this quest :333) #GoRophers
  9. You guys remembered, d'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw Thankies !:3 (Im so old ;-;)
  10. Whats meant by not enough time, is that im either working or sleeping on weekdays. Under that strict setup, I dont have enough time to fibd the right email adress, make an email, and send it. At the moment only my weekends are semi open. Apart from that, any spare time I randomly find usually goes to Students.
  11. 1) Not enough time on my end, and all info required had not yet been gathered. 2) DST handled it before I did, so I just got back to fucusing on work, seeing as she had it. 3) Im not familiar with the bug reporting format, no idea if its been updated, emails have changed, was gonna recheck all that, but again, DST beat me to it. As for you Myth, I wont deny that DST knows vastly more about Illusions than me (more time with em) but if you have any questions, like always im happy to help any way I can.
  12. Right. Thats why I knew I could keep illusion tags a good bit before you, the all knowing bug slapper. How about you keep my name out of your mouth, as I return the same favor. I dont like you. I dont want anything to do with you. Stay out of my way, mind, and legal business, this is the only time ill ask nicely. I use illusions for a multitude of reasons, the latest being testing and all around curiosity.
  13. Hrm... id like to work with Dreams if thats possible ( o3o)
  14. Thank you very kindly Sy, original post edited :3
  15. Hear ye hear ye, tiny newblets and new peoples of MD ( o.o) Starting today and for the foreseeable future, doing a combination of two things will net you light rewards (If you are new) and meet the requirements. If you can sucessfully defeat both Willow Shop guards, and find all Acheivement Unlockers, ill gift you with an aged Bird Egg and 2 Spicy Pickles (Courtesy of our amazing neighborhood Pickle Mistress, Syrian). Dedication and a strong Will are a must, and if you need help with as to where the Acheivements might be, you can pm me for some hints and clues. Sponsors are welcome like always, and participants can feel free to pm me or forum message me anytime.
  16. Life is an illusion. Fear is an illusion. Pain is an illusion. But not all illusions are made equal. We have placed ourselves in an illusion of life so we may survive this hard and cruel world, but the price we pay is imprisonment. Our vey esscence, soul, way of being, is all trapped within a small fleshy illusion that could end any second, on any day. Though we may sometimes fear this Dark World, it is in all honesty, simply a sanctuary with the lights turned off. If we learn its secrets, our weakness becomes our strength, and we become as close to unstoppable as illusonarily possible. Because even in our own bodies, we dont feel at home. Even if they are my eyes, I feel alienated from the Light World, to the point where im not even sure where I am. Nightmares are my nightly friends. They dont hurt me anymore, just surprise me on occasion. Ive had nightmares for a long time now, and if we can use them to our advantage, they become our greatest ally. We all need to hear our own voice from time to time. If for nothing else, at least to know we still "exist".
  17. Hrm, true enough, then a moderator can lock this thread. Thanks for the feedback :3
  18. I just got off work, so im relatively tired and mildly mad. This is just an idea I had on the way home, and I wanted to know how the community feels about it. As things stand (And if memory serves) the only way to level up spells is to go deeper into the WP Shop and obtain them a 2nd time. My proposal is simple (In concept, maybe not so much so in coding, I wouldnt know) and its goal is progression of game, self, and the creation of goals in general. I think it would be for the better of MD if spells leveled up progressively, with or without a limit, scaling time+casts per level to level up by use. An example would be the Give Vital spell. Lets say for the sake of the example, its level 1. Lets also say that to get to level 2, one must cast Give Vital 10 times. To get this spell from level 2 to 3, it would take 20 casts, so on and so forth. Strength of spell and spell cast count would raise by either a percentile or static amount, per level. Again, this is just the Wolf being sporadic, but please Community, chime in, let me know what you think.
  19. I like Lashtals idea. My only point to make on this subject is that there is indeed (I found out after much testing) a "best" principle combo to have for fighting. Hellish unfreezing, giant stat boosts under correct conditions, its definitely a large weight on the fighting scale.
  20. Name: Fang Lycanus Archbane Activity: Most weeknights around 5PM Cali time (After Work), sporadic during the weekend. Role: Sanctified Shadowcaster (Teacher), Illusionist, Leader of the Twilight Brigade.
  21. I have to say I agree with Rophs. Everything I've ever done in MD, Good or Bad, was always fueled by sheer, raw, unbridaled fun. Duping? Fun NiiChans shenanigans? Fuun Outward exploration? Fuuun Inward exploration? Trippy fuuuun Helping newblys? The funnest of funs <3 Everyone just needs to kick back and remember why they joined MD in the first place. If the community did that, hell, this might become a better place than it already is.
  22. You know you've been on MD too much, when you can no longer tell if the Person controls the Player, if the Player controls the Person, what the difference between the two is anymore, and define your own "Research" in and out of MD as one of many truths.
  23. I'm pretty sure Mur was being sarcastic ( 0-0);
  24. I like this a lot :3 Yasrin, if you want any help with the principles for Light, Darkness, or Time let me know, id be more than happy to help ( ^-^)
  25. Hrm... how to word my emotions on the matter. MurMur, i think you should keep doing what feels right by you, and only you. When were about to die, and were on our death bed, we only have to live with ourselves and our decisions. Do whats right by you, and you can live a life of no regrets. A life of no regrets leads to a comfortable death. Others may consider me a failed role, but i dont consider myself a complete failure. I didnt live up to my full potential either, and thats equally true. I like to think im somewhere in the middle of success and failure. I like to think i finally know what Balance is, after all this time. My goals have not changed. My Road may have twists and turns but the Light at the end of the Dark tunnel has never left my sight. Im not inactive. I work 8 hours a day, but the day i leave MD for good (Which i doubt will ever happen, small breaks in between or not) is the day i finally, truly, fail Murs vision of what i could one day be. Ive learned over time (And more so recently) how to control my feelings and words to those that can not handle them. Ive finally learned what Political Composure looks like. Ive finally realized whats expected of me and what isnt. This is my way of thanking Mur for believing in me those many moons ago (By giving him less Fang related time consuming crap to deal with/listen to). I still help the new ones in MD out of personal greed and satisfaction. Making the Deserving Happy makes me feel genuinely amazing. My Greed is my Selflessness My Evil is my Good My Darkness is my Light And my Insanity keeps me Sane And thats the way ill be, till the day i die with no regrets.
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