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Everything posted by biermann

  1. I'm still trying to find some time to scribble something together as well! once I get these commisions out of the way I'm sure I'll magae to get something done before 30th november!
  2. i'll go first then 1.
  3. You took the time and effort, and perhaps the guts to post it here. Therefor you are by far more awesome then any of the Laughers above whom posted nothing
  4. it's not that big a chance. MD has a very strict policy about avatars being original works and only featured here. It's also why only the artist may upload the avatar. And not only do they have a policy, they also enforce it. Several folks have already been banned from uploading avatars that where plain stolen and/or eyeballed copies. For my first few submissions I was asked to send a high res scan. So keep your paper versions filed away as proof that you drew it and you should be safe from any nefarious type stealing the art.
  5. I made it myself Basically, it is the outline of a skull, tactically filled with the pile of fractal resources I have generated over the years. And yes, I can prove it as well. (heck there's a ton of similar fractal works on [url="http://vagabondvagrant.deviant.art.com"]http://vagabondvagrant.deviant.art.com[/url] ) Fractals, to explain a bit more, are basically the use of maths to generate lines. Like saying 'draw x pixels left, then 2 * x up' and repeat. The only difference with this example is that instead of 2 * the maths consist of sinus function, pi and god knows what all. Below (more to show how it is done then to have a burning desire to proof I'm not some copycat) is a breakdown of the key components in the skull, as you can see they are quite intricate little works all on their own even. SO next to an lsd trippin' skull, you now also have a lsd suitable jigsaw! [img]http://markbiermann.nl/md/skul-breakdownl.png[/img]
  6. I've never participated in any HC, but as far as I've gathered the first stage consists of running around, gather heads. Then hide in the most remote corner you can find and stay awake. Based on this assumption, I find myself not really inclined to participate in a social multiplayer world, so that I can spend most of my time as far away from other people as I can manage. Apparently (so I was told) this hc, the head count for mp4's has been reached. I have not even seen this person. No clue whom. Someone tucked away in their hiding spot, probably not to be seen again till the mp5's hit the mark. I can see the conversation with some friend already. Person 1: 'yeah mate, I am playing this artsy online multiplayer game!' Person 2: 'Oh cool, what are you doing there right now?' Person 1: 'I am trying to stay as far away from every other person in the world, haven't moved for 4 days now!' Person 2: '....' So again, with no real knowledge about how things work, I would suggest something to reward those that are not in hiding. Something like heads degrading over time. Every xxxx seconds your heads amount lessens. The amount by which depends on your location. The higher the visc, the more heads will disappear per time unit. And seeing that due to the idea of the first phase being time-based, it won't really matter if this means that the winner might only have 200 heads due to heads changing owners more rapidly, as they are pushed to the more crowded locations. That said, this also means that any hc will favor those whom can spend 20h a day semi awake even more. And it will probably be a pain in the ass to find the right heads/time degradation number. And again, I am a complete noob whom just enjoys drawing. And writing. I also enjoy bunnies, but this is unrelated to this discussion. Half pondering closing this window before pressing post, to not run the risk of sounding like a bit of a fool. but well, living life on the edge. Here we go.
  7. Ok, here's my artsy akward skull It's a skull, yes, well, with some imagination you can see a skull shape innit, ok, believe me...wait, perhaps take this lsd pill. See, now you can see it is a skull right/! [sharedmedia=gallery:images:1937]
  8. Well, it is probably linked to the entire reputation deal. The more forum activity and such, the more rep you get and the more functions unlock. You, for example, probably can't post pictures into someone elses thread and stuff like that, or make your own gallery album. You can try asking Chewett to boost your rep. Or just upload the image into the gallery and then using the 'My Media' function in the bar above the text field to insert the image.
  9. I think due to the limitations of the forum storage space, there's been a cut on the pm-ing images. You could use the gallery function.
