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Eara Meraia

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Everything posted by Eara Meraia

  1. hi there, I guess Eara jumped exactly the same md wagon as Dante did, so if hes new I an new too^^
  2. Prime adventurer: Dante Lionheart Best Beautification: Lazarus Champion Fighter: Tal Pre-eminent Role Player: lashtal rookie of the year: Dark Demon
  3. “Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.” Archimedes.

    1. Change


      *gives Eara a lever* Now let's play intergalactic bar billiards!

    2. Eara Meraia

      Eara Meraia

      *takes a lever and eleganlty drives the first asteroid into the black hole* YEAH!

  4. oh MoM...you know that shrinks hate such tests, dont you? first of all one has to define Intelligence... But I was glad to see ya around here;)
  5. at this point, it would be helpful is somebody could define "noob". is it someone who> a) is less than X amount of day in the Realm b) doesnt own some certain creatures c) has no idea about the philosophy or symbolism or fighting system d) cannot make a good rp e) is not good at solving quests of riddles f) doesnt possess many spells or inventory items g), h)... ??? i think considering all the points, if one is honest with himself we are all "noobs" in this or that area. The thing is - theres only one way to rid if "noobness" to help and support each other. So, if that was Tipus aim - I support it. However the way it was formulated makes me think of other reasons, which have not much to do with "helping others", but maybe i miss the joke.
  6. happy b-day, my friend...i wanna be 18 again xD
  7. [quote name='Dragual' timestamp='1351802045' post='124885'] Green [/quote] Peace
  8. [quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1351685168' post='124850'] mozzarella [/quote] HATE!
  9. [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1351451061' post='124746'] Wall-e [/quote] trash
  10. makeup^^
  11. help as i can;)
  12. sounds interesting..but please hide somewhere where the noob like me can go to
  13. agree with Lashtal! Dante, it's marvellous...
  14. good to know;)
  15. no way! No gifts nowadays. One has to earn everything with his own sweat and blood ...i want a quest - thats more fun.
  16. even if i risk to be banned on my first day...I just cannot ignore your wishes. Thats why> cookies sandwitches for Azul, Rhaegar and Magistra. [img]http://img4-2.myrecipes.timeinc.net/i/recipes/ay/08/cookie-sandwich-ay-1875606-l.jpg[/img] Thanks for all greetings. And..emm...I already met dst - very patient person
  17. Hi! I am Eara. I accidentialy found this game and i already loooove it. Hope we have a lot of fun together and hope you are patient enough to answer 1000 of questions from a nosey noob like me^^ Baked some muffins for everyone...Enjoy;) [img]http://autoimg.kochbar.de/kbrezept/386189_406902/400x266/rezept-schoko-muffin-mit-kokoskern-bild-nr-3.jpg[/img]
  18. exploring universe

    1. Maebius


      and a wonderful world it is.

    2. Menhir


      Life is so beautiful one has just to realise it. I´m still in the same exploration process and hope it will never stop. All the best Eara.

    3. Eara Meraia

      Eara Meraia

      that is the point> universe seems to be a never ending matroshka...

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