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Everything posted by biermann

  1. Never mind, I think it was just my tired mind not getting things straight I still encounter the dissapearing when going through the combat routine however. I attack someone, pres close on the combat. Then attack him again, get the you must wait bit and it will be broken.
  2. when you press the announcement links in the top menu, the screen that then shows up with the announcements
  3. In reponse to the announcement, the announcement seems to be missing it's x still :) (and thank you for the fixing the one i reported, it is a relief)
  4. Unsure if still needed but well, screenshot Indeed a weird css thing, the whole button is in an invisible area. Even weirder, turning off overflow-x and overflow-y (as seen on image 2) on popup inner drags the entire thing down back into the visible area.
  5. Bug report Error: The pop up window when attacking too soon is lacking a cross to close it. Browser: Chrome 28.0.1500.72 m Scenario: When I attack a player before the wait timer is over (*** You recently attacked this player. YOu can attack it again only after 3 minutes and 53 seconds) The pop up window is lacking a cross to close it. Reloading is the only on tech way to get it too close. Additional error information: My console error log gives me this: Uncaught ReferenceError: hidePopWin is not defined Yet using the console to manually call it afterwards (by typing javascript:hidePopWin();) does call the actual function as well as closes the pop up window.
  6. Dante Lionheart (ID:242018; Days:174)
  7. yeah I would have done this if I had a half decent editor on my phone ;)
  8. ok, and cause I was still bored, a slightly more realistic cow version all drafts, all still need clean up work
  9. because I am ever so obedient
  10. i'll throw in a comical cow as well, mostly cause I am still awake and did not have anything better to do :) I have no scanner right now so excuse the crummy quality :)
  11. So I am back. Huzzay. And ofcourse the moment I returned the damned drawing bug hit me again. And seeing i could not quite find where I left my previous unfinished work (ok I have found it by now) I started on a new attempt. No clue if this will ever work as an avatar, but eh, here we go, proof of me being back. (ps not done yet) (pps it's a picture with my phone, scanner still not installed)
  12. So well, over here, december is filled with holidays. We have sinterklaas, whom is basically the origins of Santa (Sinterklaas is Sint Niklaas, aka saint Niclaus) After that, my 2 year old niece has her bday and then ofcourse christmas. I could add new years, but I will be way to hangovered to add a window of that festivity. So well, here's my view into my md enhanced holiday month! [img]http://markbiermann.nl/md/main.jpg[/img]
  13. LastPass is a similar program, it does wonders to maintain a complex amount of passwords.
  14. and this comes down to the main thing: Do NOT EVER give out your password, on md, on anywhere (specially on account o so many people using the same password on multiple places) No programmer ever will build a system where another person needs your password. A good one will even make sure that he himself cannot even see your password. So not even an illegal database entry will easily reveal this. This is done to keep YOUR password safe. So do NOT EVER give out your password
  15. Purely from a character based rp advice, there's a few things that help out to set up. Create a little bio for yourself Name Age Goal(s) Strengths Flaws Then a certain type or characteristic to base the character around: Highly inquisitive, relaxed, aggresive, aloof This helps to build a bit of personality around. Often the next step involves a hook or two, some little twists in the personality like 'very friendly, but when people ask about subject x, prone to turning passive aggresive'. Just a little thing that throws things around a bit, like the plot twist in a story. And when you get that lined out, build a bit of a history story that incorperates these aspects. Hope this helps, it's not a tight guideline but more a bit of a basic character rp setup!
  16. Oh, there's a new hellsing out, neat. Let's see what I watched Naruto Fairy Tail Finished Guilty crown x recently Picked up Magi Sword Art Online I miss Bleach though, I enjoyed that show Still need some time for Code geass, Deathnote, X, got a season 2 of some gundam one laying about, so much to watch, so little time.
  17. *steps for hesitatingly* My name is Dante and I am a new player. Been on the md wagon since July.
  18. Or make it a big ole adventure. I got my papers when someone went and organized a big group trip to the mda lands, asking for the aid of older players to lower the barriers a bit. So you could try and see if others want their papers as well and make it an organized excursion!
  19. bp 5 silver!
  20. and further proof I still at times hold a pencil (though most of the time it is during boring boring work meetings and such (they really think I am an avid note taker, ha)) [sharedmedia=gallery:images:1949] [sharedmedia=gallery:images:1948]
  21. biermann

    Dante's Drawings

    Just some of my drawings, mostly avatars, perhaps in time some digital work for the heck of showing off
  22. Ok, to proof that I am not retired, but merely horrendously busy at work the latest commision stuff [sharedmedia=gallery:images:1945] [sharedmedia=gallery:images:1946] [sharedmedia=gallery:images:1944]
  23. Ok, so for me, Tom Pouce instantly reminds me of a dutch pastry. It's delicious. ANd your face tends to end up covered in whipped cream. It also reminded me of Tom Poes (Tom Cat) whom is a comic book character from my youth. He and a bear, Olivier O Bommel find a little dragon. But then things go bad and the sweet dragon turns into a vicious beast! But fear not, in the end it all ends well. Anyways, from there on I just scribbled, followed instincts. [img]http://www.markbiermann.nl/md/tompouce.jpg[/img]
  24. working on it right now!
  25. It was impossible to hide my identity in the submissions, so I don't think I need to disclose it. But thank you for an awesome quest Lashtal. I'm ever so honored to be chosen as the winner and I very much enjoyed reading through the other submissions!
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