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Everything posted by DARK DEMON

  1. No, it wouldn't. In fact, I'll try my best to make it encouraging+interesting for people to discover those spoilers for themselves.
  2. Glad you enjoyed it :) Well... you are free to do so, Myth, but I still think it would be wrong and maybe unfair to post them in public due to above stated reasons. Edit: yes I can post the scores if the participants do not mind... :P Participants, please PM me whether or not you mind your scores being revealed. If more than 4 say "yes", then I will.
  3. No, because 1) They either contain huge spoilers 2) They contain info which the participants may not want revealed 3) They were long conversations with replies from me containing hints Like I said, I will however, post my own "theory".
  4. Congratulations to: First place --- Asthir --- gets a wishpoint! Second place --- AmberRune --- gets 3 gold! Third place --- Azrafar --- gets 1 gold! Thank you all for participating, hope you had fun! :) ________________________________________________________ And now for the judging criteria which was asked for at the start of the quest. Each participant was judged in a points system, out of 20. There were 3 categories: 1) The answer --- how close the participant was to finding out the correct coordinates, including evidence to support it --- max. 5 points 2) The explanation --- how well the participant explained their reasoning, both "physically" and "symbolically" --- max. 10 points 3) Impressiveness --- any participant that managed to greatly impress me in any way would score higher in this category --- max. 5 points _________________________________________________________ I will also be writing another post here with the correct answer+explanation later in the day because I am busy at the moment :P Rewards will be distributed by Mur, but just in case if you are accidentally forgotten, please inform me asap. Thank you all again! It was a very interesting and enlightening experience for me, and hopefully for all of you too :)
  5. Yes, I understood this and apologized. It will not happen again. I just didn't want people thinking I did it without reason (for bragging etc) and hence unfortunately had to take part in this bickering.
  6. 1) That's not what I meant, I wasn't trying to put any blame on them for supporting me or anything like that 2) Sorry, and thanks 3) Best thing I've read in a long time
  7. I know what mistakes I've made and what I haven't, you or dst do not. I've apologized to Mur already. My only issue is dst escalating the issue and making people wrongly think of what happened and why I acted the way I did. And your this post is proof that you are equally determined to continue doing just that. All your focus is just on me and not on the unfair issue. Its obvious, because in the other topic dst just went on and on more about me and my incapability rather than the actual problem and its solution, without knowing anything really about what's allowed and what's not allowed.. I appreciate how much you are concerned about me and my attitude involving "speaking for others", but really, there is no need, because I know I haven't said anything wrong/false/lie. As Mur said, I didn't break any rules, so do not make up your own rules to convince people that I broke something. Fine, now I know that I'm not supposed to do it, and now it won't happen again. End of story.
  8. Ok you know what? I'll just stop here and say, YOU DON'T have any guarantee that I'll destroy your quest, just like I didn't have any guarantee that you won't destroy mine. That's what you wanted you hear right? ;) ( [/sarcasm] before you start crying about this too) Honestly, if Mur had found no logic behind my removing the ghosts, if he had found me a liar, if he thought I "abused my admin powers in the worst possible way", I would have suffered the third-last line of this announcement by now I suppose http://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/3205 . My interface is being taken away in a few days any way since the task is almost complete, so you can start whooping with joy from now only and start the countdown (don't even try to hide the fact how much time you've spent monitoring me hoping I make a mistake) :D You have absolutely no authority to dictate the extent I'm allowed to use my powers. You don't even know what all the interface can do, for that matter. You don't know how much I've told Mur that it would be huge risk to allow such power to people directly. You're concerned about Mur's quest more than himself for heaven's sake. The only reason you had that conversation with me in the other topic was because you wanted to create drama around me and hope to get rid of the admin powers, like Azrafar said, and not because you felt any unfairness in the quest (which you had already won by the time it was "tampered" with as you say). You have no idea about what restrictions I've been given either, eg: I'm not allowed to edit anything outside the Labyrinth except one place, even though I technically can, and yet you still cry over something you have no idea of. You indirectly insult Ailith and lashtal, clearly, by implying they are not watchful. So please, stop talking about things you are not aware of. Mur doesn't hesitate to threaten bans to me, I assure you, so you have no need to worry about me "tampering" anything. Don't make up your own definitions of "tampering". You are increasingly becoming a disappointment rather than an actual challenge/test that people describe you as.
