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Isabella Finch

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Posts posted by Isabella Finch

  1. Well, from what I have experienced so far, Krashmoss, coins can be gained via trade, winning things or by good Samaritans or friends just giving them to you. Also it seems working can gain you coin or items, such as artwork or other ways. If you are an amazing poet, maybe you could sell poetry. You just have to use your abilities to your advantage I suppose. Though the best ways are trading items I believe. But the newer you are, the more difficult that can be, I have found.

  2. Well, for those without the east loyalty it costs over 1000 ap to get through the gate and then nearly 600 ap per move to move through the tunnel that he is sitting at the very end of. Even as a citizen of the East, I can not reach him. Not that it matters because I have been disqualified. Though I can see why, since it would seem I would have an unfair advantage. But making a quest so few could have any chance at winning doesn't quite seem right.

  3. I was in the Willow's shop to transfer stones and I noticed the other
    items in my inventory, including the cake. It did not say I had multiple pieces like other items I have multiple quantities of and it also
    claimed to have no home land, though in my regular inventory it says it
    is East land. Just thought I would mention it.

    This was originally sent to master of Ceremonies but he asked me to send it via email. But I seemed to have problems sending it through email so I am just posting it here. Hope it helps.

  4. So how does this work exactly? If someone donates their heat and then someone else donates heat for an alternative decision... Does the one take from the other? And what of those of us kind of stuck rather far away from the Gazebo but are still trying to help? The world of MD is a rather big place and not everyone is right there in the lost lands and Marind Bell all the time. This seems time consuming, especially if it can also be counter-productive. You might get people asking themselves why they should keep donating their heat if someone else can just go and give theirs to defeat the purpose. Especially when you are working against time as well.

  5. Every little bit helps. That is 1 gold and 7 silver so far.

    Also, anyone who has an item for reviving and will be willing to use it for payment, please speak up or contact me. I have contacted one or two so far and would like to get the best deal possible to get this done as quickly as possible. So the cheaper the better. I believe the standing price as of right now is 20 gold. Which is quite a bit.

  6. No Burns, I am exploring the East lands right now and have no intentions on traveling back to the mainland anytime soon. Besides, a few people earned revival items, so why not give one of them a chance to use it and make some money off of it in the process? Also... raising coins just seems way easier as long as there are enough people willing to spare some change.

    So far we are at 1 gold, 4 silver. I think it is going just fine so far.

  7. If you do not wish to donate towards my idea, you don't have to.

    I will say this though. While the heat idea sounds great and easier and cheaper? It hasn't worked yet. And if he is revived by a alternate way before this plan works, well at least I put forth some type of effort. And I for one have no jars and can't travel to Golemus to transfer heat to him. I find the charity of donating coins, as few as I have, an easier solution. No one has to give up the coin they are willing to give until we have rallied up enough to buy the revival.

    And thank you Katt. That is very generous of you.

  8. I'm not sure if this is the correct place for this or not. If not, then please move it to its rightful place.

    Okay, getting down to business. I think we have all heard about in one way or another the death of a Spartan. I didn't know him personally. In fact, I didn't know him at all and can't remember if I have even exchanged greetings with him. Probably not.. But surely his whining is annoying more than just me, both the echoes and his ghost that has been seen wandering about.

    So I propose a small deal. A small way of bringing the community together in a way. I personally will donate a silver coin towards a payment for his revival if enough people will do the same to get the man revived. 20gc is a lot of money and I for one don't have much in silver and no gold. But if enough people put forth a little, then a mountain can suddenly become little more than an anthill. And I'm sure the ghost will put up a portion towards his revival as well.

    If interested, please sign this as a an agreement. Then when enough people have contributed enough, we can work on collecting it and giving it to Grido or someone else willing to take payment to use his or her reviving item.

    Isabella Finch- 2 silver coins

  9. Yes, except I was not the only person who accidentally signed up for the Torch contest, thinking the link would lead to more info rather than an actual sign up. So I don't feel I was blundering in like an idiot as you seem to. Thanks though.

  10. To me this sounds a lot like the Torch Competition... Which for me was rather confusing and irritating.

    I would want to make a few changes, if it was me. First, people should know they are signing up for it. I didn't even mean to sign up for the torch contest. I clicked to read more and bam! I was signed up without a way to back out. And no, you shouldn't be able to back out once you sign up unless you have a really good reason to, but it should be much more clear, like have all the info about it clearly laid out with a link to someone to ask questions about it if need be and have them say somewhere, "I, blah blah blah, want to compete in this competition/game/whatever".

    Second, I would try to make the teams much more even. Have an even amount of mp3 on each, mp4's, ect or at least attempt to and then even go as far as trying to make sure there are an even amount of people from each similar time zone on each to make it even more fair and easy to play. It isn't fun if your team can't really find any one to play with after all.

    Third, I would personally recommend that no one could turn on their team. Someone joins and decides they don't like it and want to sit out, fine... But you shouldn't get to tuen and start attacking your own team members. This could probably go with my second point. maybe if people had more of the other team to play with then they wouldn't feel the need to attack their own for points? Maybe.

