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Everything posted by DARK DEMON

  1. As would every other token in a statless environment, eg: gold belt can make attacks from most creatures do 1 damage, dark sky which can give even greater bonuses at max than claw2, tokens like Kellathafire which can increase vitality... edit: removed some numbers :P
  2. Yes, as far as I remember, none of the tokens counted. (at 0% VE the tokens should have had 100% effect, but they were also reduced to 0%).
  3. There's an option to remove tokens too (as was in Alyon's event)
  4. So basically the guy who is most lucky with freezes wins (unless you also restrict it to non-freeze creatures)
  5. Like Chewy and myself implied, its difficult to train a 1000+ day LHO who knows how stuff works in general but cannot be very specific in a real situation. Or maybe you can just convince them that its nothing to be ashamed of This is true. I agree.
  6. Honestly, speaking from just my experience, the best way I learned this type of stuff was from observing others who were older and had dealt with such situations before, learning silently from it, and then doing the same. But then again, not every single rule can be displayed this way. A 1000+ day LHO wouldn't ask/PM an older LHO about rules, because he'd think he'd look like a newbie and be ashamed. @Ary: that would further reduce interaction between people and thats always a bad idea. Older people or people in authority should know more and should be able to point their citizens in the right directions (if not them, who?). There cannot be a fixed list because each land would point in different directions, eg: I doubt Loreroot and Necro would deal with a problem in the same way.
  7. When I said I meant that I indeed asked for the Labyrinth to be mentioned in the name/description because the purpose of the item would be limited to the Labyrinth only (in other words, I wouldn't use it to cast fireballs -_-) but the Labyrinth having no authority/plans was the exact reason Council gave me to not allow this. Honestly it doesn't make any difference because the ring will be used in exactly the same way whether the description contained reference to the Labyrinth or not. As for your comment about begging and saying and not doing things, well... as stated earlier, I never wanted to "say"/post on the forum regarding anything, but its a challenge Mur gave and I will fulfill it. Also, getting an item crafted is not "saying". :) edit: clarified+answered stuff
  8. As for the description, yes, I couldn't have any mention of the Labyrinth added because that would make it into a land item not a player item. But that doesn't stop me from requesting to change it after its seen that I've played the role a while. The description even now is not wrong and does match the intended use, but it is also mysterious because its incomplete. The fact that someone would limit their understanding and refuse to interpret further shows a lot about their intentions. I already told you Mur, I don't care about anything such people have to say because they think I really need their approval to use the ring the way they think its supposed to be used... (you can see already how they got their thinking somehow drastically reduced by the description, which would otherwise be much higher). -edited accordingly with the change below-
  9. Yes Mur, I of course had the item crafted. I really don't know why you "doubt it greatly"... I never posted the description... just said what it will be used for, but yes, what dst stated is correct (and needs to be changed).
  10. DD now has an Ethereal Ring, which upon twisting will allow him to unlock untapped potential. He will use it to access the infinite doors of the Labyrinth. (this topic will be used to keep logs)
  11. I'm aware of the logic behind limited casts, I'm just stuffing in different PoV. And in MD, there is possible improvement as spells can be upgraded.
  12. Wouldn't you remember something more the more you use it? And MoC is MP8 :P
  13. See what it feels like to have things misinterpreted each and every time?
  14. Read it, doesn't mean a thing. That's never what I meant. But of course, you'd always go for dst's assumed interpretations.
  15. Just the fact that you say they're against MD's ways is more than enough to make me make them MD's ways. There's nothing you can not do in MD.
  16. I never said I don't want citizenship. An article for people to read is not a mess/parade. I cannot PM every single person in game and hence used the forum to share the info realmwide. You still don't understand... everything was already decided before the topic was made... I don't give "a flying duck" to people who are trying to convince me to revert my decision or trying to make me change directions once again because that's all people did to me in the past. But I will not let it happen this time. On the other hand, I greatly care back for the people who want to help me the way I want help. If people seriously think that reminding me of my past or pointing out my character is not suitable is help, then these are the people I don't give a "flying duck" to. Calm down and just understand for a moment, dst. You think of everything I do as something that's selfishly benefiting me alone and take every_single_thing the wrong way. Just go back and check again I've asked anywhere in the main topic that I want to be handed over citizenship. Read my last posts on that topic again and give me time to explain everything. There will be quests/talks/etc indeed, but you are expecting them to happen all at once, before the proper initiation (aka my topic). _____________________________________________________________ This post will probably have no effect on you as well, because you just believe what you want to believe and not keep your mind open to so many possibilities that could make MD grow. And when you set standards/expectations so high and see others become too tired to explain, you call them a coward. :(
  17. Actually I -really- want to answer them, but my words will have no effect. You completely misinterpreted the topic and turned it into "DD's citizenship discussion", and your questions indicate exactly that.
  18. And with this, I request the topic to be closed as its purpose is complete. DD's decision has been made and there is no one who can possibly convince him otherwise. If anyone really cares for him, then help him with it rather than swaying him away or discouraging him or trying to make him change directions again, just like always in the past.
