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Everything posted by biermann

  1. Still not dead! Just stupendously busy. And I had to draw a cow..and mur poledancing. The latter was disturbing. A darker and a lighter version
  2. Yes, but the a href version is just what the editor used :) I started with id tags, didn't help much. Md ca't fix wrong user code, but fixing wrong chrome workings is nearly impossible too Read some stuff about using absolute positioning and such to fix it. Maybe I will poke around with that. Doesn't matter though. Wrote a jquery div hide, was quicker :)
  3. Yes, it is annoying. And seeing it is purely a chrome bug, probably tricky to circumvent. Maybe I will muck about with it, or maybe I'll take the easy route and just write a javascript show hide thingie for her.
  4. Yes! As you can see in my papers, I know better ways then anchors. But I don't think I can quite explain the javascript way for someone clueless on html in their knowledge document :) Maybe she can use one of the templates being developed (yes yes still working on mine) and happily ignore this till then. (cause yes, it is fairly trivial)
  5. Bug: Weird scrolling behaviour Browser: Chrome Interface: Any of the public papers Description:When using anchors in a document, in this test replication, military beliefs, the anchor scrolls everything. In the example I build a list and filled it with 2 href='#anchorname' links. After several <br/> I added at first a div with an id matching the anchor. Later also tried it with the <a name="anchorname" method the build in link creator seems to favor. In both cases the outcome was the same, clicking on the link does not scroll down the scrollbar of just the papers document, but it scrolls the main browser view as well to ensure the anchor is at the top of your screen. This is shown in the added screenshot below. Also added the sample code I used to replicate the bug. (also, related to my previous bug report, clicking the anchorlink will also remove the red crosses on any further pop ups. Checked to ensure it was not save/edit/ok.) <ul> <li><a title="test 1" href="#test1">test 1</a></li> <li><a title="test 2" href="#test2">test 2</a></li> </ul> <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> <div> <a name="test1" title="test 1"></a>this is the first test </div> <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> <div id="test2" title="Test 2"> this is the second test </div>
  6. I am not from any land, say I would get voted in, it would then mean I would not be allowed to join 3 (3 other members) lands.
  7. would you take 3 silver for the pope?
  8. It was a heck of a lot fun. Just don't peek at the walkthrough for the puzzles!
  9. Or special powers like 'Intimidating Moo', where the cow let's out a loud MOoooOOOoOoOOo which causes the target to be unable to cast a spell, to intimidated to think straight! Or "mesmerizing graze', where the endless grazing and chewing mesmerizes the person, keeping them locked in place!
  10. Will do! You want a cleaned up version I assume? (the drawing here is a rough sketch, I'll need to retrace the lines in a bit more tidy fashion and erase nasty little sketch lines) (and assuming from looking at the likes, I assume cow number 1 is the winner, hatcow!)
  11. deviant art pages do tend to get quite a few views. Adding some of artist's artwork to their deviant pages with an md mark in it to ensure it remains md claimed work, probably also adding a link into the description and maybe even the name to the artwork ('magicduel avatar dante) does seem like a good way to get some art/advertising out there. And as an artist, one who does not mind to admit he likes people checking out his work, this would be lovely for me as well. (I have had moments where I doubted turning stuff into an avatar in favor of spreading it to a bigger audience on deviantart (this also actually never happened but well, thought about it)) One could also make a deviantart account just for md stuff, but I am not too sure if they would allow such a thing (on account of it then purely being a promotional thing)
  12. but managers allow you to easily que up specific build tasks, always found it very useful
  13. working on something, slow but steady, hope to get it done in time
  14. Oh, I can be Dante Lionheart, stonecrafter! Maybe he can do a bit of mining or military duty on the side (not too much military, I don't want poor Dante dying to kobolds too soon! :))
  15. So, I am a fairly new player. And I read the article on massively just now. A lot of it resembles some of my initial feelings. Having a game being hard is not bad. But there's one of those sayings, easy to learn, hard to master. That first step might be a bit lacking. The tutorial in progress should help (volunteering to try and remember my initial game experience for test runs when it comes that far). But there's still a few points that occurred to me. Some thoughts I remember of having. thought 1: There's nothing to do! The tutorial was fun enough in keeping me occupied, but once over .... well, now what. What the heck is there to do? In the end, some person pointed me to the forums. There's player created quest...oh that's nice! These should be found in game. Some welcoming drawn figure that tells you about them. A nice sign post to check out with acceptable quests posted there. Forums tend to serve as background information, they are not the initial source when entering a game you go look for gameplay for. Above someone mentioned Mya's quest. I know I enjoyed Maebius' one. There have been other nice ones, darkraptors cookie quest comes to mind as a simple but clever one. These coded quests that don't need too much human interference (like judging drawings and such), can we maybe seek for a way to keep this alive permanently? Add