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Eara Meraia

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  1. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to Rophs in Happy Birthday   
    HBD to half of loreroot :P
  2. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from lashtal in Golden Chains 2014   
    Highly honored masters and slaves-to-be,
    With much joy and pleasure, we wish to announce The Golden Chains Auction 2014. Yes, we are back and as before we promise you the best in quality leashes and guarantee a fair trade. Have you felt the need of a strong hand to guide you? Or perhaps you miss a faithful servant. Infuse some adventure into the everyday routine; use this unique chance to try yourself in the role of slave or master.
    This year’s conditions are the following:
    Only those who register themselves in this thread before the deadline, can become slaves. All slaves will be “sold” to the highest bidder on the day of the auction. A minimum of 25% (rounded down) of the final price goes as a tax payment to TK, the rest goes to the slave. The minimum duration of your slavery is 1 week. The maximum is 3 months. (Of course you may remain in your master’s service longer if you wish) Important: Leashes will expire/disappear after x4 the duration of your slavery. (with 3 months of being a slave, your leash will expire after 1 year. This is also the maximum leash duration) All masters need to pay the slave and TK before they will get the leash. You cannot bid on your own leash. No creatures, items, resources will be accepted as a payment – only gold and silver coins. Alts are allowed as participants but it is not allowed to bid on your own alts.  
    All those who volunteer to become slaves, please register in THIS thread, clearly stating the following:
    The Name of your character in game. Your ID. Duration of enslavement (1 week to 3 months) Reason for you being a good slave Limitations or special wishes (optional) Percentage you want to donate to TK. (min. 25%) Standard minimum bid is 5 silver. If you want to raise the starting price for your character, specify the minimum bid. If you cannot attend the main event, please note that you want to be sold on the second phase of the auction.  
    Registration period starts NOW and lasts UNTIL June 22, 23:59 ST.
    The auction itself will be Sunday June 29, and starts at 18.00 st.
    Second phase (for those who cannot attend the main event) takes place on July 3, 20:00 ST.
    The host and auctioneer of this year’s auction is King Azull. The Event will take place in Necrovion, at the Howling Gates. Travelling possibilities will be kindly provided.
    If you have any remarks on slavery as a social phenomenon in general, please, make your own thread and don’t write your comments here.
    If you have any further questions – feel free to write me a forum PM.
    Let the show begin!
    Short explanation for those who is unaware of the leash auction basics: if you volunteer to become a slave, a personal item (a leash) will be made. With this item another player (your Master) can summon you from any place (except of those with No Jump tag). This way your Master can control your freedom but he can also lead you into places, you may never see otherwise. Your master will pay a certain price to be able to use your leash and you are suppossed to run on errands and fulfil his wishes as a good and humble slave. After the expiration of your enslavement period you can claim your leash from your master and use it as you like (give to whoever you want) until the leash disappears. 
  3. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to Chewett in Golden Chains 2014   
    The items have been created and are in Eara's hands
  4. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Happy Birthday   
    Darigan> Last Active 04 Aug 2013 01:00 AM Firsanthalas> Last Active 10 Jan 2012 02:20 PM  
    doesn't look like...hope they hear you and come back :)
  5. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to Chewett in The Truth   
    People need to get involved in MD otherwise bad things can happen.

    The change announced a couple hours ago, shows that we do have some people who care about combat and how to raise your stats. But it also shows that a number of big MD players have differing views on how to balance things.

    Tokens were suggested to be changed in this way, It was actually agreed on, and suggested to be implemented.

    However, as the MD community pointed out, and it was realised during the discussion, there were a number of issues which meant implementing this would be problematic. The small group that responded to Murs ask for help did not resolve these issues.

    Everyone here will be contacted privately to discuss what they can help for MD, since they have shown that they care for MD at some level to get a discussion going. I thank each and every one of you that participated in the thread so far, and who will continue to participate.

    Tomorrow, 24 hours after I changed it, it will be changed back to what it originally was.

    Hopefully the community will see that, without involvement, MD will not continue to be MD.

    I apologise for this "Mur Style" game, but sometimes MD needs a little shaking to get people to do things. Asking for help doesnt always get players to actually help out and discuss issues.

    I love you all, I now have faith that MD shall continue because its community does care.