    Fourth, I would want to know who is on my team and who is on the other. I'm not sure if there had been lists with the torch competition but if there were, I couldn't find them and I had looked. I would click on every one I passed to see if I could tell if they were on any team and if they were, which one. It seemed like a huge scrambled mess. And one person even said he was one color but had a torch of a different color making him look to be the alternate color. I would want to avoid this as much as possible. And also, if it does work like a torch, I would still like to be able to message them. I found I was unable to message anyone holding a torch. But this could have been a bug, I'm not sure.

    Lastly? I don't like the idea of Zombies. Like others have said, it seems very un-MD. What if it was creature versus creature? You could still have two teams, Team A being Archers and Team B being Aramors. Or something along the line. Everyone playing could even get a picture of the creature they are as their avatar. I think what could further the experience even more would be to choose a place, maybe even the maze. Lower the viscosity and rope it off to the players playing the game only for a set amount of time. Maybe a week. And everyone playing gets their name and avatar and tags stripped for the duration of the game so all you see is what the creature would be. Better yet, have it illusioned so that the enemy only appears as the creature but you can see your teammates to make for better planning. But to also limit working with the enemy to turn on your team. I think it would also make things more fair. If player A hates player B, he may try to target only player B. But if player A doesn't know which person player B is? He can't do that. But then, maybe that would be too difficult to supplement?

  11. [quote name='Espartano' timestamp='1335921055' post='110631']
    Isabella, aparently you was answering my post in the time I was editing it to clear my idea

    Heh.. Sorry.

    But still... How many MP3's know about the puzzle and how to work it? You aren't even really encouraged to go for that until you hit MP4 because even MP4's have trouble with it as well. When I was reading the first page or so of this, it seemed like this would be geared more towards new players who have little ap who accidentally get stuck when exploring. Many seemed to think that even letting MP4's have this would be a stretch and MP5's should be out of the running for it completely. So I for one don't think a reward of this would be a great idea. Dangling something as a reward makes people want it to use it. If they already have it but are warned they only get so many... They will be less inclined to use it, in my opinion.

    Edit to remove a lot of things... Apparently I had spoilers? Sorry.

  12. [quote name='Espartano' timestamp='1335920315' post='110628']
    the idea is to work as a shared item, (get them once every week, limited uses) so everyone that whant hold that kind of item can grab it at winds sanctuary, with no requirements, and you can grab just one, even if you use all his casts.
    if it is a must, maybe just make them more accesible, like a permanent spell that you can aquire in a easy way. like the tasks you need to complete to enter loreroot or underground

    And if this happens and people grab them up, what will the mp3's do that really need them in extreme cases? If they are shared items then some people would likely never get a chance to have them because others would grab them and hoard them "just in case". Especially people that practically live in that sanctuary anyway. And then people that are unable to get on when the announcement is made that all sharable items are back for the grabbing, they would just be stuck. In fact, I don't know about anyone else but I had a pretty difficult time grasping the game when I joined. I still have trouble at times. Throwing sharable items at them is only going to up the difficulty rather than giving them a pretty little, shiny emergency button with a warning "You get only so many of these so use it only if you absolutely need to."

  13. This will probably be attacked since I don't know exactly what I am talking about with this but... Doesn't people get to "steal" stats, like with Eon, because they BUY the right with certain tokens from the Shop? That is just what I was under the impression of, in which case I don't see it changing because it is helping to run the game you are playing. You can't run a game like this for free. And with all the time and effort all the coding and ect takes, they deserve all the money they get from items bought.

    And if it is just certain creatures that are used for the special purpose of attacking, then you are asking for a ton of coding to change it because you are losing to other players. I really hate when my stats are stolen in this way, but you can't ask someone to change the way they made their game because you are losing in it. Maybe instead you could try getting whatever tokens or creatures are used to "steal" stats and try to join the club rather than fight against it?

    Edit to add: Thanks for the mass negative reputation for not agreeing with you and your opinions when I even stated I wasn't wholly sure I was even wrapping my thoughts wholly around what the topic was. You know, since I am kind of new and still learning the game mechanics and all. Really cute to just continuously negative counter my opinions to "shut me up" or run me from the forum I guess. That is awesome. Maybe at the top of the forum in big bold red letters you should state that you don't want people posting their opinions if the opinions go against yours. That might help a little.

  14. It would be nice if this was made extremely clear to everyone. Chewett is an [color=#ff0000]Administrator[/color] and unsure about it even? If he doesn't know then how is someone newer to the game supposed to know? This rule is very confusing and it would be nice if maybe it was rewritten so more players better understand what they can or can't do. Especially if breaking the rule is bannable.

  15. The event is over. It has been over for a couple days now. Anyone within the tunnel when the Birthday celebration was over was kind of locked in to either be pushed through or out and no one else was allowed in so we could finish things up. It took much longer than anticipated though and finally there was a cut off point, which you did not make. The Challenge was to make it through the tunnel while the event was taking place.

    I hope that explains things.

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