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Everything posted by DARK DEMON

  1. They are already re-summoned to the graveyard every two days. This is what I was referring to when I said that it becomes a nuisance to constantly bring the dead person to civilization just so that he can talk... its something that prevents interaction, and IMO anything that prevents interaction should be dealt with. Roaming around as usual wouldn't really be restriction. The logic of 'difficult for the spirit to move away from the body' sounds nice and makes sense to me personally, hence I made the suggestion. Edit: I agree that this has gone off-topic... may it be split please?
  2. I was not in any alliance nor had any leash when I was killed :P I am all for restrictions to dead people, such as attacking and some movement/actions, but not so much that it doesn't allow them to interact in any way except talking in the scene they are moved to (or PMs/mood panel). Maybe add 150 AP cost +visc for moving in every single scene when dead, instead of not allowing to move at all? (aka difficult for the spirit to move away from the body)
  3. I'm sorry, I totally disagree too. Having fun with Molq is entertaining the first time, maybe the second time, but really, after that when you die it becomes boring and repetitive. Talk to people? From the graveyard? Again you can only rely on others to create interaction and move you about and what not. Please read my post again, Eara, and see that I am encouraging more interaction myself and suggesting changes to promote just that. Currently killing forces very little interaction. Your case may have been different because you may not have faced such problems due to your privileges, and because the graveyard is in your land anyway. When I was dead, I too willingly remained dead for a few days than I could, but then it also became a nuisance to people to have to keep moving me all the time.
  4. Talking about otherarmy is offtopic but since that's where the discussion's going... I'd honestly say that if otherarmy was becoming a big problem for someone, they'd eventually work harder, train and interact to gain the stats back, which imo is a good thing. Anything that promotes interaction is a good thing in MD. However, when killed, you literally can't do anything or influence your revival in any way. Yes, there's interaction between others to fix the problem, but that's the point: you are forced to solely rely on others. In the meantime, you cannot do anything at all; it is purely a negative thing with zero interaction. Yet at the same time, it is perfectly 'allowed' in the game rules of course. So why not have a way to either fix-with-interaction or make it harder (and greater consequences) to get killed? If a person really deserves to die, in the community's opinion, nobody would object to the killing anyway, i.e not try and get 'revenge'.
  5. Oh yes, this is a major thing, and it would be incredibly ironic if it actually happens (considering all the fuss about "playing your role before you get it") and the quote: "You only get what you already have".
  6. On a serious note, yes, I definitely agree with what Eara said. I think there must be more work done from the killer's side to ensure a successful kill. Currently it mostly requires gold from the person wanting to kill, and no creativity at all to hide the crime (like how I got killed a while back in front of 10+ people with a killer contract). Something like hiding chat (which would make another use for acoustic remains for someone who'd like to be a detective), or using teleport spells to ensure nobody can reach the log room, etc, would just be some things a killer/killer's partner could do to 'hide' proof. But I strongly disagree with removing the proof altogether.
  7. Not sure who exactly is suitable but whoever ends up with Chew's avatar is technically suitable! :))
  8. This is so interestingly awesome :D
  9. Please ignore the last 2 messages I've posted here; its a misunderstanding. Now I am saying that there's still a small (unexpected) problem with the creature page system which I want to report but can't post in public because it contains private info (my crits) that cannot be avoided. I will post more development focus ideas later :)
  10. Oh wow its fixed, thanks! :D (though there's another problem which I'm posting in a new thread)
  11. Yes of course, I am prepared *chuckles* And yes, I'm sure that 1 attempt is not enough/fair because none of the participants were "correct" so far, in their first attempt. Yes, I know this is a quest in which there may not be any "wrong" answer, but I'll be judging it in a point system, based on how precise the answer is to what I had in mind, as well as the method (logical, simple, etc).