  9. No I didn't :) I'm trying to clear up misconceptions, so please don't create any more. This is the main reason I request the topic to be closed asap
  10. I actually do know how to handle them. First of all I want to thank you for pointing out to me who exactly supports you without any doubt in your every whim, no matter how much you have fooled them to believe. Not sure (for the first time ever) whether it's actually your cunning manipulation of words that I should be impressed with, or people's lack of understanding themselves and instead choosing to go with everything you say. This was very helpful. And yes, Mur indeed said that the ghost's purpose was to block the arrow. Even a 2 year old can figure that out. But what about the purpose in the quest? Did he ever say that the ghosts were meant and intended to be obstacles? They were forgotten by both Mur and myself. I _chose_ the obelisks location in the Labyrinth as Junior said (however I didn't know that he was going to make a quest out of them of course). And if I had known that these ghosts would come in the way of the participants, I would have chosen a different location. Lastly, I want to thank you for proving me correct to Mur that "the ghosts will be very troublesome" and hence should have been removed wat earlier :D And now I request mods to please close the topic.
  11. It wasn't my quest, LOL, are people actually thinking that? :blink: I had nothing to do with what the quest was about, Mur didn't tell me anything about it either, it was a surprise for me; I was literally away for the whole day when it happened. The ghosts were something Mur put before giving me the interface and hence I had nothing to do with them, except complain to him that they would create problems. (hey Mur, see now?) I had a look in the syntax of the ghosts before I deleted them, and there was just a "give a notification" command there. So if -any- coding was done to the ghosts, it was all outside the A25 interface and it is nothing I am aware of. Please do not spread false information as to what exactly is part of the A25 project, if you are not aware of it. Like I said earlier, the ghosts weren't part of the quest and should have been removed way earlier. And now I won't speak more.
  12. Like I said earlier, I had no idea who had passed and who hadn't. I came out of idle, saw this http://storenow.net/my/?f=3bb42a5216839012c56e19c1f1f157a9 , saw for myself whether it was true, and then removed them. You are not complaining with any reasoning behind it, really. You'd already 'won' (if I recall correctly) by the time I came out of idle mode and seen the ghosts malfunctioning. So what unfairness are you speaking of? How could anyone else get the 'freebies' if you, and No one/SS for that matter, had already won? Yes, if someone had ended up winning before you, due to my removing the ghosts, then you had a right to call it unfair. But as things went, I really don't see any basis behind your accusation.
  13. I had the ability to fix it there and then, so I did. It was actually unfair to many other participants if I didn't remove them, because they were trapped even in Aeo's presence. Edit: Now that I think of it more clearly, it wasn't a bug imo. It worked the way it was coded to work. But it was not coded the way it was intended. At least, this is my conclusion.
  14. I did not remove them due to the bug/exploit you're talking about. I removed them after seeing they weren't working the way they were apparently supposed to. Nice reply.
  15. I am clueless now too...
  16. If its temporary then there's no problem at all...
  17. Time to suggest a whole load of unfair stuff to put in lands, then, including "interesting additional ways" to access underground and get past Loreroot guards, or similar OP toys to allow every single "challenge" (aka something to actually work a bit for) in MD to become a piece of cake.
  18. Well, Mur put a global message. I thought it implied that it was a permanent change, because the message said that we could state our opinion about it on the forum.
  19. -uneven distribution makes it seem highly unbalanced, i.e biased to some lands -makes viscosity, or any high AP cost (which are present for a reason) redundant
  20. I brought Aeo to the location where Aeo's ghost was, but Aeo's ghost still remained and was blocking the arrow even in Aeo's presence. Hence I thought it was a bug, and immediately removed both ghosts as soon as I saw this happening. I had absolutely no idea who had passed the ghosts and who hadn't, at whatever times. I don't know a thing about this. I can swear to this. Further edit: I'd spoken to Mur already a long time ago about having the ghosts removed since they just didn't suit the Labyrinth imo. They've been here for quite a while and were forgotten. Imo they weren't supposed to be part of this 'quest' (as obstacles) in any way.
  21. Shadowseeker found them way earlier, you are not the winner.
  22. It was impossible to screenshot anything about this. I casted sendtotrialofagony on myself and phantasm, in one cast. I got a notification that phantasm was in a nojump scene at this time. The cast did not get consumed, and phantasm did not get ported, but I still did. Bug?
  23. I think 1000 or 777 AP is way too huge a boost. It makes Necro or GG gates completely redundant, for example. I strongly suggest that they be reduced to 400 max, nothing more, if they are to remain in the first place. And, they should be spread out evenly (there are 2 in Loreroot, just 4 scenes away from each other...)
  24. We clearly need an announcement and/or forum post from Mur/Chew describing and clarifying how exactly the system works, and is supposed to work :))
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