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Eara Meraia

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Everything posted by Eara Meraia

  1. it was a great pleasure, Maebius. Really sorry to read this even though I have been anticipating this for quite some time. Good luck with all your plans.
  2. you can participate till 30.11 and win month prize.
  3. Pip, I mostly meant screen with creatures saccing
  4. I agree with Chewett here. This seems to be a nice idea to make fighting more attractive and I would surely participate. Though 1 year is a way too long. what about 1 month? I also see a little privacy issue here. Did you imagine screens be posted on forum or sent privately to organizer, who counts and summarizes stats? I think the second is much better if this organizer posts only the current "ranking" on forum for motivation and general orientation of participants.
  5. Shadrala...dont forget to use Live help button ingame. Live help operators usually can help or at least send you to smb. who can :)
  6. Life is movement. Hope this will be a positive experience for you. And come back soon.
  7. i want a card as well and send you one. tell me if I got into 10 or not :)
  8. I would love to get one too and send one back ofc. ^_^
  9. congratulations to all winners! Agree with dst here completely. and for Tom - it was a big work and obviously a fair amount of time that you and your helpers invested into this quest. So thanks for that and good luck for your new quests. Perfection comes through training.
  10. Story telling postponed till 19:00 ST! Tranquil Plains. Join us.
  11. And official winners of this competition are> First place> *Clock Master* Second place> *Nimrodel* Third place> AmberRune CONGRATULATIONS to the winners. You will receive your rewards soon. walkthrough of the quest and submissions you can find HERE. Thank you for participation. Happy Halloween!
  12. INSTRUCTION: Got enchanted into a ghost? What to do? Find 4 REAL ghosts in 4 different lands. Ghost will hind OUTSIDE of the buildings Cast successfully movelock spell on each ghost! Hurry up to be the first and cast a spell BEFORE the ghost says “Leave me alone!” in the chat. Include your player name in Spellwords you cast! PM a ghost with words “Halloween is there” Get a task from the ghost Solve the task and send a PM with your answer to the ghost. He will send you one of 4 SPELL WORDS if your answer is correct. You DON’T need to wait until you solve the task to hunt another ghost! You can proceed your hunt and send the answers later! Form a correct spell from the spell words you got and send Zyrxae or Syrian the answer via PM. They are waiting at GoE. Smell the freedom and victory! First 3 who send me the correct answer will be declared winners.
  13. HALLOWEEN GHOST HUNTING! TODAY (31.10. 2013) 23:00 ST at Gazebo of Equilibium! YOU MUST BE THERE! (Prepare your weapons, train your dogs, bring your horns!*) * attention - RP. do not take literally
  14. herzlich willkommen ;)
  15. Eara Meraia AD: 427 volition: 23.3 grinding> no, even less than usual walking recently
  16. welcome back
  17. sent again. please notify me if it didnt work.
  18. recently no time at all, but I assume there will be more work during the time after Halloween and X-Mas.
  19. happy birthday! May your chawan always be hot ;)
  20. Tom, a simple message in a mood panel "Help me with revival" or personal message to me, your friend would be enough to start organizing things for your revival. Is it too much? I am persuaded - nobody must be dead for months if he/she does at least anything or asks for help. I have been dead more than once and I know what I am talking about. It was fun to do Molquerts tasks, being creative, I took it as a personal quest and stayed dead for long because I enjoyed playing dead. But I am sure there are ways of revival if somebody is seeking them. I dont know Spartialis, I dont know his motives but I also havent seen his appeals to be revived. Dont get me wrong - I dont want death be common, I also do think there is inbalance if contract can be activated every week. I want death to be UNIQUE. But getting rid of it will made MD poorer in my oppinion.
  21. first of all I want to state that I see a big difference between death in MD and death IRL. Most of it has been discussed earlier, so I wont go for details (if you are interested ask me privately). Thats why I will speak of killing here as a game feature and not as of moral act. I think killing is an interesting aspect of MD that should not be lost. It give game special flavour if you want and can be perfectly used for RP and other issues for example events (think about the last day of Fear). Thats why I am not against Killing contract as such. I think this idea has its place in MD. The problem is, if it is used too often it causes inflation of the feature and that is what I consider negative. Death has to be unique, it has to cause special feelings or community effort. Thats why I dont think that Molquert guards being tough to beat is a problem. I think its positive if people have work together to archieve revival. Of course not everyone can fight, but what is bad about networking and team effort? If I am not mistaken this was the original idea in the end. Currently there are 2 ways to deal with the problem: 1) increase the number of revival possibilities, 2) increase cooldown of killing contract and killing items. 1) sounds bad for me. Even now killing by contract if rather cheap. with more revival possibilities people will be killed for a few silver and then this feature is something like a rainbow candy - easy to die, eay to revive, nothing to care of. That is what inflation do. That is what I would like to avoid. 2) increasing cooldown seems much better possibility. It gives possibility to keep the rp value of death in MD, also gives a chance to preserve Eons role as assassin. I dont think killing contract has an aspect of greed. But it gives some "power" for people who do not have permanent access to killing items.
  22. happy birthday indeed!
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