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Eara Meraia

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Everything posted by Eara Meraia

  1. could someone please remove those heads from me? As far as I understand theres no HC running atm.
  2. happy b-day once again ;P come more often so that we celebrate alltogether:)
  3. since I did not get an answer to my pm, I will have to ask in public - why did not I get any feedback to my submission in stage 2 of this quest and no score as well. if I have been disqualified for whatever reason - why didnt I get any notification? thank you.
  4. alles gute zum Geburtstag, mein Freund!
  5. Name: Eara Meraia Age: 212 Sex: a girl^^ Association: - Affiliation: Necrovion Greatest Strength: observation Greatest Weakness: curiosity
  6. life is a chess session
  7. is it possible that the first price submission gets the most unique award as well or you see those as non-matching categories?
  8. [b]1111001010110101101000101 00101101[/b] take it, play with it, but share your results later. Then we might discuss...
  9. no matter which spell I am trying to use, always get the same error message. [url="http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/483/locate.jpg"]http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/483/locate.jpg[/url]
  10. I love listening to lies when i know the truth.

    1. Phantom Orchid

      Phantom Orchid

      Will you challenge them?

    2. purplebunny


      Calling people up on lies is often fun.

    3. Chengmingz


      No just wait. Get them back later for it. Muhahahahah

  11. feels good to have home:) thanks for your voting, fellow necrovians.

  12. [list=1] [*][b]Tal[/b] -tag "protector of loreroot" (10 points) [*][b]Fire Starter[/b] -My chawan to be able to heat up cold tea (9 pts) [*][b]Dark Demon[/b] return of the Children of the Eclipse (8 pts) [*][b]Eagle Eye[/b] -Silvan Watch Spell or Silvan Spell (7pts) [*][b]Peace[/b] - My item 'Bottle of perfume' to be edited and act as a reviving item (6pts) [*][b]Phantasm[/b] - a spell to jump people back and forth from the GoE to the Tribunal Pub(5pts) [*][b]Tankfans[/b] - -Spell: Homesick - teleports the target/s back to their capital (4pts) [*][b]Darigan -[/b]-return of my piece of brain and the Root of the Matter Inn Guest Book from BlackThorn's Inventory (3pts) [*][b]Leixer[/b]- an item named "Oven" (2pts) [*][b]Hedge Munos[/b] - -tag "Minstrel" either, or perhaps "Fool" (1pts) [/list]
  13. [list=1] [*][b]Tal[/b] -tag "protector of loreroot" (10 points) [*][b]Fire Starter[/b] -My chawan to be able to heat up cold tea (9 pts) [*][b]Dark Demon[/b] return of the Children of the Eclipse (8 pts) [*][b]Eagle Eye[/b] -Silvan Watch Spell or Silvan Spell (7pts) [*][b]Lashtal[/b] - Bone shovels to be modified in order for them to collect skulls too.(6pts) [*][b]Hedge Munos[/b] - -tag "Minstrel" either, or perhaps "Fool" (5pts) [*][b]Tankfans[/b] - -Spell: Homesick - teleports the target/s back to their capital (4pts) [*][b]Peace[/b] - My item 'Bottle of perfume' to be edited and act as a reviving item (3pts) [*][b]Leixer[/b]- an item named "Oven" (2pts) [*][b]Phantasm[/b] - a spell to jump people back and forth from the GoE to the Tribunal Pub. (1pts) [/list]
  14. gelukkige verjaardag:)
  15. What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare

  16. [b]I would like to request for a "Mirror" item. [/b] @ Zyrxae> I have already seen 3 Types of mirrors in this Realm> 1) Artificial mirrors in some scenes and as items. 2) Natural mirrors (all warer surfaces have reflections. and if you assume that MD water is special and doesnt reflect anything, how would you explain the fact that shadows cannot cross it.) 3) Symbolic (There are many scenes that mirror another). I dont want this Item to have some certain magic or special abilities. I just want something that would help people to look at themselves and maybe i could just draw their attention to some details. If there would be something else that could perform this FUNCTION..i would take it, but i don't see such options. [b]It is very important for my RP in the future. I already did some "mirror readings" before and i would like to continue with that (PM me if you would like to have more info). [/b] [b]The next thing i need to complete the role is a Tag "Mirror Councilor" or similar. [/b] Oh and there is one more thing. I would like to get Earas Leash, to give it to someone i love.
  17. waitin..waitin...waitin..for a council to reply...someone give me a patience pill please.



      Send them a reminder if they don't reply within a week.

    2. Chewett


      Then try the lulcatz

  18. i will not be able to come online from Sunday morning (23.12) till 1. or 2.01...so I miss all celebrations, quests etc. It would be just great if i could at least witness MD Awards...any chance for Saturday evening?
  19. A little remark to put it straight> Member Since 23 Jul 2012
  20. bp - some silver + extra bonus
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