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Everything posted by DARK DEMON

  1. [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Happy bday! [/color][/font]
  2. [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]I'd love to participate, but I'm in the Day of Fear, along with many others. [/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Won't this give a clear advantage to those not participating in Day of Fear?[/color][/font]
  3. [quote name='Mallos' timestamp='1363435209' post='134084'] Lumber Saws (LR only) Branch axes (LR only) Bark knifes (LR Only) Resin collectors (LR only) um... that's pretty specific on only Loreroot can use them DD. (unless you mean the usable resources themselves, tea requires branches) [/quote] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]No, what I meant was that Loreroot has more private tools, [i]of different variety[/i], than other lands.[/color][/font]
  4. [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]This is just came to my mind, after reading [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13880-shared-tools/"]this[/url] topic, that the shared tools to make spellbooks may be Underground, since there are no tools there [/color][/font]
  5. [quote name='Fang Archbane' timestamp='1363430799' post='134079'] If we truly wanted to make everything "as even as possible" we could put "x" amount of each known tool in each Capitol. That would effectively even all lands out and stop monopolies. But ask yourself if that's a good idea. It's definitely a possibility, but would it be a good idea ( ._.) /JustThrowingTheObviousOutThere [/quote] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]I was rather thinking of a way to encourage and promote resource trading between lands, increase interaction and bring land diplomacy into play a bit too. Perhaps by introducing new items to be made via resources? (bringing back [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13689-item-explosion/"]this[/url] proposal here) Your solution would prevent that [/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Shared tools are fine. Not unbalanced cause each land has a different resource which only that land's citizens can us, other than Loreroot. If Underground wants tools, please state which ones.[/color][/font]
  6. [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Good luck, and hope you keep popping in! [/color][/font]
  7. [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]It's [b]Passage of War[/b], not Pillar of War [/color][/font]
  8. [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Yes, I want a personal apprentice axe so that I can increase my skill better.[/color][/font]
  9. [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Yep... finally some action down at the Gazebo of Chaos [/color][/font]
  10. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1363014831' post='133789'] I would disagree one teacher shouldnt help someone else, specifically restricting yourself to one teacher could have adverse affects, like if a teacher tells you to join every land just to get land loyalty. If you talked to just them and they said it was ok, then you might think this behavior is the norm. [/quote] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]I see your point [/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]But what I meant was that the adept should not have the same relationship with his master than with any other teacher. Lots of people will still guide that adept, so I do think that the adept will be warned if the master is getting "out of hand...."[/color][/font] [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1363014831' post='133789'] There are many peolpe who dont have, nor will be learning any more in MD, who should they adept, no one? [/quote] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Well, actually yes. If there is no more to learn (which is kinda impossible) or if you don't want to learn more, then why "leave your life" in the hands of a Protector? [/color][/font][font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400](Thus, I had proposed some real tools to punish bad adepts/worshipper, as well as the restriction that one cannot change an adept unless the "master" allows <--- it will make people think twice before adepting someone)[/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Like I emphasized before too, helping someone else be Protector shouldn't be the case. [/color][/font] [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1363014831' post='133789'] This sounds like you just want to make it easier for people to upgrade their creatures... [/quote] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Same as above, that people will think twice before adepting someone, hence it'll be difficult to upgrade crits, not easier.[/color][/font]
  11. [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Some thoughts which came to my head the moment I saw this brought up [/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]1) Adepting shouldn't be taken that lightly. A person should adept someone who is [b]really[/b] his/her teacher. This, I humbly propose that once someone adepts a "master", this bond may not be removed without the master's approval (through some coding, ofc). This would not only make this kind of bond stronger and with more meaning (rather than just clicking of buttons to help someone) but it would allow new people to search and learn to be with a teacher. If you're an adept of someone, it should be a clear sign that another teacher should not interfere with the master's ways.[/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Edit: A Protector of some people doesn't have to be the Protector of the whole of MD. Only those who are actually learning from the "master" are their proper adepts. Influencing such as "Oh everyone is the adept of XXX nowadays so you should adept XXX too" or "YYY is much cooler than XXX, so you should adept YYY" would be wrong.[/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]2) Reduce the number of adepts required to be Protector to 15, or even 10. The intention would be that people will now take adepting more seriously, and will think a great deal about choosing someone as their master. Thus, gaining adepts would not be that easy. And anyways, once the bond between an adept and master becomes strong, it would be difficult to maintain 20 other similar bonds. Almost impossible, actually.[/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]3) If the above two really do come into being, Protectors should really be equipped with [i]some proper things other than heals[/i] to make that bond stronger.[/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Edit: Also, adept days requirement would also have to be increased a bit again so that someone doesn't adept someone without knowing the bond.[/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400][b]It should help the adept more than the Protector. The adept should not do someone a favor by making him MP6 cause he is asking or wishing for it. Rather, the Protector should be the one who is working hard enough to devote himself so that the adept can learn.[/b][/color][/font]
  12. [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Not really sure how much it's worth, so...[/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]A GG drach and 1 gold (untokened, but I'll go ahead )[/color][/font]
  13. [quote name='Syrian' timestamp='1362977112' post='133732'] EDIT: just remembered im working, not sure if this will conflict *sigh* [/quote] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]I've seen you active quite enough in-game. This won't require hours per day [/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]So I'd say go ahead, and good luck![/color][/font]
  14. [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Happy bday!!! [/color][/font]
  15. [color=#006400][font=comic sans ms,cursive]Nutcracker (5 mil heat) with 2 tokens (stardust and claw2), a very old Bloodpact with a token (stardust) and 2 gold[/font][/color] [color=#006400][font=comic sans ms,cursive][size=2][size=3][size=4][size=3]Edit: changed from 1 gold to 2[/size][/size][/size][/size][/font][/color]
  16. [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]It got removed now, but last I checked I could go in.[/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]It was an exploitation without anything from my part, so I don't mind.[/color][/font]
  17. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1362912707' post='133697'] if you did not buy access you will not have access. [/quote] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]But I do have access... [/color][/font][font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400] [/color][/font]
  18. [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]I had asked Mur about my access to Tormented Souls without spending a wishpoint, which was apparently not possible cause my story mode was incomplete. He said I'd rather enjoy it for now cause he didn't have time to look into it.[/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Is my access now gone?[/color][/font]
  19. [color=#006400][font=comic sans ms,cursive]Nutcracker (5 mil heat) with 2 tokens (stardust and claw2) and 1 gold[/font][/color] [color=#006400][font=comic sans ms,cursive]Seig, how much do you value this?[/font][/color]
  20. [color=#006400][font=comic sans ms,cursive]Nutcracker (5 mil heat) with 2 tokens (stardust and claw2)[/font][/color]
  21. [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Happy bday! [/color][/font]
  22. [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]I'll try my best to attend [/color][/font]
  23. [quote name='Ackshan Bemunah' timestamp='1362579859' post='133520'] DARK....It took me a good ten seconds to solve the "riddle," give him some credit... [/quote] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]You too!? [/color][/font][font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400] [/color][/font][font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400] [/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Some (including me) may have worked quite hard to earn that code, and Fang gave it away just like that.[/color][/font]
  24. [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Happy B-day Mur!!! [/color][/font]
  25. [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Fang, you also gave away the GoE portal code to the Pillars of Harmony in a "riddle", which was just the answer itself.[/color][/font]
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