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Eara Meraia

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Everything posted by Eara Meraia

  1. 7) Donation Black rose History of the Elucubration Creature Heart in a Box Blue hexagon Acousticremains stone (TK edition) Acousticremains stone (TK edition) Weaken stone 20 Silver Note Muratus's engraved ring Bottle of Bushies Wine Tequila Cocktail Drop of blood Cause - Received from: Muratus del Mur 8) Donation 9th edition anniversary aramor Received from: Eara Meraia Cause: -
  2. wow! great news. I will hunt you online one day and then we will find some interesting use for your things. Thanks again for everyone supporting us. It is not even about the amount of donation but more about the attitude and open heart to share.
  3. 5) Donation 3 sc Received from: blackshade rider, Cause: 1/3 share of his heat solidifier rental fee 6) Donation 18 gc Received from: lashtal Cause: 98% of the auction share (creature ID 22)
  4. so...we finally come to the resuts of this campaign. 5 quests participated in it 1) Pysanka quest by Nimrodel 2) Queen of Sheba quest by Nimrodel 3) Who murdered Mr. Mariano? by Nim 4) Reality check by ungod 5) Collage quest by ungod Judges carefully considered all details and ideas and decided the following: Third place goes to Queen of Sheba quest. As for the first and second place judges oppinions divided between Pysanka quest ans collage quest. Collage was the best idea and Pysanka involved most effort from questmaker. Therefore both quests are winners and both questmakers get a WP. Congratuations. Enjoy your well earned prizes and don't forget to design new awesome quests for the next open Treasury event.
  5. it was @questmaker gets a WP for himself if he makes a good quest@ Thanks all for participation. As soon as judges are done with their work, results will be posted here.
  6. 4) Donation 4sc Received from> Miq Cause> rest of TSB funds Thank you!
  7. 3) Donation: 2 aged rare and 1 unique creature Received from: anonymous Cause: not defined Many thanks!
  8. Ledah it is. I will contact you via forum pm. Thanks all. This can be closed.
  9. MD is full of generous people, who like donating things for a good cause. Treasury doesn't act as a bank (yet) but more as a resource for quest sponsoring. From time to time therefore I will be putting things, which cannot be used as quest sponshorship rewards, Maybe some of you will find them interesting and will want to buy. I will leave it open until 24 hrs pass after last bid. Things will only be sold as a bunch, so take all or nothing. 3 Timeless dust 3 Cups of cold tea 306 branches 26 tea leaves 22 aromatic herbs 19 sticky goop 36 unidentified plants Archer creature totem 8 shaped odd rock Start bid 5 sc
  10. 2) Donation 8 aged creatures (5 imperial aramors, 1 tormented soul, 1 joker, 1 remains) tokened and untokened Received from: anonymous benefactor Cause: not defined Thank you.
  11. Spring has come, finally :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nimrodel


      Miss you lania :c

    3. Ungod


      I heard it won't be nice the whole month and some :(

    4. Lania


      Ehe...I miss you too, sweethearts. Hope I'll have more time in the future.

  12. yes, amount of replies in this topic already showed the main problem. It can be closed then...till A25 is on and running :)
  13. In light of last events, and a topic "Fate of Necrovion", it seems that historical events entered MD again. Events outcome of which is still very unclear, but which can change face of MD forever. I was wondering if you also think that the new AL chapter should start now and if somebody would be ready to work on it. PS> This is only an idea that occured to my mind. I have no agreements with anyone about it.
  14. Babies break things because they do not know how to create or use them properly. And so do immature adults.

  15. March 5 to April 5, 2016.
  16. Greetings MD-ers. This quest is meant only for questmakers. Rules are simple. Design a quest, send your quest idea to me (via forum or ingame) in a time period between 5.03 and 5.04. 2016. Get your reward! The best quest idea will be rewarded with a Wishpoint for a questmaker. Top 3 ideas will receive 1 gc for questmakers and a sponsorship for the quest from TK. Some rules: -You do not need to send ALL data of your quest. Send the idea and explanation, in a way to make judges like it and want to see it embodied. -Give an outline of the type of the quest, and approximate difficulty, rewards you think your quest deserves and why it deserves them. -Try to be as short as precise as creative as possible. -You will have to conduct your quest after the end of this event and announcing winners, but the actual results of your quest will not have an effect on results of this quest. -Quests which have already been made public cannot (unfortunately) participate in this quest. Good luck! Looking forward to see many awesome ideas!
  17. First. There always has to be a start somewhere. And the start is where it is now. There are people who donated things recently (far later than last slave auction) but they are not here, because I did not come to the idea back then, but now. We will all have accept that. I have not been in TK from the start so I do not know who donated what and when. Enlist half people and forget about other half is absolutely bad taste. Second. Donations enlisted here will be those made out of free will, not the tax donations, like in case of slave auction. People who donate more than the tax says will probably be mentioned here as well.
  18. As many of you know Treasure Keepers are an alliance with a mission to help those of you who like making quests but are short on rewards for them. We have been reviewing dosens of quests sponsoring rewards questmakers wished to have or rewards we found appropriate. We used ressources of MD treasury for this purpose. Every once in a while people were willing to donate to MD treasury and gave us coins, creatures, spellstones and other items for the good cause, for them to be used as quest rewards. All those players received our gratitude. But today I am starting this topic where I (and other TKs) will make a list of TK donations and people who is making them. If some of you will wish to not reveal their name, they will be documented as anonymous benefactor. Why to do this? Many reasons. 1) I think realm must know its heroes 2) For transparency 3) As a reminder that people are more often capable of generous deeds then we think they are. 4) Who knows what else ;) and so it starts. 1) Donation 3 sc Received from: blackshade rider, Cause: 1/3 share of his heat solidifier rental fee
  19. take me to jail!
  20. JadenDew
  21. I do not recall TK receiveing any funds for rental. Good to know.
  22. long live bureaucracy... you can do it if you feel necessary. So far, (I am speaking about TK rewards), the only thing I ask for is that a questmaker reminds me to deliver rewards after the quest is over. In my oppinion in worked quite well. At least nobody complained that rewards delivery took too long. Honestly, I think the only person this list would be helpful to is Mur, because he is sponsoring a lot and tends to forget sometimes. I think it is very odd if individual questmakers forget about the rewards they promised, because I do not think we have people who are running that many quests. Those rare occasions could be solved by poking a questmaker, unless he went inactive. But if he did this list also won't help to solve the issue.
  23. great! I will contact you for sure. 15 participants and around 170 tickets sold. I think next year we try to make a clickie for selling tickets, then it wont be dependant on my online times. good to know... I gave it some thought beforehands of course, but you never know how it will go in the end. All winners were chosen randomly :) There was only one second winner. I would like to remind all participants to check their tickets (if they didnt do it so far) and claim their prizes. I have some more left to distribute.
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