some automated reward (an ap boost, a creature, maybe some candy), maybe write some season atmosphere out them to make them apply-able all year long. I'm sure I missed many of these quests. It's a shame. Maybe keeping them alive for a long time will also add incentive to make more of them. Maybe the quest vote system can be used to decide every 6 months/year which quests get to be permanently added. Because it seems a waste to let all the effort just go to waste after running for 2 weeks. Also ensure it can be finished at mp3. Or break it in two parts and offer some reward after the first part. Was it Rhaegar's one? I forgot, I enjoyed it...but then you get send to loreroot. That's pretty much thus the end of the quest for most mp3's unless you get special help. And a heat requirement. All fair, but thus a blockade for mp3. And then you check out the fighting, because you advised to go to mp4...which you really shouldn't but eh. but there are some folks who do know what they are doing and attack you. And again. It feels like you're getting clobbered from every side. Pummelled. And while you try to make sense of the fights, all it means is you keep losing, keep running out of ve, keep hiding in some sanctuary. But this could probably be solved by the tutorial. Other solutions would include a better combat tutorial or perhaps some mutual consent to attack. 'X wishes to attack you, do you accept?' in the park or such. And that's sounds a bit like too much enforcing rules..and well, annoying to make. thought 2: Ehm, I am not quite sure how to do x Part of the charm is figuring things out. But the no spoilers policy is also incredibly daunting. Some people will explain a few things, this was part of my salvation that kept me around. Asking for help can already feel like well, defeat. Idle players without answers, stuck. And a fair chance your first 5 questions will be answered with 'this is a spoiler'. So now you feel clueless, ignored and dumb. The next 5 questions you have you will not even bother asking. (I still have this to a certain degree, a fear of asking, above this post someone mentioned cauldrons...never heard of it, never asked, assumed it was spoilers). So perhaps a bit more accommodating to new players. No need to literally guide them step by step but a few more hints here and there (which you might end up hearing anyways, I know I learned stuff from other people). And the less people there are, the less likely you will encounter someone...and thus the less likely new players will stick around. And I know the LHO are there to help with these things, but there's a wee bit of an issue. That button, Live help. I might just be alone in this, I never polled it, but I never press it on any site. Not on my mobile providers website, not on any software site. It feels daunting, like calling a help desk. You only do so when something goes wrong. Often you want to figure things out in game. a helpdesk sort of feels like stepping to the admins. Maybe an approach that is more reaching towards new players then them reaching towards us. Some sort of mentoring. Yes that sounds a bit like adepts...but the one issue I have with that, is that the dual purpose works counter productive. You need more adepts to become mp6...but more adepts means less time for them. I'd be more inclined to have 1 or 2 at best and maybe get a little reward for that as tutor (aside from the satisfaction of watching your pupils grow). Thought 3 So I need to go to this MDA land, cool! Or not cool. I think we all know the problem with the MDA. People send you there for quests, for your papers, fun things. And then you set off from the well travelled and thus low viscos roads for Marind Bell. Not knowing that at the gates you can turn around again and go back disappointed. And when someone spoils you with the concept of pickles, back you go and get through the gate, unknowing that this will take hours with your low AP. Each room ties you down for another 10 or 20 minutes. One wrong turn in the MDA..ha, that's nearly an hour. You're effectively punishing people who want to explore or just get their papers by 'jailing' them for a hour because they took 1 wrong turn. (I haven't been in the mda for a while so maybe it has changed (I don't want to waste my only pickle to get past the gate)). It's the MDA but it feels like Hotel California. So either lower the viscosity or stop sending people to MDA. (and here too, the less people there are, the more viscos remains high, the less folks will stay) Thought 4 Oh..I can draw avatars here?! That was what kept me here. Drawing. It also opened doors for me, drew me into the community. Thus I stayed. So perhaps that too should be displayed more in ads. Player created artwork! And quests! And I missed the whole quest to add something to the scenery, I was busy for 6 months with work, and I am quite sad that I did. You help create the looks, that is among one of the unique features of this game. Warcraft players reach heaven when their name appears in game. here your artwork is in the game! So I would suggest continuing with adding things, perhaps even working on adding some new scene? (I have no clue how hard this is....but at a guess I'm thinking very hard, or a lot of work) Summary: A quest board in game. More player quests kept active. A more lenient spoiler policy More approaching then approachable help Mentors maybe MDA is an issue More outward display of the art Perhaps more inward contribution of art And my final note: This all is written with myself in my mind. Foggy memories of a year ago even. It is also written without trying to lay blame to anyone. But it's long enough as it is without me trying to nuance everything. They are just simply things I noticed and now have written down with me being an interaction designer/software developer.