  19. I'll be as brief as possible, and leave some soon-to-come happenings in the realm speak for themselves. Bad criticism each_and_every_time played a huge part in making DD very indecisive. In the past DD was awfully easily swayed by people and he used to be like "Hey this seems good, I'll do this!" and the next moment "Oh no, that is way better, I'll go for that!" and so on. Of course, this led him to learn the hard way that this is certainly not how things work. So he decided, after so many months now, that he would completely eliminate all outside influence and opinion as far as decisions related to him were concerned. He is really not begging for help, support, trust, etc. He would certainly welcome opinions and love to talk and discuss, but when it came to actually deciding -what- to do and how to do it, that is based on only DD alone. In other words, he completely lost hope in the community to ever guide him properly and help him along achieving a set goal, realizing that all people ever caused was constant switching. So now he'll force the community to accept him the way HE wants, hated or loved, with NO influence from outside to change his mind all the time. You people don't give me time. You just say "hey what the hell man you haven't done anything related to Labyrinth, how do you expect to get citizenship!?", not realizing that the purpose of this topic was to initiate just that. Just give me a break for goodness' sake and give me time to explain things slowly (through actions, not necessarily words) rather than forcing me to blurt out everything right here right now as you ask me, which is often wrong as both you and I have noticed. I'll stop here and repeat: I will leave some soon-to-come happenings in the realm speak for themselves. Edit: clarified a few things
  20. Which part specifically do you not understand? I've explained almost every part of my reasoning now
  21. DD never disliked Loreroot nor will he ever; nothing wrong with the land at all. People are what's wrong. At that time, DD would have done anything to be part of the land, but people spoiled it all. Labyrinth has no people. Paradise. Any explanation DD gives cannot satisfy people who don't care about him because DD does not want to be with such people (in a home-sharing sense) and does not want to please such people, whereas all of you want to do just that and cannot accept anyone different from you.
  22. This is a forum war; most people aren't even taking any of this seriously, but since you have made it serious I shall be serious now too Let me be very clear as well. dst is the sole reason the "old DD" (as you called) is gone, Chewy. You basically have 3 options 1) You can "punish" me and dst BOTH like this and remove all privileges/help/tools/tags/descriptions/citizenships/work related to either of us have or will get since we're both guilty of the same thing 2) You can be partial when making the decision and only "punish" me like this and let dst go, which will make me quit 3) You can attempt to form a solution to let us both live happily without interference in each others' business by solving the dispute once and for all here and now. Like I said, I'll stop the moment dst stops (notice how forum wars never happen unless dst starts them) because I definitely do not enjoy insulting/hurting people intentionally, unless they really do deserve it.
  23. Self-reflection... that's exactly what "finding yourself" means. The problem is not with DD; he knows what he believes and knows the correct meaning of what he wants to say/explain, the problem is that the receiving end (you, the community) is interpreting it differently, and there is no way to prevent this from happening rather than repeatedly saying "Please try to understand" -_- I honestly don't expect/want people to truly understand DD's reasoning; he is mysterious and prefers isolation in this sense, not the physical sense. There is no proper explanation because there doesn't have to be one. Something a million times better, if you're so keen on knowing, would be to play the game and find him and talk to him and maybe then everyone will understand better, rather than attempting to know the_entire_story by me, the player, in text on the forum. Regarding LR... well that is an awfully long story and has no place in this topic. Again, find DD in game if you want to know more about it. EDIT: "you" here does not refer specifically to Syrian but the whole community as a general term
  24. I do not find it discouraging at all but I want to point out a few things How is "Sunfire" specifically related to "Loreroot", the forest? How is "Peace" specifically related to "Necrovion", the land of shades? Connections aren't pre-formed :) I think the problem here, since you and Chewy have the same issue, is that I can't put it into proper words. Just try to understand this (and please don't take offense because I'm trying my best to just be honest and don't mean any offense).... DD has felt a definite bond and calling from the Labyrinth, and the people who actually spend time with him have noticed the hints he's revealed about "walking alone" and what not. I already stated earlier my reasons for DD choosing specifically the Labyrinth. To me it honestly sounds as if you're saying things like "Hey lets just ignore whatever bond Rhaegar (just an example!) has with Marind Bell and say that he should try and fulfill his role as a No Man's Land person." The community, including you, has actually suggested 5 lands to DD in total now really... first it was East, then GG, then a suggestion to go back to Loreroot, then MB and now NML.... why don't we all make each other's land-choosing decisions eh? ;) Deciding a land is a -huge- decision for DD and he has to be sure that it is exactly where he belongs. He will trust someone who suggests a different land less than someone who rather helps him along his goal (because he knows better about himself than the observers who have not seen the entire him). As for "crafting a private land"... no, I do not want to do that. As much as I'd love to poke dst, the Labyrinth is a land different from all others and it is downright impossible for it to have any ruler because someone else will see through the darkness different from another. The most it may have is a "master" or a "conqueror" who manages to do so after many years, but that does not mean that he's the ruler of any sort of people. There are no "land laws" for people to obey; no government, no such thing.
  25. Honestly I am -only-only- doing is for the lulz to see how far she goes :)) I shall never stop till the community realizes that dst must change her attitude, I don't care if it takes a lifetime. Being a villain in game is ENTIRELY different from insulting the other actual person/player, and she often (correction, ALWAYS) thinks that character's thoughts/decisions are actually mine (like I said, I -totally- love mazes in RL, so much that I wanna live in them) and this ignorance will never allow me to be quiet ^_^.
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