  10. I should do that sometime yes, updating the kmain post. But well for now, 2 more doodles that got finished somehow. I'm so behind with all the art stuff. Silly games, silly boss, that sort of thing. [sharedmedia=gallery:images:1934] [sharedmedia=gallery:images:1933]
  11. Still working on it, must ...try....to ....not...write..much....more
  12. Looks awesome! a clear reminder ewhy I never bothered to make my work out of artisty things Still, it looks awesome. Just one little comment, it might be too good. As in, awesome detail like on that book, well, that might be completely gone when you resize the thing to the tiny 160*100px for md. (I draw some avies myself, lacking this amount of skill as I pretty much never drew before arriving here, but the biggest hurrdle is dealing with the size conversion)
  13. Oh very nice and also, damn you, now the queen song 'flash' is playing in my mind with the change of 'Splash! tadaaaaaaaa, saviour of the universe! SPLASH! Tada...."
  14. Aye, I had a similar issue when moving to mp4, using a jump to gazebo during the festival of remembrance. BFH was so nice to put me in a box and place me back where I left off.
  15. Be well then, you've been a great help in the short time I've known you!
  16. I don't hold grudges, mild concussion, memory leaks out too fast to hold grudges. Like I should have remembered to rbing my doodle back home to scan so I could send it out today. Which I forgot. (And in all fairness, you're probably better of not picking my idea due to the estimated time needed to complete)
  17. perhaps I shall conjure up a quick draft. But most likely it will not be as desired hehe. I'm not quite suited for copying a design in a minimal fashion. Must ... pour....in ...own...creativity. It's not even really about the copyright. It's about dreading to hear 'oh you drew the depeche mode album cover, neat, it almost looks alike!'. Ah well, I shall try something quick, but with more then just boobs removed
  18. Is there a tight time frame for this? Cause I sort of am behind my commision queque due to playing with panda's and warring on guilds a bit too much. Oh yeah, and getting a slight concussion, doesn't help a lot either.
  19. because it is proof that this is done on papers during work. Bad paper, random doodles, the top corner (maybe i should make this a contest) contains! the lower left tentacle of he previous post. And that's pretty much the difference between my doodles and ideas. My doodles are done on some paper, unsuited for the purpose, but something i just draw during lunchbreaks and such. often I need to do quite some work to hide the pieces of text on the shine through of the paper. My ideas are done on proper paper, not during work hours but in a few hours of sacrificed self time.
  20. another work doodle in progress (yeah I had to copy a huge database a few times today, so I had some spare time ) [sharedmedia=gallery:images:1932]
  21. another work time lunch break thing, still needs some work though [sharedmedia=gallery:images:1931]
  22. Aye it is...and sadly so far it still remains a work in progress, must make time to finish it ....must...
  23. -- Because I enjoy using 20+ sentences for what could be summarized in 1: Dante settles against a tree, his back leaning in the long dead wood, the oppressive heat in these sun-scorched plains too much for this previously majestic plant. Alive and breathing, leaning against death. But at least this death has a solid form, unlike the ghost of Peace on whom he leans for guidance. It is not a coincidence though, for he comes here every evening with that thought in his mind. Returning here to settle in the long shade cast by the tree. That same shade he once bound to the earth, encircling it with ash to create a doorway through the earth; into the shade. Slipping the glove of his hand, he stares at his palm, the faint remnants of a wound still visible. The memories of it are even more vividly; the blade drawn along his palm, his blood dripping onto the earth, onto the shade. Calling out and binding himself to the Queen of the Shades. Again he draws that knife, this time only pricking his finger and letting a single drop of blood fall upon the ground. The link between him and Peace has been established and solidified in his initial ritual. His message this time not needing the strength like his vow of servitude did. A single drop should be enough to let his whispers reach her. That single drop seeps into the earth, flaring up slightly as he summons forth his blood magic, pressing his hand onto the drop. “Soul to blood, blood to earth, earth to shadows, let these words be witnessed and passed onto the Lady of the shadows”, he whispers in a barely audible tone. A soft hum rises from the earth, the gateway he created before activating, drawing power from his blood. “You said death is a lesson to you. The lesson has taken long enough. Please return to us M’Lady. Return with new perspectives, with new strength. Return and let Molquert have the peace you desired for him”, the words spoken softly and with fondness, each slipping into the netherworld of shades towards his Protector, blanketing her with his devoted words.
  24. Another little work doodle [sharedmedia=gallery:images:1930]
  25. So, time for a break and see if I can make something for myself now! or well, time to make lots of works in progress and then shade them one by one and then pick one for myself. Anyways, first two drafts [sharedmedia=gallery:images:1929] [sharedmedia=gallery:images:1928]
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