    Note: This post was made in a secret forum, and will not be edited. I will move it out tomorrow evening and post below this.
  6. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from lashtal in Ann. 3046 - [2014-06-20 21:14:19 - Stage 12]   
    Decresing current stats gain for all players makes no sense at all since the situation just stays as it is now, but less people even try to reach those values old grinders have, I will give you the example: many people consider me a grinder. And yes, I like fighting. I also got some highly tokened creatures. My best creature with over 10000 wins (with many tokens) now gets an attack gain of 2000. What would that be without tokens? (if somebody has such creature can tell the exact value, but let us say 1500). Do the math and calculate how many wins you need to get 500k attack. Still want to fight? Really?
    As Rhaegar said - leave the token bonus as it was and raise the current stat gain by saccing non tokened creatures. This will hopefully make players who don't want (cannot) pay fight again and everyone will profit. Descrease all stat gains through tokens and you will demotivate those who got tokened creatures and change absolutelly nothing for those who don't have them.
    I also  think the system that would help to decrease the gap would be "Those who have more stats get less bonus" (not sure if it is technically possible to do though).
  7. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to gonzalocsdf95 in are saying?   
    :cool:  :cool:
  8. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to Clock Master in Ann. 3046 - [2014-06-20 21:14:19 - Stage 12]   
    You failed to mention that beside money these players also invested a lot of time in gaining those stats. I have personally seen how much each of Eon, Alyon and darkraptor worked for their stats. It is not their fault that the rest of us were "lazy" to get where they are now. Gaining millions of attack and defense is the last problem that needed to be fixed because if you understand anything about combat you will know that all that can be countered.
    Can you point me to this discussion that was held? It is hard to believe that the best thing you guys could come up with was nerfing down the token bonus
  9. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to everyone in Ann. 3046 - [2014-06-20 21:14:19 - Stage 12]   
    I don't mind the fact that the reward was lowered, just how much it was decreased. 75% seems like a lot to me, considering the current gap between those trying to even get close to players like darkraptor, Eon and Lightsage, whose stats range into the millions. It will be near impossible to catch up to the current "top dogs" (maybe not Eon or Lightsage, who aren't really that active now) but darkraptor is certainly not going to be easy to catch up to. There are also others whose stats are significantly high, and would be at an advantage due to this change.
    In my plan to gain as much stats as I can and get close to them, tokens were only half the plan. The other half of the plan was to use the permanent boosts in the shop. Which with the shop resets I have would yield far more than the tokens themselves would have in the long run.
    What do you think is going to happen when another shop reset is given out? Those that had the benefit of gaining massive stats are going to further increase the already large gap between them and other players.
    Don't get me wrong, I'm all for tweaking the system so that there is a better balance between paying & non-paying players. But I think the MD shop, more so the permanent boosters should be evaluated. Not just the tokens aspect. I think the way the shop is accessed (what sections are reset and which ones aren't instead of the whole shop,would also be something to look at it)
    Anyways, I'm tired and I'm going to edit this post or make another one tomorrow, after I have gotten a chance to sleep in and better organize my thoughts :D
  10. Downvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Ann. 3046 - [2014-06-20 21:14:19 - Stage 12]   
    well for me this is very demotivating announcement. Stats are hard to get and tokened creatures are hard to get as well!! As soon as you get some you get motivated to train them as good as you can, since you see it as a way to get at least a bit closer to those who have got thousands and millions of stats before (saccing angiens for example). And what now? Now this cluft is bigger and basically there is no other way to keep up with those who is strong already. Also tokens are less attractive to buy now. I don't see how this decision will motivate people to fight more and therefore I see it as harming for MD.
    If you want to take decisions like this, you need to set all stats of older players to zero and make them start all over, then it would be fair. But again...far away from fair, I don't think there can be any 100% fair solutions in this case but there can be at least motivating ones. I agree with Rhaegars suggesstion.
  11. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from Menhir in Ann. 3046 - [2014-06-20 21:14:19 - Stage 12]   
    well for me this is very demotivating announcement. Stats are hard to get and tokened creatures are hard to get as well!! As soon as you get some you get motivated to train them as good as you can, since you see it as a way to get at least a bit closer to those who have got thousands and millions of stats before (saccing angiens for example). And what now? Now this cluft is bigger and basically there is no other way to keep up with those who is strong already. Also tokens are less attractive to buy now. I don't see how this decision will motivate people to fight more and therefore I see it as harming for MD.
    If you want to take decisions like this, you need to set all stats of older players to zero and make them start all over, then it would be fair. But again...far away from fair, I don't think there can be any 100% fair solutions in this case but there can be at least motivating ones. I agree with Rhaegars suggesstion.
  12. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from Ary Endleg in Ann. 3046 - [2014-06-20 21:14:19 - Stage 12]   
    well for me this is very demotivating announcement. Stats are hard to get and tokened creatures are hard to get as well!! As soon as you get some you get motivated to train them as good as you can, since you see it as a way to get at least a bit closer to those who have got thousands and millions of stats before (saccing angiens for example). And what now? Now this cluft is bigger and basically there is no other way to keep up with those who is strong already. Also tokens are less attractive to buy now. I don't see how this decision will motivate people to fight more and therefore I see it as harming for MD.
    If you want to take decisions like this, you need to set all stats of older players to zero and make them start all over, then it would be fair. But again...far away from fair, I don't think there can be any 100% fair solutions in this case but there can be at least motivating ones. I agree with Rhaegars suggesstion.
  13. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Drawing contest: Santa V   
    Since the last Santa drawing has been released we are looking for a new one! Previous years awesome Santas have been provided by duxie and dragonrider (you can see some of drawings HERE). Now it’s your chance to be the author for the next Santa.
    What to do?
    Draw the Santa (preferably full body, nothing cut off :P) Load the image to one of image hosting sites (imgur.com) IMPORTANT: Send the link with image as a PM on my forum account! (with the title: Santa V) Don’t make it public! All images must be kept secret until the winner is decided. Both: nice idea, MD-spirit and high-quality drawing will be considered in the process of judging. Naturally all images you send to the contest must be authentic. Each of them will be carefully checked.  
    This contest has NO official deadline. But hurry up, since it will end as soon as the winner is chosen!
    Rewards will be sufficient!
    So don’t lose time! Start drawing Santa V now!
  14. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from Nava in CoE Manifesto - public   
    @Granos> there are many (of not most of) other exisiting alliances that have no real purpose or specifically coded function (like Fusioneers heat fusioning fuction or TK with their treasury function). But still those alliances are there, some of them lacking members, not even mentioning RP. I don't understand why this cannot get a chance then.
  15. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from Aeoshattr in CoE Manifesto - public   
    @Granos> there are many (of not most of) other exisiting alliances that have no real purpose or specifically coded function (like Fusioneers heat fusioning fuction or TK with their treasury function). But still those alliances are there, some of them lacking members, not even mentioning RP. I don't understand why this cannot get a chance then.
  16. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to Chewett in Who's watching the world cup?   
    Perhaps I should instate this into MD? :P

