"No DD, Skilldrain won't help you, I tested the drain with 3 maxed SW, if any of them doesn't get frozen, your creatures will have like 55%(if I remember correctly) of sum of all stats from both sides. Giving you slight advantage."
I attacked Eon with a TS. I got 50% of EON'S stat (aka 1M+ damage) and could beat him :P . That is a major advantage, no?
"Would need to test it all with DD :P"
Sure! Though I'm sure you do know right that there's nothing wrong with auras not applying if frozen, eg: if the attacker freezes your priest, but the priest gets unfrozen after the auras are applied, its own aura will not be applied. There is nothing wrong with this; its logical.
"It would be nice if it worked that way, but still freezes will ruin your day."
"I think that for starters freezes shouldn't affect auras :P"
Ok, I agree with this. It would certainly remove a bit of that luck component from freeze that allows it to win against a good def or lose against a bad def.