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Eara Meraia

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  1. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to Valldore Nal in Public Council   
    Valldore Nal
    I will do my best to be fair and promote ideas for the good of the community, can be patient with people, listen to what others have to say and take decisions combing others opinion with my own logic. I can also keep my mouth shut for things that need not to be said.
  2. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to DarkRaptor in darkraptor's garden   
    Date: 2013-08-10
    and.. a month or so ago i tried to plant Stevia.. Guess what..  the Stevia liked my garden :D
  3. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from Ackshan Bemunah in The absence   
    ˈnæʊ ˈwiː ˈɔl ˈtʃek ɑr ˈfiːlɪŋz əˈbæʊt ˈgoʊld ˈkɔɪnz  :)) 
  4. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to Burns in Resource Balancing   
    I think all shared tools should work in the same way. Currently, buckets and saws need mb/lr loyalty to be grabbed and used, necro and gg tools need loyalty to be grabbed, but can be used by anybody, and herb baskets and tea sets can be grabbed and used by anybody.
    I think it would promote tool trade and cooperation if all tools were set to be grabbed with a value of land loyalty, and used by anybody. On the other hand, if all tools are set to be used with their land's loyalty, it would promote the trade of resources. Both concepts have their pros and cons, i guess it's a matter of taste which one you like more.
    I'm against the scattered system, though, where some lands have a monopoly for the use of some tools, and others not. I think that it'd be a sensible system to trade a bucket for a saw for a week, for example, and both parties can see how well they can use their time. Currently, the bucket guys are running around to get water week after week, and the saw guys run for wood week after week, and everybody gets bored on their routines.
  5. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from Ary Endleg in rainwater and bushies   
    The question is simple: I wonder why cannot we use collected rainwater to make bushies grow? Isnt it the best and most natural use for this resource?
  6. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from Menhir in rainwater and bushies   
    can we discuss monopoly on ressources in another topic? this one was made to draw attention of the community to the question of rainwater and its use. I agree with nad that bushies may need a more rainwater than normal water (even if logically that is a bit weird), but its important to leave some priviledges to water dowsers, otherwise the guild loses its main purpose.
  7. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from Menhir in rainwater and bushies   
    The question still is not answered. I think its LOGICAL that you grow bushies with rainwater. Otherwise there are other questions to be answered:
    - is the rainwater toxic so its not good for growing plants? (if yes..poor MD when it is raining)
    - what can I use the rainwater for?
    If somebody can give me an answer that makes sense - I dont even mind MB monopoly, because many lands have "monopoly" on different things like bones or memory-stones detectors. But as it is now, it is just strange.
  8. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from John Constantine in rainwater and bushies   
    The question is simple: I wonder why cannot we use collected rainwater to make bushies grow? Isnt it the best and most natural use for this resource?
  9. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from Pothos in rainwater and bushies   
    The question is simple: I wonder why cannot we use collected rainwater to make bushies grow? Isnt it the best and most natural use for this resource?
  10. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from Aelis in rainwater and bushies   
    The question is simple: I wonder why cannot we use collected rainwater to make bushies grow? Isnt it the best and most natural use for this resource?
  11. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from lashtal in rainwater and bushies   
    The question is simple: I wonder why cannot we use collected rainwater to make bushies grow? Isnt it the best and most natural use for this resource?
  12. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from gonzalocsdf95 in rainwater and bushies   
    The question is simple: I wonder why cannot we use collected rainwater to make bushies grow? Isnt it the best and most natural use for this resource?
  13. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from Phantom Orchid in rainwater and bushies   
    The question is simple: I wonder why cannot we use collected rainwater to make bushies grow? Isnt it the best and most natural use for this resource?
  14. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from Rophs in rainwater and bushies   
    The question is simple: I wonder why cannot we use collected rainwater to make bushies grow? Isnt it the best and most natural use for this resource?
  15. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from Azull in rainwater and bushies   
    The question is simple: I wonder why cannot we use collected rainwater to make bushies grow? Isnt it the best and most natural use for this resource?
  16. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from Menhir in rainwater and bushies   
    The question is simple: I wonder why cannot we use collected rainwater to make bushies grow? Isnt it the best and most natural use for this resource?
  17. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from Sunfire in rainwater and bushies   
    The question is simple: I wonder why cannot we use collected rainwater to make bushies grow? Isnt it the best and most natural use for this resource?
  18. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from Change in rainwater and bushies   
    The question is simple: I wonder why cannot we use collected rainwater to make bushies grow? Isnt it the best and most natural use for this resource?
  19. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from Hedge Munos in rainwater and bushies   
    The question is simple: I wonder why cannot we use collected rainwater to make bushies grow? Isnt it the best and most natural use for this resource?
  20. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from Dragual in rainwater and bushies   
    The question is simple: I wonder why cannot we use collected rainwater to make bushies grow? Isnt it the best and most natural use for this resource?
  21. Downvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from dst in Happy Birthday Phantom Orchid!   
    many blessings to you
  22. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to Chewett in User Registrations Disabled   
    User Registrations have been disabled for today while i configure the system so the spammers cant do anything.
  23. Upvote
    Eara Meraia reacted to Jester in Quest: Dom-Second Encounter   
    High Jesticar, the Most High, Exalted, Lord Supreme General, Emperor, His Holiness Sir Jester McJesty Jestington the 4th, Esquire, of JesTown, Jestervania, Jestered States of Jesteria, PO Box 69696
    Locate Stone, 3 casts
    The One and Only, Cutely Cuddle-able, Awesomely Adorable, Bear Cub (adopted) and First Jestermas Elf, Syrian of Underneath your Bed and Inside your Closet, Boogeyville, United States of Slightly More Cuteness than Creepiness
    Memory Stone
  24. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Happy Birthday Eagle   
    happy birthday and all the best!
  25. Upvote
    Eara Meraia got a reaction from Nimrodel in Quest: Black Box   


    main role: Eara Meraia
    star guest: Whispers
    executive producer and screenwriter: Eara Meraia
    Camera (what a surprise): Eara Meraia
    special thanks to the Chief Production Sound Mixer - lashtal
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