  17. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from Sir Blut in Who's watching the world cup?   
    my seminars in the university get cancelled because of World Cup games taking place at that time! World is going crazy!
  18. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from gonzalocsdf95 in Who's watching the world cup?   
    my seminars in the university get cancelled because of World Cup games taking place at that time! World is going crazy!
  19. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from Ungod in Who's watching the world cup?   
    my seminars in the university get cancelled because of World Cup games taking place at that time! World is going crazy!
  20. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to gonzalocsdf95 in are saying?   
    I had long without showing something else (printer problems), but has now been fixed and will be showing some more drawings  :D
  21. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to Syrian in Training   
    theres nothing saying they arnt allowed, at least to my knowledge, and i would never discourage people if they wanted to train a certain way, its all up to them to do whatever they like, but people have to understand that certain things are going to tick people the wrong way, intentionally or not. people dont take kindly to the idea of rules. you (aeo) have every right to set up a training area if you wish to,  i just suggested an alternative that worked for me, organised training in a non authoritative way, something like this is much less likely to receive public backlash. my post wasnt intended to be demeaning, nor anything i said.
    on the topic of Nimmy and her disregard for the rules, they are player rules, set by players for players, they are not realm rules that should not be broken, they are in a different context entirely and it is up to her if she wishes to break those or not, there is no rule saying that she must follow rules set by other players, LHO or not. Her role as LHO is not relevant to the situation, judge her based on her actions to you on a personal level (which i am neither agreeing nor disagreeing with).
  22. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to Ary Endleg in Mur(phy)'s law of MD   
    Strange that such topic haven't been opened so far. Here it goes.
    The shortest way always requires more AP.
    Teamwork is essential, it gives you somebody to put a blame on.
    Player traces lead both ways, you will usually go the wrong way, into the viscosity.
    Locate spell doesn't work on person you need to find.
    The thing you need can't be obtained, when you don't need it's easily obtainable.
    No matter which way you are heading it's always into the viscosity.
    When you're feeling social, everybody is idle.
    For every atempt to do something there is an equal and opposite forum criticism.
    If enough data is collected Dst can prove anything.
    The tough part of being a leader is that people don't know what they want but they know what they don't want.
    Stealing information is called research.
    The perfect person for any job, usually public one, will show up day after possition was filled by somebody else.
    Every chat conversation, PM, anno and forum post which can be misunderstood, will be.
    The only people you can win against in combat are always in sanctuary.
    There is always a way to accomplish anything, it usually doesn't work.
    Success happens when outcome is unimportant, failure always occurs in life and death situations.
    Viscosity is not neutral.
    Shared items that are supposed to work together can't be carried that way.
    If you need council urgently, take a nap for a week or so. If matter is barely of any significane reply will come in 5 minutes.
    When you need help from LHO, your question will be assigned to an idle one.
    If you go to grab a shared item, somebody took it before you.
    Accurate regen timer, isn't.
    Friendly poke, isn't.
    Shared items, aren't.
    Lock spells, don't.
    Only players that give positive honor can't be attacked.
    When you feel like fighting, it's DOT.
    If you need to gather some resources and if you somehow got the tool to do it, they are already deplated.
    The good tokens won't work because you have picked one wrong principle.
    In MD something will always get bugged out of the blue. Usually when you least expect it and can't afford it.
    Exotic creature you always wanted is put on sale only after you have spend your coins on stuff you didn't wanted in first place.
    If you are winning in auction, somebody will outbid you by 1 silver in last moment or you will be 1 silver short to outbid the other person.