  12. Good idea. I will keep editing the main post.
  13. Update 2: Each participant has a maximum of 3 attempts towards the answer.
  14. At first it seemed he was actually quite reluctant and scolded me cause I failed the test I myself asked for :( Here's a bit of what he said, after I went to him with research discussions (which you call favors): "So...it will take a long time for me to consider this and discuss its implications with the council." "I had TWO plans for you already to give you more than you asked for and both failed dramatically, first one because you ended up with such a dramatic and bad attitude towards all this, in public....." "I shall stop supporting you directly but i will keep an eye on what you do and will wait for a good reason to give you all want to." "I should normally tell you "go to the council" and i will probably just do that, if you continue this way." "You should not base your ingame evolution on me. I've been trying to say that to everybody for ages, till i had to go away so that everybody would understand of simply walk off if they don't manage to do it without me." "I have a hard time "fighting" with others that don't agree with me on how roles or citizenships to such lands should be given, because of that, this one needs to be an absolute example. Your failure will be my failure too." So I guess one of the reasons he continued was to set up an example :unsure:
  15. Update: Participants should keep in mind that the final answer must be as simple and logical as possible. I'm not saying don't delve deep into complex stuff, etc, you actually are required to do that somewhat, but ensure that you present them in a good way :) (in other words: present them in a way that is not only related to the main post but also more 'acceptable' in terms of getting lost in symbols/thoughts :)))
  16. I think all major stuff from current stage and previous stages should be completed first, eg: 1) Use for this http://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/2804 2) Fixing this http://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/2572 3) Fixing this http://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/2883 4) Perhaps a new position for this http://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/3004 5) Something exciting should be done about this (perhaps a public experiment/test) http://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/2610
  17. 4 participants so far, and totally different perceptions from each other :)) This is way more interesting than I thought :D Keep 'em coming! Actually there's more but its no fun if its revealed all at once, is it? ;) Edit: clarified how a statement came out wrongly
  18. Happy birthday
  19. I agree with Ary, this stage doesn't feel complete yet. Reasoning is mostly the same... that apart from many incomplete things (top of my head: creature totems from stage 11 and what Ary said, volition), there's also been no huge change that got people to do/try/experiment new things (like I remember introduction of citizenship in stage 11). edit: clarified stuff
  20. Also, as always, anyone who gets lost in the Labyrinth can contact me and I'll personally escort you out back to the exit :)
  21. Okay, I suppose it wouldn't be that great an idea to solely rely on voting (*cough* don't want this to be a popularity contest achievement *cough*) :P So how about, taken from what Sunfire said, that the Questmaker Rewarders can use the quest feedback form votes to get the general opinion, and use that to help decide whether or not to count a quest for the achievement? However, first what needs to be known is: Are the Questmaker Rewarders still functioning, and I'm asking Burns publicly now, would they be willing to do this if it would get implemented? Maybe some sort of scoring system can be created. Something like "if you get X points, you get the achievement". Each quest would get you a certain number of points, based on community voting AND what Questmaker Rewarders think. It may take you 3 quests to reach those X points, or it may take you 10. What do people think about this? :) (again, if it is agreed with, only then can we think further as to what the scoring system will be).
  22. Suggestion to Rophs to make it easier: We can just edit our posts to add names rather than making new posts each time, like everyone else has already started doing^^ :)
  23. Lintara - 1 Witty - 2 Ivorak - 1 Chewy - 1
  24. The Labyrinth is what can be called, in the simplest of terms, a broken mirror. It reflects itself... in itself. Not once but multiple times, in different ways, from different angles. Sometimes the cracks and broken pieces (of glass? something else?) form something new altogether, sometimes they result in incomplete paths or unexpected "edges". In other words, if it wasn't "broken", it would indeed not be a maze but clear cut paths, easy to travel through. If it wasn't "broken", it would actually have an exact center where everything would reflect, but that is not the case. The center does not physically exist, it is meant to be realized. ___________________________________________________ The purpose of sharing this info is to encourage everyone to answer their questions (which will obviously be aroused after reading) themselves, if they dare to venture into the Labyrinth of course :D. Which is why I shall also create a mini-quest! It is very simple: PM me ingame or through forum, what you think are the coordinates of the exact center of the Labyrinth, and why. It may be very easy or difficult, depending on how you look at things :) I'll give out rewards based on how logical your answers are. The quest lasts for a whole month (ending on December 11). Current list of participants: 1) Hiria 2) Lania 3) Lashtal 4) Soothing Sands 5) Rophs 6) Eagle Eye 7) Maebius 8) Azrafar 9) Eara Meraia 10) AmberRune 11) Asthir
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