  16. I think I shall have a go at this as well
  17. Count me in, sounds like a fun write
  18. Happy birthday! Hope it will not get buried under settling in things!
  19. So, I've had in my hands 1 gathering item ever. Which was given to me. So consider me fairly clueless. I do know there's stuff in the MDA. I also really like randomness. But if I am going to 'need' these things for questing...I think I like some warning. Mostly because if the randomness is more then a day, I'm going to have to go live in the mda for a few days to get an item. Because I can't win a race to there, i'll be bogged down for 10 minutes waiting for AP if I get passed the gates. So if I had to choose the fairest method, I'd be inclined to go for a way to prepare opposed to favoring the person whom can move the most rooms in MDA the fastest. Which would be a preannounced random time, it can even be just the day before. (again, I have no clue about making tea, what to do with the junk in my inventory, where candies come from, what colored papers do, why everyone needs water, just speaking from what I know. I can get stuff in the MDA if I could get there. And I can't win an AP race through viscos for sure seeing I am young. If I am utterly wrong on my assumptions, or if all these items aren't really meant for my level/age, then please do ignore this post)
  20. What exactly is the plan? Just a color scheme adaption? or images added or actual layout shifts? The whole 5 day access seems a bit of a pain. So I'd go with one forum photoshop mock up. make an image which shows all the stuff you want. Send it for some feedback to 1 or 2 persons. Adapt. Send. adapt till done. You can't design stuff with too many folks as noone will ever agree. (our compagnies website has by now bounced from design to boss about 193 times). Once there's a final draft of the image file, then we can inventorize as to what images we need, what color hexes and such. And then we have that 5 day limit to try and jam in the new layout. and if the css starts with .calendar_date_select class, yeah it's a bit horrid. But you can probably get away (at least for the initial stage) by simply overwriting the styles by adding them to the end of the file (you have to make sure you are using the proper calls though to ensure they have the same priority) or a bit neater, see if one can include a new css file. So I can help (proficient in css, html, php, photoshop, javascript and so on), but I don't really have the time for a gazillion discussions. So for the sake of speed, make a photoshop mock up first? Edit: Also after a quick trial, right click 'save as' on the forums, save it to your hard disk and open the magicduel forums.htm in your browser. Edit the index.php in MagicDuel Forums_files folder to change stuff around. This should be a reasonable way to try things out EDIT: a quick trial with the downloading of the entire page to circumvent having to freakin' resubscrube for another trial http://www.markbiermann.nl/md/MDF.htm some quick edits done, to proof a point, not to suggest an actual design.
  21. 1 Bloodpact Archer. ID:793966 Age=227 6 silver coins
  22. This player entered story mode. You can not continue this fight. one close, then it breaks edit: another one, open your messages, then open any message, click close to shut it down and it will break too edit edit: after sending a reply, press cancel. Will do the same thing as close and break it. (ps not trying to pressure for a fix, just jotting them down as I run into them)
  23. Good luck in your internet-void, we all have been in that dark place! But we will await your return!
  24. 5sc for the bp 1 gold for the 232 nutcracker
  25. I want to sell 1 angien age 428 any reasonable offer will be fine (bid: 4sc) --SOLD-- this can be closed now
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