    If you mail council with super important and long mail, due to technical reasons mail won't ever reach them and your copy will be lost.
    The only time Dst is watching is when you do something bad and never when somebody does something bad to you.
    Effort and time needed to do and fix things are always inversly proportional to effort and time Chew can invest.
    MD will always critcally break when Mur and Chew aren't there to fix it.
    Game notifications always glitch into an endless loop of annoyance.
    Land weapons, aren't.
    You are always 1 AP short for moving to next scene.
    Free stuff, aren't.
    When it's about free credits you are always 1 cent short from buying the thing you really want in shop.
    If you are doing very well in a WP quest, somebody else is doing even better.
    If you think you're about to win the quest, you're mistaken.
    If other player has only one freeze it will always freeze your drach, your antifreezes will fail no matter what.
    If you have max number of freezes you will freeze everything except the creature that matters.
    Basically you are always short of something by 1, be it resource or stats.
    If you are selling it's always underpriced, if you are buying it's always overpriced.
    If you can misclick, you will.
    The first place you go to harvest resources is always deplated.
    Lifesteal is a contradiction, ele and daimon always die, drach always remains standing. Same goes with aimed hit.
    Each time you pray heat to your protector erolin device ends in 499 (or 249 for MP4s).
    About to cast a spell? Your heat is at 299.
    Each time you use your maxed combo ritual you are just asking for a disaster to happen.
    Need one more win to upgrade your creature? There is nobody you can win against and nobody wants to cooperate to help you. There is nobody left to fight. DOT is about to start.
    Finally you have everything ready to upgrade your creature? Just before you click upgrade your def will go random, that creature will be placed in random ritual and lose 1 mil heat.
    Spells wear off when you least expect them.
    If you cast a spell, eight minute spells last seven, if others cast them on you, they last nine.
    There is at least one achievement you won't ever be able to get.
    When you finally find training or RP partner, the next day that person goes inactive.
    Tea always gets cold right before you need it.
    Candies always melt right before you're to use them.
    All your issues will be resolved right when they no longer carry any importance.
    You will always burst right before your regen timer resets.
    People that you need regarding something are always in locations unreachable for you.
    When sacrificing useless creatures you will most likely misclick and say farwell to your windy or tainty.
    Target multiple never hits creatures that you want it to hit and always hit creats you prayed won't be hit, at least not that often or at least not in round 0.
    When you get some kind of reward, it's always what you don't need or not enough of what you do.
    You will always mess it up in last part of quest.
    There are the best kind of creatures for any fight, you won't ever have them.
    Irreproducable bugs will always happen to you and never to somebody else.
    When concerning kill and ressurct items, other person always has one more than you can handle.
    New player, isn't.
    You're not invincible, grinders and Dst take note.
    You've been logging in every day for past 4 years since you started playing and you're about to appear on active vets list? Tough luck because some fossil just came back out of blue. If your name is Amber, then 5 fossils.
    If Everyone is blaming you then there is No one to blame.
    edit 2:
    If somebody has access to MB buckets, he will inevitably take MDA ones. You guessed it 1 minute before you arrive all will be gone. Not that it matters because water is by some magic already depleted for whole week.
    Guess where you won't find skull.
    Every attempt to implement new game feature will result in it being stopped and delayed indefinitely or it will just fail to work.
  23. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to Granos in Happy Birthday, Voidy   
    Thanks for all the Birthday wishes and reminding me that I'm not getting any younger XD
  24. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Happy Bday Azull   
    happy birthday, dear King! Enjoy every minute
  25. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to Sunfire in Public Trade Logs   
    it "should" work now
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