[b]I would like to request for a "Mirror" item. [/b]
@ Zyrxae> I have already seen 3 Types of mirrors in this Realm> 1) Artificial mirrors in some scenes and as items. 2) Natural mirrors (all warer surfaces have reflections. and if you assume that MD water is special and doesnt reflect anything, how would you explain the fact that shadows cannot cross it.) 3) Symbolic (There are many scenes that mirror another). I dont want this Item to have some certain magic or special abilities. I just want something that would help people to look at themselves and maybe i could just draw their attention to some details. If there would be something else that could perform this FUNCTION..i would take it, but i don't see such options.
[b]It is very important for my RP in the future. I already did some "mirror readings" before and i would like to continue with that (PM me if you would like to have more info). [/b]
[b]The next thing i need to complete the role is a Tag "Mirror Councilor" or similar. [/b]
Oh and there is one more thing. I would like to get Earas Leash, to give it to someone i love.