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Eara Meraia

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Everything posted by Eara Meraia

  1. happy b-day, miss Kiley :)
  2. I would like to join this quest as a Time Patrol.
  3. I had an idea to gather solar energy during the sunny weather in a form of heat. Make sort of hybrid between heat jar and improvised rain collector - "solar energy collector". Could be an alternative way to gather some heat especially for young players with low stats.
  4. wish you happy birthday, my friend. I am glad I know the person like you.
  5. happy birthday once again, my dear friend.
  6. I still decided to apply for this because> 1) I believe we dont just have to accept the situation as it is, but have to DO something ourselves to change it and not just sit and wait 2) Changing of the situation is always necessary, because only moving and developing system can call itself alive. 3) I do not pretend to be the "coolest" the "most popular" person around or person who "deserves" something more than others, but I have a realistic view of life, which helps me a lot to stay cool and make good decisions in the most awkward and crazy situations. 4) If I start something I am loyal to the end. Eara Meraia ID 241935 Days: 368
  7. ˈnæʊ ˈwiː ˈɔl ˈtʃek ɑr ˈfiːlɪŋz əˈbæʊt ˈgoʊld ˈkɔɪnz :))
  8. Eara Meraia

    deja vu

  9. happy birthday dark queen!
  10. happy birthday, Mr. No one. celebrate nice ;)
  11. why not to just leave item regrouping regular like now but with changing times (+1 hour) so that ater a while all time zones will be covered. For example on 1.01.2050 the regrouping happened on 00 st, then on 7.01 - 12 am st and then just add one hour to it so on 14.01 - 1 am ST, 21.01 - 1 pm etc. No favorism and everybody can plan their time.
  12. Eara Meraia ID:241935; Days:353
  13. first of all thanks for the quest, I really enjoyed it (inspite of the very late hour). I would love to see the list of participants who came to the end though..out of sheer curiosity.
  14. happy sprouting! May your roots will never get weak and trunk hollow:)
  15. Dan and Eara
  16. Eara Meraia ID:241935; Days:347
  17. I am ready if I can help somehow.
  18. can we discuss monopoly on ressources in another topic? this one was made to draw attention of the community to the question of rainwater and its use. I agree with nad that bushies may need a more rainwater than normal water (even if logically that is a bit weird), but its important to leave some priviledges to water dowsers, otherwise the guild loses its main purpose.
  19. thank you, Chewett
  20. The question still is not answered. I think its LOGICAL that you grow bushies with rainwater. Otherwise there are other questions to be answered: - is the rainwater toxic so its not good for growing plants? (if yes..poor MD when it is raining) - what can I use the rainwater for? If somebody can give me an answer that makes sense - I dont even mind MB monopoly, because many lands have "monopoly" on different things like bones or memory-stones detectors. But as it is now, it is just strange.
  21. The question is simple: I wonder why cannot we use collected rainwater to make bushies grow? Isnt it the best and most natural use for this resource?
  22. can we make a quest out of it? the one who guesses most authors - wins :D I have fun guessing who wrote what right now...but no hope to get to know if I am right or wrong.
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