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Everything posted by DARK DEMON

  1. There is no hurry, this wasn't an indirect request :))
  2. Oops... I accidentally made a post in the other topic which should have been here. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15962-ann-3215-multiple-tags-functional/?p=158720 Sorry, my bad, I didn't see this topic earlier. Back then, Council said they had spoken to you Chew about fixing the Ring, so are you not aware of this and its cause, since its pretty much the same?
  3. I believe it is a code error. The same is the case for my Ethereal Ring... that has "\r\n" in its description too, and I was told its a code error.
  4. We should hold regular debates and make conclusions of every single questionable thing in MD at the moment. And then document them via people who show most interest.
  5. Happy birthday Krio!!! :D
  6. I do not have multiple tags (not even a single for that matter :))) but... maybe is it so that you can select which is supposed to be in the parenthesis?
  7. Quest has ended! Thank you all for participating, this was one of the most interesting experiences for me in MD, and I'm sure quite enlightening for the participants too :) Results will be announced in a few days.
  8. My this post has been wrongfully put here: I request it to be either put back into the Lactating Grasan topic as it is a reply to No one's post in that topic. It is not related to the comic sans font discussion in any way
  9. Dayum, it'll take time to get used to not typing with Comic Sans :)) Edited earlier post
  10. If you knew left and right led you to the exact same place, with equal risk and equal benefit, which path would you take?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Azthor


      I am disappointed that no one capitalized on the pun.

    3. Change


      I would take the right one (you're welcome) because not choosing right now might also have a risk (so many puns).

    4. Sunfire


      straight ahead, i make my own path

  11. Nothing to do with Rophs etc, but its actually even more stupid hearing someone telling a guy to grow up before it happens naturally... ...or did you have complete control over when you grew up, No one? :D And this is even off-topic, but LOOOOOL, "act like a grown up"... isn't that what most teenagers pretend to be now and hence why we often say "What the hell is wrong with kids these days?"
  12. But you don't like it on the forums? :P Edit: ok yes... I now saw that comic sans is pathetically unreadable on iPhone... Btw why is this under contests and quests forum?
  13. These are two separated tags. The one in parenthesis is your "minor" tag, the one outside is your "major" tag. ---> http://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/2451
  14. Okay then, same font, just red text. Readable now? :P -sorry for spam-
  15. If it lasts for at least a month, count me in too!
  16. Quest ends at 18:00 ST tomorrow.
  17. Anything related to all clickables and their functioning should all fall in the same category, and any sub-catergories should be land based. Individual clickies shouldn't be kept separate. This is just my opinion, of course, not sure what Mur has in mind. I would suggest that one from each land could do clickies (talking about existing ones of course, not adding new ones) which would help organize and divide better. Again, up to Mur. Edit: For new clickies Currently, I am handling and 'documenting' any new clickies that are being made. There may be a need for a small team of people to edit and convert artworks into clickies, to help Mur with the A25 work.
  18. Only 5 days left! Hurry up and submit your final entries! :)
  19. Mur, 10k is nothing for someone with erolin orbs. MINIMUM 30k IMO. Wouldn't many people be able to put in heat to melt the gate to meet the required amount together? If that's the case then even 30k is a bit less
  20. There's plenty of stuff that players do together in MD that utilizes the triggerbox, eg: GoE portal, battle causes, etc. Yeah, most of these things aren't much developed, but its still something interaction-related, involving multiple players, or something not just for one person. And now, A25 features include many players working together to activate clickies to progess (this is just one example), which would appear in the triggerbox so that the players know if its activated or not, like Mur demonstrated with the pub test Edit: in fact, a lot of the code and functions of the new quest related A25 tools is massively related to the triggerbox
  21. I am working on my attitude. And just like dst proved it to all of you, my attitude has nothing to do with the work I do anyway. But I am trying nonetheless whether its apparent or not :)
  22. I'm shocked that someone out there would be jealous of me. I'm so tempted to speak out openly whatever I've done (because most of it is secretive; that center-research discovery is only the foundation of my work) but I can't. You all say that you want you know; you want to see proof, but believe me, the moment I speak out about what I do, you will say that I'm just bragging and what not. I prefer to be scorned for apparently not doing something and getting favors.... rather than people knowing that I'm doing stuff and still being given the same **** handed to me. Only Mur knows what I do and still he hasn't given me a -single- thing yet, no reward, nothing... after weeks of work, but I don't mind because he actually found something in me that I like doing. Now for the first time I realize that those who actually work hard here in MD get nothing compared to the work they do. Please don't be jealous; work hard instead. Scene editor access... database access... log access... it is more work, not reward...
  23. Personally I think none of this should have happened. You jump into too many things at the same time Mur and end up in a mess. You really need someone to hold onto your leash and make sure you finish something you start on before you even think of starting something else. I will help, but I'm strongly against this kind of attitude. You KNOW your weakness, you KNOW you will forget things, yet you continue doing exactly that. I'm not trying to sound harsh, just being realistic and suggesting how to avoid this kind of situation.
  24. How about 99*briskiness*2 aka 198*briskiness Though keep in mind that you're locked in a cell when sent to prison, and the AP cost to leave is HUGE. I think this is the gate Mur's talking about. If not, then I have no clue.
  25. I posted my 'edit' part precisely after reading your bold part :)
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