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Everything posted by DARK DEMON

  1. Me? Almost 100%.
  2. ....thanks :) I'll come talk to you all occasionally.

    On viscosity

    Though this would make going to places like inside MDA harder. If people work to lower visc outside the gates, the average visc of inside and outside would increase it still.
  4. I tried to limit the coding required by linking it with current systems, but you've pointed out many walk-arounds to it and I see it can cause issues. I'll need time to think about other options, so gimme a day or two. In the meantime I request again that people suggest alternative ways to judge achievement-count-worthy quests :)
  5. There is indeed contradiction, and like I said it is impossible to please everyone. I'll reply the same which I sent to you in our PM: "I'll obviously try to find a grey area, and I'll share it with you What I plan to do is that I do EVERYTHING I can to go for my role. If someone says against it or dislikes me for it, I will not try to reduce my role or not do what I want to go for, so that I can please them. But at the same time, I will not be rude at all. On the other hand, I'll definitely try and be more appealing and friendly to those who DO want to help me and don't want me to move away from my role (unlike the past when I was rude to everyone and hurt even those who tried to help). I think Ailith meant that I ignore all -negative- external input (that which discourages me) rather than being completely contradictory, and I will do that to the fullest." And something else, which seems obvious: You cannot expect me to suddenly forget my past.
  6. Nope :) I said here: I'm not entirely sure whether average or good would be more suitable.
  7. If the current suggestion is gone ahead with, then the ones before cannot be counted of course :( But then again, my intention was to promote more quests, so it doesn't matter how many quests you've made in the past, you'd still make more to get that achievement (if you're after the achievement of course, and not making quests for fun) :D
  8. That is a medal if I recall correctly, not an achievement like the 1 year active days, 2 year active days, Full Glow, etc. Quest creator of the Year has nothing to do with the number of quests I propose the achievement to be unlockable either where the MDA achievements are, or where the East achievements are (I will not post the exact names of scenes here since its a spoiler). It can be called "Questmaker", and would be able to be "checked" aka achieved when a person has made 7 quests (with at least "average"/"good" overall rating in quest feedback form? :P). I'd also suggest here that the "counting" of quests can be done by linking it with quest feedback forms (each feedback form would count as a quest in the achievement). I am not sure if that would create mess-ups, so I hope other people give input to this too :)
  9. I have taken and accepted the advice part of it, but I still greatly dislike the way he replied based on an assumption, on that very topic, and also how he got personal in public in the wrong place. If he wanted to get personal and talk about just me, he could have PMed me, and still can :) Edit: Yes, I have problems with misinterpretations too because of the past but I'm trying.
  10. Okay, thanks Burns, that greatly changed my perception of things, and I now see that keeping people like that separate promotes interaction too. I guess the spells part of it can be omitted, but I still think an achievement to mark quest makers would be good :)
  11. No problem
  12. All clickables are "unlocked" since the very start :P If you can click on them yet nothing is happening at all (no window is opening up) then that means they haven't been implemented to do anything. If they open a window but you cannot see anything except the "speak words" bar, then this means that they have been implemented to be used by people who have code access to put info/quests/other stuff :). In this case, they may or may not have any info on them, depending on whether someone recently coded something onto the clickable.
  13. I am not planning to hold any quest soon. It was a huge mistake to suggest spells (please forgive me) as it leads people to believe I suggested this for my personal benefit and am just thinking about myself. All my future suggestions will be emailed to Council and never posted on the forums for discussion so that they are not misinterpreted. Sorry again.
  14. The suggestion was mainly of the achievement, the extra spells were just something I thought to be a useful bonus (like when you become LHO). I suggested two examples just for the sake of it, because I thought those 2 spells would be useful in a quest, and would have liked people to suggest more.
  15. I am aware of both cases, and I also know that in both cases, the base spell itself can still be cast (regardless of who can be targeted) :)
  16. Mya and protectors are admin? :huh:
  17. Why not have an achievement designated to be given to players who have made X number of quests, or even have a few spells (useful in quests) which would be given to whoever earns the achievement? :D Some exist, some may be coded (if people agree), eg: 1) bringin 2) makejumplink 3) ... This would be a good incentive for people to make good quests.
  18. I confirm again XD
  19. Shadowseeker had in invitation to Sotis for a long time before he accepted it.
  20. The problem was that people did tell me to not focus on social things because I was "disastrous" at them, but at the same time they demand community approval when I go for a non-social role... is anything to be done about this? What should I do; how should I continue?
  21. 13 silver on angien (19)
  22. Angien 20 ---> 10 silver
  23. RPCs = no Everything else phantasm said = yes What Miq said = yes
  24. Nobody other than you has asked, no, demanded this. I don't think you're trolling, you may have reasons on your own, but again, my change in attitude from being rude does not mean that I'll specially "favor" and spend so much time sorting stuff for someone who has judged me based on assumptions and wrong aspects in the past. The people that do matter to me however, if they want to see them, then I am much more likely to agree. __________________________________________________ Rophs, I admit yes that a purpose of my conversations with Mur was to keep track of "Labyrinth achievements". This was because 1) My achievements were "secret" and had nothing to do with community-stuff 2) Come on, you and I both know it is obvious that if I tried to reveal them it would have been seen as me doing major bragging :)
  25. What will posting the emails achieve? How will it make you change yours or anyone's thoughts about me, even if say you are proven wrong? In other words, what difference will it make if I post them or not? If you can tell me that, I will post them. Edit to clarify: Also, how do I know that you are not just looking for more reasons to criticize?
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