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Everything posted by DARK DEMON

  1. I checked Eon's stats and his attack stat is 2795632 Now I don't know how this is possible, but one time I had got 1.44M attack (which is greater than 50%... ) from Eon with a single maxed TS in a 6-creature ritual and 0% influence with Eon's 100% influence And another time I got only 1.16M attack stat from Eon in a different 6-creature ritual with 0% influence and Eon's 100% influence, but same maxed TS. I -assume- that its probably a range of percentages in which a random value is chosen? <---just a guess
  2. Lashtal killed Mur to fulfill the meaning/prophecy associated to his name Lash killed Mur to negate a god (god slayer) Lash killed Mur to break the limits Lash killed Mur to create a new path Lash killed Mur to bring balance Lash killed Mur to start a chain reaction Lash killed Mur to bring knowledge of a different principle Lashtal killed Mur killed so that lashtal could act upon desire and lust instead of purposeful will Lash killed Mur to further explore the meaning of his own (his own referring to lashtal) exit stance Lash killed Mur to distract from a different plot
  3. I dont see how it outbids 15 silver. I, in fact, do plan to give it as a gold coin rather than 15 silver myself.
  4. Oh thanks :blink: *pokes Chewy* :D
  5. But its -unintended- because it doesn't allow you to participate in the group conversation with the other people in the group as well. No thanks, it should actually be me who should block that person, I really don't know why I haven't done so yet, but this is the situation so far, that I stated. _________________________________________________________ I am not familiar with "IBP bugtracker" (never heard about it ever :P) so if someone could help me regarding that matter, I'd very much appreciate it.
  6. Also, Rawquist apparently gains heads from attacking too, and still has them since although BHC ended.
  7. In a forum conversation containing multiple people, if a person has blocked another and both are in the same conversation, then the person blocked cannot reply in the conversation at all. This is clearly unintended, and can cause big problems in quest/work related group conversations, since a participant is unable to post anything at all due to being blocked by another participant. Hence I feel I should report it.
  8. Why not have premium of everything with creatureboost, huh?
  9. Which means that the description of TS will have to be changed: [skillvampire] Calculates the difference for each creature to its coresponding enemy lot and gives a percentage of that difference to your creature. Creatures in different slot won't influence eachother. Takes away skill difference from enemy units. Unlike SW, it does not drain/take away skill difference from enemy units.
  10. Lashtal killed Mur to fulfill the meaning/prophecy associated to his name Lash killed Mur to be a god slayer ---(oh gosh :ph34r:)--- Lash killed Mur to break the limits Lash killed Mur to create a new path Lash killed Mur to bring balance Lash killed Mur to start a chain reaction Lash killed Mur to bring knowledge of a different principle Lashtal killed Mur killed so that lashtal could act upon desire and lust instead of purposeful will Lash killed Mur to further explore the meaning of his own (his own referring to lashtal) exit stance Lash killed Mur to distract from a different plot
  11. Lashtal killed Mur to fulfill the meaning/prophecy associated to his name Lash killed Mur to be a god slayer out of duty/responsibility, not emotion or choice -(Kill me now! :)))- Lash killed Mur to break the limits Lash killed Mur to create a new path Lash killed Mur to bring balance Lash killed Mur to further explore the meaning of his existence Lash killed Mur to start a chain reaction Lash killed Mur to distract from a different plot Lash killed Mur to draw attention to Necrovion Lash killed Mur to bring knowledge of a different principle
  12. "No DD, Skilldrain won't help you, I tested the drain with 3 maxed SW, if any of them doesn't get frozen, your creatures will have like 55%(if I remember correctly) of sum of all stats from both sides. Giving you slight advantage." I attacked Eon with a TS. I got 50% of EON'S stat (aka 1M+ damage) and could beat him :P . That is a major advantage, no? "Would need to test it all with DD :P" Sure! Though I'm sure you do know right that there's nothing wrong with auras not applying if frozen, eg: if the attacker freezes your priest, but the priest gets unfrozen after the auras are applied, its own aura will not be applied. There is nothing wrong with this; its logical. "It would be nice if it worked that way, but still freezes will ruin your day." YES ALWAYS YES "I think that for starters freezes shouldn't affect auras :P" Ok, I agree with this. It would certainly remove a bit of that luck component from freeze that allows it to win against a good def or lose against a bad def.
  13. BPs already have creatureboost :) Hmm we might only find that out once further limiting place, and then observing + deciding whether more reduction still needs to take place or not.
  14. I don't understand what exactly you are implying here, but I think you are asking how strong they are against a powerful player? Well, the only way I or anyone with similar weak stats can beat Eon-like players is with skill drain, maybe vitality drain, and of course freeze. But skill drain plays a -huge- part in balancing strong fighters and the weak. (<--- if this is the intended purpose, then it is indeed fulfilling the purpose :) )
  15. Lashtal killed Mur to fulfill the meaning/prophecy associated to his name Lash killed Mur to be a god slayer because killing shows true love -(I shall not stop! :)))- Lash killed Mur to break the limits Lash killed Mur to create a new path Lash killed Mur to bring balance Lash killed Mur to further explore the meaning of his existence Lash killed Mur to start a chain reaction Lash killed Mur to distract from a different plot Lash killed Mur to draw attention to Necrovion Lash killed Mur to bring knowledge of a different principle
  16. Lashtal killed Mur to fulfill the meaning/prophecy associated to his name Lash killed Mur to be a god slayer ---(aka not necessarily opposing him :P)--- Lash killed Mur to break the limits Lash killed Mur to create a new path Lash killed Mur to bring balance Lash killed Mur to further explore the meaning of his existence Lash killed Mur to start a chain reaction Lash killed Mur to distract from a different plot Lash killed Mur to draw attention to Necrovion Lash killed Mur to bring knowledge of a different principle
  17. 1) Lashtal killed Mur to fulfill the meaning/prophecy associated to his name 2) Lash killed Mur because seeing him as a god did not allow him to have such a relationship as seeing him as not god, hence he had to become a godslayer, opposing the idea, but not from hatred. 3) Lash killed Mur to break the limits 4) Lash killed Mur to create a new path 5) Lash killed Mur to bring balance 6) Lash killed Mur to further explore the meaning of his existence 7) Lash killed Mur to start a chain reaction 8) Lash killed Mur to distract from a different plot 9) Lash killed Mur to draw attention to Necrovion 10) Lash killed Mur to bring knowledge of a different principle
  18. Happy birthday :)
  19. I confirm this still is the case
  20. -test- re-posted earlier post (sorry :P) Thanks Burns, I think indeed I logged out before posting it :)
  21. http://magicduel.com/pages/help.info.php?p=balancingfights ^ the ~DEFEATED~ part Oh, and since No one cannot currently access MD to see it, I will quote the definition of sheath balance here: ~~DEFEATED~~ (loss+1) When the difference between the players is at least 90% and you lose, the lost fight gets counted with the win/loss balance.
  22. Whoever solves it gets a silver or two from me :)
  23. Invisibility Thanks Marv, it was a fun quest indeed :)
  24. I bought a bird from Assira the Black for 5 silver
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