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Everything posted by DARK DEMON

  1. So you've got it all covered? :D I'm willing to help.
  2. Happy birthdays!
  3. Even bigger boost. Plus this would be a single, personal item.
  4. I would implement something that gives me a huge temporary AP boost.
  5. I doubt, if it would ever be implemented somehow, it would be that easy anyway. Plus, in my thoughts that was only limited to the mainlands :)
  6. This was just an example. And I really doubt you'd keep building that every single day for just one scene^^ Right... any "real power" is too strong? We're talking about an entire land here, not one person's abilities. Of course, there have to be ways to get across it to prevent abuse and banning everyone^^
  7. Horray for Germany!
  8. At the moment lands have absolutely no power to defend themselves... yes alright they may avenge if harmed, but they cannot prevent any damage... I suggested something a while back (will find thread later) about making "land forges" where resources are used up to make defensive tools that can be deployed to a scene (eg: for Loreroot, a wooden wall that requires 100 branches 30 lumber to be made, and increases AP cost to move away from the scene it is deployed by 200 for a day). In other words, the power to enforce laws. Currently no such power exists, as every single person has total free will to do as he pleases with only words to stop him/her.
  9. The power to temporarily ban someone from coming into a land (entering any scene would result in teleportation to the gates)
  10. You were tricked. It cannot be drawn without lifting up your pen... again: If there are more than two nodes with an odd number of paths, the graph cannot be traversed without lifting your pen. In this case there are 4 nodes.
  11. This is what I stumbled upon: No, it cannot be solved. The way to tell if a shape can be drawn without lifting your pen is to count the number of nodes with an odd number of paths. Any node with an odd number of paths must either be first or last in your list. If there are more than two nodes with an odd number of paths, the graph cannot be traversed without lifting your pen. Each of the four corners of the square you described has 5 paths leading from it (two sides of the square, two semicircle ends, and a diagonal). Therefore it cannot be traversed without lifting your pen. Closest thing would indeed be missing one line, one diagonal or one semicircle, all of which are obtained through equal ease...
  12. Yes, I might be able to prove that its impossible too (not sure if the source I was told this from is authentic though, it may be wrong)
  13. There obviously has to be investment, dst...
  14. So why not question the obvious.... why isnt advertising taking place atm?
  15. I believe "death" is not the correct word to call it... Just when the inner core becomes the inner sun, its like starting a fresh life from the start, not dying. When giving light to those who need, it does have a new purpose does it not? After achieving a complete puzzle, I'd say the most active stage begins where you fill up those empty spaces in the core with light. We all live because we have a purpose and do things because we have a purpose. Shedding light into each others' cores are what make us dependent on each other, hence creating another purpose/reason to exist. A change in purpose shouldn't be referred to as death, in my opinion.
  16. Reminds me of GG monopoly really...
  17. I request the mods to move all the posts after this post 15 by Ary http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15544-help-the-mp3s/?p=152564 (<--- including this post 15) to this topic so that the constructive discussion continues.
  18. Posted at the wrong place, Chewy :P
  19. Just to clear up all the mess --- my intention was never to insult "non native english speakers". All those who know my past will also know that dst has insulted me countless times and I simply couldn't believe that dst, who uses her intelligence so well for her role in MD, couldn't use her intelligence to understand my statement, hence I obviously took it as further "flaming" on her part. I am glad, however, that discussions are taking place. Yes I believe we do have to worry... I don't think someone new has stayed around for quite some time now. When I was 100-300 AD, I remember people used to stick around occasionally. Now the "occasionally" has become "very rarely". Look at it from the MP3's point of view too: "I have to fight to get to a higher level in the game but at the moment it is impossible to do that because I have nobody to fight with." Even if they are attracted to some other aspect of MD (not combat), they will still not feel too keen to stay because they cannot progress into the game...
  20. Nah, just let it all go. Lets all have fun as MP3's roam about alone with no one to fight. Here are the most recent reports :) http://storenow.net/my/?f=d9ac8ed2395aff5e42659a809b93e8db http://storenow.net/my/?f=6fa09a1626990b13df25acc56f0071ee
  21. Upon suggestion I've decided to open up a new topic for discussing the current situation. What do you, the community, think should be done for the recent lack of MP3 players?
  22. I meant if people are not willing to help MD, and are making up excuses (eg: its alt abuse) just because they dont want to, they are not loyal to MD. You all know the truth that if someone like Chewy suggested something like this, not a single person would have refused... (I've seen it happen in the past). A long time ago I used to "waste my time helping these undecided souls", some of them left but some stayed too. If you want examples, they are Eara, Syrian, Dante, Dan Planewalker, all of which have made some impact or the other in the game. I know the type of people who would stay in MD and I focus on them. That was when Mur gathered people and decided that LHO's should focus on one or two people and try to make them stay rather than leaving messages in chat. The silver was only an incentive for people to start. I already know those who actually want to help wouldn't take the silver. I made this thread because "MD type people" were leaving due to lack of MP3 fighters. However, it is absolutely clear the community isn't interested, so the topic can be closed.
  23. I'll give you my whole inventory if you actually used that brain of yours. For those like dst who have comprehending problems: set an MP3 account idle after you log out from your main MP4/MP5 account Just sad if you're worried more about alt abuse than every single talkative MP3 leaving due to no fighters since the past few weeks.... I have been observing. I'm not forcing anyone to do this. Do it if you want to help MD. If you don't, your real loyalty to MD is apparent.
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